Thursday, June 6, 2013

Heartfelt Dichotomy

Haiku My Heart
June 7, 2013

To see more Haiku from other writers, artists and muses, please visit my friend Rebecca’s blog. It is entitled recuerda mi corazon and means “reminds my heart” in the Hispanic language. Everything can be referenced to the heart, but especially here, and on most every day, but especially on Fridays when friends meet.

I’m listing the URL to recuerda mi corazon as well as trying to highlight the link as sometimes I can’t get the darn thing to work right.

So, go ahead, take a look. Participate, share your heart with others, or just hang around and feel the love.

A new ride for Spadoman

Wheels, white lines, asphalt
Another adventure trip

Toothpick power poles

So, let’s lighten it up a little, okay? It’s been a real drag the past couple of months, but I’m feeling like the worse is over with. I’m thinking back and I can’t remember smiling much, or telling any funny stories or even having a good time doing something I enjoy during the recent past. No details need to be given. Just suffice it to say, “Glad that stretch is behind me!”

My old Triumph Scrambler loaded in the back of the van for the trip home from Utica, NY

In the meantime, I bought another motorcycle to replace the one that got wrecked last September. It's that black one at the top of the page. This one will be the 4th Triumph I've owned.

I’m getting back on the road this coming weekend. I’m driving to Ohio, somewhere in the Eastern part of the state. I bought another motorcycle and I’m going to go fetch it from the guy I bought it from. I haven’t been ‘On the Road’ since December when I went down to Tucson for a week. That was in the early part of the month. We did go to Florida, and yes, that can be construed as traveling, but we flew down to Ft. Myers via commercial airliner. That’s no road trip.

Needless to say, I’m excited and anxious as I anticipate pulling out of town early Saturday morning. The drive coming up will be on the superslab Interstate highway system all the way to within a couple of hours of my ultimate destination of Toronto. That’s Toronto, Ohio for those of you keeping score. A smallish town not far from the Pennsylvania border and Pittsburgh, just 45 miles away to the East. Too bad the Penguins can’t score against Tuukka Rask, Boston’s Finnish goalie. I’d definitely stick around and try to get tickets for a Stanley Cup game at the Consol Energy Center Arena.

I’m thinking the return trip will be more leisurely with no time constraints. That’ll allow me to get on the two-lane and wander through Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin. My new iPad has a restaurant and coffee shop app and I’ll be lookin’ for some new diner grub and good coffee.

I won’t be alone

The best traveling partner

Comes along with me

Proud daughter Maggie in front of her first apartment, June, 1991

Saturday will also be a day of deep introspection and reflection. It will mark the 22nd year since the accident that took our beloved Maggie from this world. Guess that sombers up the entire affair a bit. But I know that Maggie would want to see me happy in some respect, and meditating through a windshield at 60 miles per hour does indeed make me happy. So will the slower speed limits through the small towns as I search for what constitutes gold in my world. I’ll just ask her to come along for the ride.

We also remember Jim Cooper, Maggie's friend that also lost his life that fateful June night

And Bobby Jens, who left us a few years later in an airplane crash



Mel said...'re right, you never travel alone.
Safe journey sir. I'm sure that iPad will point you in the right direction for some of those 'outta the way wonders' that only road trips can bring.
Be safe, drive carefully.....commune as you do as you drive--and wooooohooooo!! New toy!!! :-)
(I note there's no orange....)

Laura said...

sorrow remembered
through joyful moments held close
fill and free the heart

have a wonderful ride!

Dawn Elliott said...

You know, I also get a dose of happiness when I hear that you're going to be back on the road (on a new ride, to boot) - your true love of adventure calls you back!
Sweet and bittersweet all mixed up together...with toothpick power poles flashing by! Be safe and have a stellar time!!!

rebecca said...

dear spadoman,
it really feels like friday when your name appears in the haiku circle. your theme song much be willy nelson's On the Road Again!
moving free as a bird across the open palm of earth seems to be a strong and constant soul call.
i join in remembering your beautiful maggie. thank you for the honor of placing her on the altar twice in san miguel for dia de los muertos. travel safe with the girl you love.

Priti Lisa said...

Glad you are getting you mojo back,
have a safe and fearless adventure with the girl you love♥♥

Kim Mailhot said...

Oh, It makes my heart glad to know you are heading out on the road ! Enjoy, Man, enjoy ! Go and find stuff that makes you smile and add each one to your memory.
Safe and peaceful travels, my Friend !

Karen said...

Enjoy your ride!

Anonymous said...

so much sadness but I love your idea of taking her along with you. Smile when you think of her...enjoy your travels and be safe!!

beautiful new bike

gma said...

Happy trails Spado
Enjoy every minute.

Nonnie said...

I blamed myself for not seeing you. I'm glad to see you out and about on the web again. I wish you safe riding. vaya con Dios

Anonymous said...

I hope you have a peaceful journey riding with the wind and with your beloved Maggie. Ride safe, Spadoman!Haiku My Heart Sunny

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

So many losses...and still you find reasons to take road trips and smile!

Nuzzling haiku

Unknown said...

Love you and have a safe adventure. Love Sonya

Fallingladies said...

Hello, i have missed you as well.... It's good to be back checking out some of my favorite blogs and people will take some time to catch up on yours though as there's more reading on yours than most... Hope you have a wonderful trip, and can smile at many happy memories of your beautiful daughter!

Marit said...

Dear Joe, I am glad you are 'leaving the stretch behind' as you say. I'm in the middle of it. Read your former post ánd the long medicine-wheel post last week but somehow could not find the words to comment. It moved me deeply. I wish you a safe and happy trip. It's good to know there are smiles waiting after the 'stretch - that gives me hope

foxysue said...

Dear Joe,

How lovely to connect through our lovely Rebecca, somethings seem to stay the same whilst every other thing seems to move around us! I have another connection to you, as you know my love has always had two of us in his life me and the 'bike' and this week over here the Isle of Man TT races have happened, we didn't get this year but all of our youth we did the 'pilgrimage' (you know how it is ;~) any way I know how being on the road is perhaps your closest thing to heaven and your Maggie!

Have a beautiful time my friend!

Ms foxy always x

peggy gatto said...

Go just fast enough so your guardian angel can keep up!
Enjoy your trip with your spirits along for th ride

Anonymous said...

beautiful as always, Joe - love the haikus and how you share so much of yourself here. Thank you!

somepinkflowers said...

{{ just me popping in ...

i'm glad
you're getting back
in the saddle, joe
it seems this gives you the freedom
that makes your heart sing ...

as a peaceful warrior
you know
times of quiet reflection
are Key...

nice new ride, BTW !! }}

vietnamvet70 said...

Safe travels my friend !!

All the best,
