Friday, November 9, 2012

Veterans Day 2012

Haiku My Heart
November 9, 2012

Haiku My Heart is a weekly practice of sharing and fellowship that eminates from my friend Rebecca on her recuerda mi corazon blog. Go to this link, recuerda mi corazon, and see more of the sharing and find out how you can participate.

The winding cement

Brings us to the pinnacle

Rest in hallowed Peace

This is the chapel at the Vietnam Vets Memorial at Angel Fire, New Mexico. Built on land they owned, Victor and Jeanne Westphall, the parents of David Westphall, their son, dedicated this place as Sacred, not only to the memory of their son, but to the memory of all that gave the ultimate sacrifice in combat. I visited this place during my September trip to New Mexico and was awed by the powerful Spirits that grabbed a hold of me there.

Let this post remind us all to remember those that have fallen from our ranks this Veterans Day, November 11th.

You don’t have to love war to honor the sacrifices made by so many over the years. In fact, I like to say that I Honor the Warrior, but not the war.

The willingness of a Veteran, or anyone for that matter, to give their life if asked to do so is something that only a few are willing to make. Those that walked on are memorialized every day to some, and we recognize them on Veterans Day, November 11th.

Honor the Dead
Heal the wounded
End all war

Peace to all


A Bit of the Blarney said...

Your haiku requires a decisive and firm AMEN!! End of war and indeed peace to all!!!! Thank you for this post!!!! Cathy

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful haiku, Wonderful post, wonderful photo and such a marvelous tribute to our Military ~ I so agree ~ Honor the Warriors not War ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

Delphyne said...

Yes, honor the warrior and not the war.


rebecca said...

dear joe,
your honoring here floods my heart the way a perfect sunrise fills one with bright hope. may we all hold up the mantle of peace, may our compassion heal, may our intentions build a bright horizon of love.

gma said...

Beautiful way to honor and remember our Veterans.
with PEACE

Anonymous said...

So beautifully written...

you don't have to love war to honor the sacrifices

We thought of you often and raised a glass more than once.


Lea said...

So glad to be here today, to take in your words and view this holy place. Thank you so. Your willingness to share what matters to your sweet heart is a gift to us all. Peace my friend.

somepinkflowers said...

yes yes yes
dear joe
why oh why can we not do this Quickly? end all war ??

i have no idea.

my mom served in the WAVES
in WWII pearl harbor
she breaks my heart
in talking about how her ship zig-zaged across
the pacific
to avoid enemy bombing ...

{{ she will B 90 in january
and as her memory fades
her war*time stories
do not }}

somepinkflowers said...

we missed you on our journey, joe,
more than you would think,
1)--we toasted you & yours
Every Single Night
2)--Lea was a dear replacement
for your space ...

Next Time

Dawn Elliott said...

If only mankind could find a way to live in peace and support each other...embracing our likenesses as well as our differences. Yes, we will all remember, with sadness and hope...

Mel said...

I think I'm amongst the many who didn't have this on the radar.
So I thank you for the reminder.

I visited the website and it's just gorgeous.
As is your photo.
As are the sentiments shared here...

Laura said...

blessings to you courageous friend...I hope you will join in creating the gratitude quilt:-) more info at the top of my blog.

Priti Lisa said...

Amen to that.
I hope you can have a nice piece of cake to celebrate your sacrifice and for being one of those veterans that get out alive. Love♥

Barbara said...

Amen, brother! To all your words, but especially the last End all war........peace to all.

Marit said...

What a beautiful memorial piece of architecture that is Joe... I can feel the peace coming from it. Powerful indeed! Peace to you too my friend, I will be thinking of you tomorrow (the eleventh)

Karen said...

A heartfelt post.

Lenora said...

in memory of little Dorothy, in honour of her father; her daddy left her for the war and when he returned she had left him, influenza.. may there be peace!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Your tribute and your photo both soar, sir. Blessed peace to all.

Seven Haiku with Simon