Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spring Adventure, Days 3 and 4

This is what I came down here for. My Triumph Scrambler, loaded on the trailer, ready for the journey back to Wisconsin

Days 3 and 4 sort of ran together. We had so much fun and I couldn't get the photos to upload properly, so I just skipped posting separate entries for these two days. Day 3 did see us travel from Santa Fe on Tuesday morning after we stopped and bought some flower pots at the Santa Fe Jackalope shop. The Spring shipment was on display and we had so many beautiful pots to choose from.

We loaded the pots, went to Ohori's coffee shop, stopped at a convenience store for liquid refreshments and headed out towards Albuquerque. In Albuquerque, we went straight to PJ's Triumph Ducati motorcycle dealership and got my motorcycle out of storage. A very helpful service department employee helped me load my trailer.

Lobo, or Wolf, mascot of The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque

We took a quick driving tour of Old Town Albuquerque and the Nob Hill neighborhood, which is right close to the University of New Mexico, and settled in at a motel on West Central Avenue. We did stop and get a picture of the Lobo, UNM's mascot. The motel is a very clean and well kept family style Mom and Pop motel called the Sandia Peak Inn. Actually, the place was immaculate and we were treated like royalty.

I unhooked the trailer and left it in the secure parking lot and we traveled North to the El Pinto Mexican Restaurant on 4th Street. That place is beautiful and the food and service were second to none! I'll write the report about eating there soon after this trip is finished. For now, I'll continue with Day 4.

Anna and DJ posing with some of the folk art on the grounds of the Sandia Peak Inn. Both were wearing their UNM T-shirts that I bought them last time I was in town.

Wednesday had us traveling the 200 miles from Albuquerque to Roswell. We went downtown to the International UFO Museum and Research Center. After seeing the exhibits and taking some photos, we walked the streets and checked out the souvenir shops and bought gifts for the folks that stayed home on this trip.

Nothing like killing time swimming at the motel while Papa relaxes

Dinner was at a BBQ joint we scoped out while driving into town. We had reservations at a Motel 6 on Main Street. We checked in and swam. It was an indoor pool, but we could have easily swam outside today. The weather has been spectacular. Sunny and warm all over and the forecast seems to tell us the sun will keep shining and temperatures will be in the 70's all the way home as Wisconsin experiences a warm spell as well.

The car is running great, even pulling the lightly loaded trailer. The wind was at our back all day today and my gas mileage went up for the second day in a row. Gas prices are stable at $3.59 right now here in the high plains of New Mexico.

Tomorrow, we head towards home via US Highways 70 and 60 and will bring us through Clovis, NM and Amarillo, TX. We'll hit Oklahoma and head North into Kansas. We plan on continuing our vacation attitudes as we travel.

Peace to all


  1. Hope you got enough green chile. Sounds like a relaxing and fun trip.

  2. Looks like fun is being had by all.
    Will you bring an alien home with you???
    (insert alien music here)

  3. So happy for you, and all. It sounds like you are having a wonderful time.

  4. oh my how your grand kids have GROWN!!!
    enjoy each perfect moment...and bring the vacationing attitudes home with you, the best souvenirs of all!

  5. I trust that your journey is continuing to unfold in wondrous ways. Be safe!

  6. I'm glad to know all is going well with your journey. Your grandchildren are very lovely and look to be having a great time.
