Ruby Tuesday comes from MaryT/The Teach. You can find more great Rubiesque photos and find out how to participate on her blog,
Work of the Poet.
The weather has sure been more like Summer than Fall for the past week or so. At least around here in Northern Wisconsin. Almost too warm if there is such a thing. I loved wearing my sweatshirt in the morning and didn't like to have to take it off before noon. Oh well, I'll take what Mother Nature throws my way weatherwise. It will change, like the leaves. From deep green to the colors of Autumn, then blown from their perches and scattered on the ground like a carpet.
The weather was perfect for a day trip. I did a water run to
Solon Springs yesterday and remembered to bring the camera. I couldn't have scripted the Ruby any better than the proprietors of this seasonal Dairy Queen. Check it out.
Picnic tables stacked away until next Spring |
Around here, some places don't hang around and sell ice cream all Winter. This Dairy Queen in Solon Springs, WI is such a place. Boarded up until next season. But it seemed so strange as the temperatures reached 80 degrees Fahrenheit, certainly warm enough to eat ice cream.
Actually, I could eat ice cream anytime of the year.
I couldn't help feel a little sad that enterprises such as these close down just because the snow flies and the temperatures get colder. Here are a couple more Ruby shots from Solon Springs. Hope you have a great week.
For some unknown reason, this table wasn't stacked with the others. The small lake nearby made this a relaxing spot even if I had to sit there without an ice cream cone
I wish Peace to everyone
It may have been 80 degrees when you snapped the picture, Spadoman, but I see some trees stripped of their leaves already. Looks to me like there's already been a cold snap or two and that winter's on its way! Brr!
what a totally brilliant red!
reminds me of British post boxes, London buses and our iconic telephone boxes
we've had a few really warm sunny days, altho the trees are losing their leaves, and I'd have loved to have had an ice cream cone!! today tho it's really quite autumny and so I'm just happy with my coffee
have a great day!
Interesting post, great picture.
All the best, Boonie
Love all that red - and yes, the trees are losing their leaves here in Southern Spain too!
Happy RT!
Wow the red stands out against the white wall!
Please come and see the Ruby Tuesday at my page.
Wonderful ruby reds. Shame about the ice cream but it's nice to have the seasonal thing going on too :)
Ohhhh.....brilliant idea to head out with the camera! And what great shots. I particularly like the lone table...with or without the ice cream.
Himself is lamenting the closing of the Dairy Queen--dipped butterscotch....he'll be whining all winter long. *laughing*
Gives him something to do during long winter nights...and a flimsy excuse to overindulge come spring! See how that works?!
It's a very long walk around Point Pleasant Park and I've been sad that the few times we've gone there to walk along the shore that the little snack shop has been closed. Next time we go we're taking our own snacks and a thermos with us.
Great pics!
Sorry about the ice-cream. I'm sure you would have had strawberry with real rich red strawberries in it. It would have been a pleasure to buy it for you.
Pax vobiscum
Good Ol' Dairy Queen! It was warm here last week but the temperatures have turned a tad nippy this week!
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