Haiku My Heart is a weekly meme project started by my friend Rebecca of recuerda de corozon blog. To read more Haiku and to contribute, check out the links.
Only the Good Friday is from Shelly over at This Eclectic Life. Please check out both these fantastic blogs. Shelly is taking a break from the Optimistic theme of the Good on Fridays, only for the Summer, but I just couldn't resist feeling good about my offering today.
Today's haiku is an essay of sorts, in pictures and words, that tell of our Summertime fun. No activity soothes the soul like a day, or in our family's case, 'days' at the beach. In fact, we went today, to not one, but two different beaches in Minneapolis. Lake Hiawatha and Lake Harriet. We spent an hour at one, then loaded up, keeping our bathing suits on, sitting on wet towels, and went to another and spent better than another hour there! These beach visits were preceded by the bagel shop, the coffee shop and some freezies from the freezer of Auntie Binky's workplace!
The photos are from another trip, to Lake Sissabagama, (Sis-a-bay'-guh-muh), in Northern Wisconsin. The shots of the kids jumping for joy and screaming at the tops of their lungs is the kind of spirit we love. Their pleasure shows up later as they jump off the dock with reckless abandon and line up by size for the photo op.
This post will also be a part of Only the Good Fridays as well. Happy kids in this world of turmoil is important to me. I am alive because I see them smiling and enjoying themselves. I hope you enjoy the pictures of my Grandkids and that their exuberance is contagious.

Swimming splashing having fun
Going to the lake

Jump in the water
We don’t want to leave this place
Cool and refreshing

Looks like a commercial shot for that wireless phone company
Peace to all
clever and lovely.
full of summer happiness.
thank you for taking us in....to your heart,
the lake,
your joy!
these smiles...
we are seeing the contours of your heart.
Oh yes... great shots... looks like fun.
Don't ya just love the childish free spirit. My Grandson is 22 now, calls me Grams, always has...a good kid that tells me he loves me every time he calls...and those calls are precious to this ol Grams, even as his visits are few, he lives in Iowa City now. Wish they would've had digital cameras when he was little, though I have tons of 35 millimeter of the lil' rascal...nuttin like bein' a Grandparent!
Be well and happy...
'Stands With Sander'
(my native namesake)...ha! Great stories!!! I was working while my hair was drying...multitasking as usual. I had to laugh, a friend with long hair shut it in the sunroof of her car, a ponytail doesn't always work, as I'm, always shutting it in the truck door...maybe I should just slow down a tad...naaaa...!
Thanks for visiting, and thanks for your kind words :O)
How much happier we feel
Thanks to this
Exuberant contagion
Pax vobiscum
Ah, there's nothing quite like the sunshine given through those smiles.
Whoda thunk.....
<-- definitely has a happy heart ty
Wonderful summer fun haikus - and fun pictures. That first one looks like a young Kali!
perfect summer daze...yes, the last photo looks like a verizon commercial!
What wonderful and fun pictures and haikus to go with them! Makes me wish I could take the day off and go swimming with my daughter:-)
Such lively fun! Joyful summertime... captured in your words and photos.
Delight is evident in all your photos - wonderful!
It DOES look like that wireless ad. Can you hear me now? Very funny!
Who can blame them for not wanting to leave? :-)
Absolutely love that last shot... and such a happy haiku...
Great photos of your family! I love the one at the end lined up by size. It is great to go to one beach-but two in one day-fantastic!
ah! such fun. . . brilliant at the time and wonderful memories to think about and great photos to remind everyone what a fab time you all had
(did you notice in last week's comments I left you a haiku?!)
Thank you all for visiting and commenting on my blog. Many kind words and I appreciate it.
Peace to all.
What a great photo, that last one!! YOU should line those sweeties up like this every year!!! SWEET!
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