Friday, November 30, 2012

Healing of My Heart

Haiku My Heart
November 30, 2012

This weekly thrill of writing Haiku and sharing it with others happens every Friday at Rebecca’s recuerda mi corazonGo there and see more and find out how you can participate. 

Sacred fire burns

Flames point to Grandmother Moon

Healing of my heart

Last Wednesday, I attended a Sweat Lodge ceremony. While standing around waiting for things to get started, we stood around the fire. There was a thin veil of wispy clouds but the Grandmother Moon rose and grabbed our attention.

I stood off to one side, alone, thinking about where I was, what I was seeing and processing the events of the past few weeks. I had been to another Sweat Lodge ceremony last Saturday with friends I haven’t seen nor shared the intimacy of prayer with in over eight years. I recalled the extremely uplifting feeling I experienced at that ceremony and the welcome they gave me as I rejoined a Community that had been lost to me for such a long time.

It dawned on me how I have been getting up and getting ready and actually going to the Wellness Center in town to ride the recumbent bicycle and putting forth the effort to not only get up and go there, but to put in the vigorous thirty minutes pedaling. In the past, I’d have great lofty goals the night before, but no motivation to do anything about it when I got up in the morning.

It was like I was reviewing all the changes and chances that The Creator has given me. The news from the doctors at the VA that my pacemaker hasn’t registered any A-Fib or A-Flutter “hits” and that the read out says the device is working and keeping my heartbeats in order, along with the idea that they are going to suggest that I stop taking the blood thinning drug, coumadin.

Just these few episodes in my everyday living are a change for the better. This thought was realized and I thanked the Spirits for the feeling and realization. I’m truly blessed to have had prayers answered, my prayers, your prayers. Thanks be for listening to the prayers of the people.

I’m about to leave on a much anticipated road trip. That in and of itself no small miracle. I can’t wait to be on a mountaintop or in the expanse of the Southwestern desert and lift up my arms to receive the Spirit guides and helpers that have been at my side helping out, helping me get to where I am. They’ve helped me make the journey.

Grandmother Moon has marked the way and the way she appeared above that Sacred Fire brought the reality to the fact that I am indeed one lucky bastard to have lived through all that I have. 

Tomorrow, December 1, 2012, starts the twelve days of A Virgin a Day on recuerda mi corazon. Each day a story, poem or event is recalled and culminates on December 12th, the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe. I love to participate in this event. This year, I will be on the road, doing my meditation through the windshield. I'll post most days when I have the time, even if it is a repost of one of the stories from years past. Take some time to check this event out as the artwork alone is worth the viewing.



  1. Have a wonderful trip. I've been thinking about doing the Haiku (again) but don't know if I'll get truly motivated. I'd thought perhaps, to mate it with Paint Party Friday which I may also been unmotivated for. However, if I get back into painting, perhaps I'll do them both at once.

    I'm so glad you are still among the living. And I'm glad you are still able to have the road trips you love.

  2. dear spadoman,
    any moment we sit in wonder there is fulfillment. in a circle as the moon rises, behind the windshield as we travel out into the heart of life to share our light. you have a way of calling out greatness everywhere you go.
    travel safe dear friend. i feel your peace and celebrate your place among us.
    let's all keep the sacred fire burning.

  3. I love Luna and your haiku tribute to her is beautiful. She is a wonderful and loving healer.

    Have a wonderful and safe trip!

    (And I hope you're able to stop taking coumadin!)

  4. I have attended a couple of traditional sweats in the past and both have been deeply moving experiences. They sound like they were the perfect venue for you continue to heal and prepare to embark on your much awaited trip. I wish you a safe and joy-filled adventure...what better place than our beloved Southwest to bolster your spirits and allow for daily doses of wonder and awe!

  5. Hello, i hope to be posting your rocks so they will be waiting for you when you return from your trip... As always, love your haiku! Dreaming of the same moon.

  6. What a beautiful moon post, and such good news about your continued attention to your heart and health. I am so glad you have the circle of people to enter into the sweat with, and pray with, and listen and observe with, from which to act. All the best on your road trip into the land of wonder.

  7. Sometimes all we need is to be pointed in the right direction, then we can take it from there. I am glad to hear you are on the mend. Enjoy your road trip!

  8. Safe travels and happy trails to you dearest Spadoman.

  9. so glad for you ~ enjoy your journey to the summit and delight in Mother Moon ~ you are blessed ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  10. wonderful news Joe... may the healing trend continue, with grace and gratitude.

  11. I'm so glad that things are going well for you Joe. Enjoy the trip.

  12. Geeze, I got choked up just reading this one. I'm so proud for you to be getting up and out and doing--in many ways.
    It's been a tough haul--and a treacherous one, emotionally and physically. But I can celebrate every inch of the journey cuz it's brought you to HERE.

    I stand amazed and awe-struck. And I'm joyful as all get out.
    That you GET to make this journey is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.

    I've been celebrating with the moon the past week--it's outdone itself in brilliance and colour. And strength and love....and reprieves.

    You go have a kick-ass time. *laughing* I'm thinking those Spirit Guides are looking forward to embracing you in that desert warmth.

  13. I am so happy that the fates have decided it is time for a road trip ! Yay ! Enjoy every glorious second, You Lucky Bastard ! ;-)
    Much love and peace on your journey, Man.
