Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tuesday Morning Update

Hello my Blogger friends. Just a quick post to let everyone know that I am still alive and kickin'. Speaking of kickin', I just bought the soundtrack from a great TV presentation I watched recently. It was "Billy Connolly's Route 66". I didn't know who Billy Connolly is but found out he is a British comedian. He travels the Mother Road, old Route 66, on a trike. The songs were oldies for the most part, but each one a memory etched into my head from somewhere on the road.

"Get your Kicks, on Route 66"

Starting in Chicago and ending in Los Angeles, and as the lyrics proclaim, over 2000 miles all the way. I remember parts of being on the original Route 66 in 1959 in the back seat of my Father's Oldsmobile. I have had these 8mm home movie film tapes and I really need to dig them out and send them to a place that will put the contents on a DVD.

In the meantime, watching this and telling you about it is a great and easy convenient segway into telling you that I will be leaving on a road trip this coming Friday, November 30th. Mrs. Spadoman and I will be headed West, and some of our trip will indeed be along the old Route 66.

Besides stopping while enroute, our first destination will be Tucson, Arizona for a week. From there, we'll spend some time messing about Arizona and New Mexico and getting our fill of green chile and enjoying the weather. It's starting to get colder up here in the upper Midwest. It's not that I don't like cold weather, it's just that it is cold for such a long stretch that I want to break up the pattern by heading to the Southwest.

Besides the Mexican and Southwestern influenced food, we'll get our fill of coffee shops and diners, making our own version of the Foodnetwork's "Diners, Drive-ins and Dives".

And speaking of food, our trip back will bring us through Chicago and a stop off at my sister's place. My brother will be there and we will share some time together as well as attend another cousins reunion with all our cousins from my dad's side of the family. There will be a ton of good Italian traditional foods there and we will partake inn a robust manner! We will return home on Monday, December 17th and prepare for our Christmas Eve family celebration here at Spadoville.

Other Winter plans include returning to Tucson in January for a month, then back home for some doctor and dentist appointments. Maybe some new teeth, eh? Then off for a tour of Florida with Mrs. Spadoman, visiting friends and seeing some sights. That should bring us into March and the hint of Spring might be in the air, or at least in the not too distant future.

This is how I plan on getting through the Winter this year. Stop and Go, Come and Go, Back and Forth. I'll be busy traveling in any event and that's what I like to do. Nothing, in my mind, is better than living life at 65 miles per hour in a car except living it at 85 on a motorcycle.

Since the accident last September 16th, I have not had a motorcycle. We'll see what bargains Craigslist has to offer in Arizona while I'm there. You never know.

In the meantime, not sure about how often or how many posts I'll lay down here, but I will have the camera and a laptop. I'll try not to be a stranger here and at your place.

Be peaceful and kind to people. It will make you feel good inside.



  1. Sounds like your winter will be anything but boring. May you have perfect driving conditions whenever you need them.

    Billy Connolly is hilarious. I think we get more British tv here in Canada than you might. Enough that we actually have a BBC Canada station.

  2. I an excited for you! Enjoy every mile!

  3. Have a great trip, it sounds like fun. Try to make time for some more Billy Connolly either on TV or live - he's a clever man and can be extremely funny in a crude kind of way. He did a similar kind of trip round parts of Australia which is worth looking at.

  4. *laughing* Billy Connolly is so hilarious!! He has a bit on wildebeasts that just makes me laugh til I'm in tears.

    While the thought of you getting south puts a smile on my face cuz I know it's a big part of who you are today, I know you'll forgive me for being a tad twitchy about it. LOL You're taking the spousal unit, so I'm less twitchy, of course--but still twitchy just the same. You've had loads of 'change' to contend with this past year. If going south brings you some 'rest' and 'peace'--I'm all for it. Dryer and warmer has to be easier on the body, right?

    SEE!! Borrowing troubles, wanting to protect!! *hanging head*
    I'm sure the better half is good at yanking you by the ear when need be. :-/ *laughing* Guess I can cease the fretting!

    Route 66, Arizona shunshine and warmth--rocks and formations to center you in how large our Maker is--k.....probably JUST what the doctor ordered!!
    Well--that and the green chile! ;-)

  5. There is nothing like that red rock, sage brush, and that blue, blue sky... I now have the Route 66 song going through my head! P.S. "Stop and Go, Come and Go, Back and Forth." That is walking a labyrinth... Have a wonderful trip!
