Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Spring Adventure, Day 2

Not too much new to report. Still no photos, but I did buy a new camera to replace the failing old one, and I bought the extended warranty too! So, photos tomorrow for sure.

In the meantime, we left Sterling, CO at a very respectful hour and went as far as Ft. Morgan, just up the Interstate. We ate breakfast there at a place called Santiago's. I had my first bites of Mexican food with the huevos rancheros. The kids both had pancakes, one with sausage and one with baon.

We moved on, making it through Denver, Colorado Springs and across the border into New Mexico. We arrived in Santa Fe and were in the pool at the America's Best Value Inn by 5:00 PM. We had a great meal at the Blue Corn Cafe and Brewery, the newer one on the South end of town, and bought a camera on our way back to the motel.

Weather for the day was fabulous for traveling. Bright and sunny, not windy, (gas mileage improved significantly), with temperatures well into the high 60's and low 70's. No clouds to be seen. We watched the sparkling snow capped mountain tops from more than 60 miles away as we approached Denver.

From the Journal:

"I didn't want to cry, but I couldn't hold back the tears as the music on the iPod played through the car speakers. The Rocky Mountains were brightly capped with the sun reflecting off of them. The kids were looking at them in wonder. They'd seen the mountains before, but it has been a while. This was quite a sight. I was listening to an old Beatles song, on Anna's iPod, not mine, called Golden Slumbers. I recalled how I listened to the words of that song as a soldier in Vietnam and wondered if I would ever get home. Then, my life flashed before me with all the heart problems through the years and I thought of last November and how I wondered if I would make it past that. Now, not only did I make it, I was living life again as I love to live it, and sharing it with two of the Grand children. For some reason, the whole experience made me weep. When Anna turned down the volume of the music and asked me if I was okay and that she had seen me crying, I told her that it was a good kind of crying and that everything was okay."

Day 3 will be shopping for some large flower pots to decorate the new front deck we put on our Spadoville home. After that, the short drive to Albuquerque and the reconnection with my motorcycle. We'll spend the night and find more amusement. Oh, and take photos!

Take care and be well my friends



  1. Sounds like the road trip is really hitting the spot for you. I'm glad. I take it the kids are good road trippers too.

  2. On the road again......

    Fun to see the kids in awe of nature. They are
    going to look back at these trips as some of the best times of their childhoods.
    Real life adventures with Grandpa.

    Glad the weather is cooperating.

    Life is good.

    Gas on the west coast is over the $4 mark so so that $3.70 for now!

    Yesterday we had 57 mph winds & big trees snapping, today an inch of snow.
    Wild weather!

    Have fun & good luck pot hunting!

  3. dear spadoman,

    i am in awe. so like you to meet spring break head on with a chance for a road trip, grand kids in tow. i am thrilled for all of you and these sweet days together on another adventure. welcome back to big sky country and the love of the open road!
