Sunday, October 16, 2011

Dia de Bloglandia #3, October 16, 2011

 The Art of Remembering

Each Sunday in October, many of us gather and share our memories and tell about our preparations for the upcoming Los Dias de Los Muertos, or The Days of the Dead which take place on November 1st and 2nd every year. See more submissions at Rebecca's recuerda mi corazon and Stephanie's Mango Studio. Be ready to participate in Los Dias Bloglandia on November 1st.

I'm not remembering where I got this pencil drawing, but I like it a lot!

Not feeling my best this weekend, but didn’t want to break the chain of Los Dias Bloglandia, The Art of Remembering, posts for Sundays in October.

From Stephanie Hilvitz of Mango Studio

From Susanna Gordon of Susanna's Sketchbook

Posada Quilt from close friend Donna G, Ashland, WI

Dancing Figures print from Rainey Davis, Saint Paul, MN

From Adriana Esqueda of LaLlorona Studio

These are photographs of some of the Mexican Los Dias de Los Muertos folk art we have collected. Most of these are recent additions to our home, within the past five years, coming to us in various ways. Some were gifts, some were bought. These pieces make up a year around permanent altar display that we keep here at Spadoville.

This shallow tin box was given to us by a close friend. It has hidden joy inside

The tin box opened

The Days of the Dead isn't just a one day fiesta here at our place. We celebrate the spirit life of our lost loved ones every day. I want to say that I never understood the place of art in my own life. We never had much. I learned a great deal from Rebecca through the Oaxaca Street Childrens Shrine Auction. An annual event where many of these fine examples of Los Dias Mexican folk art come from.

Next week, you'll be invited!



  1. Joe ... this is an amazing collection that you have ! My favourite (which is hard to pick .. they are all beautiful) But the print of the dancing figurines is awesome : )
    I sent you an e-mail with information on the ivy you asked about.
    Feel better soon : )

  2. Wonderful things all of them. I like the pencil drawing too but there is something special about a flat tin box that opens to reveal another world within.
    Hope you are feeling better.

  3. dear spadoman,

    thank you for sharing your ART of remembering. many of these pieces have a deeper meaning as they were made to help support bright futures for children in need in oaxaca. thank you for your generous and loving support.
    so much love resides in the details of your family life. thank you for inviting us in. please rest and feel better soon. we have a lot of preparations for dia de los muertos!

  4. Wonderful folk art. Love that stuff. Wayne lived in Mexico for five years in his youth and loves this stuff too. Thanks for sharing it.

    Hope you feel better soon. Take good care.

    Peace to you and yours,

  5. sending you
    ~~Many More {{virtual}} Marigolds~~
    in hopes U will B

    tip+top !


  6. I love that your wonderful collection of Muertos art is diplayed all year. You have some amazing pieces. Feel better!

  7. Hey Joe, I love all your art pieces but the thin metal box takes the cake. Darling! I am happy to hear you keep your offrenda up all year because I thought of doing the same thing. I like all the pieces I'm collecting and don't want to take them down.

  8. Each and everyone of your displays holds meaning and that is beautiful in itself. Love the dancing figures and enjoy reading your Art of Remembering post. Thank you.

  9. the box is amazing!!!! I loved your wonderful photos!!!

  10. Great art work you shared. I loved the tin box, what a special gift.

  11. Art heals. I am a firm believer of that! The art pieces you have here all have healing embedded within them.

  12. Feel better soon.

    (That tin box is just awesome!! Someone's very creative!)

    Feel LOTS better soon.
    Let other people take care of you for a change!

    *sending prayers and positive thoughts*

  13. You Spados are the best and I love all the pieces you have collected the last five years to go on your perpetual ofrenda!

  14. Remembering doesn't have to be tears and sorrow all the time and Rebecca certainly has had a wonderful influence on so many of us in learning that there is an art to remembering. And, joy. I hope I am making sense!

  15. What a wonderful collection of Day of the Dead art you have collected! Honored to be part of it.

  16. Such lovely art! So sorry you are feeling ill. Rest and take care of yourself.

  17. you are all tied up in my joy today!
    thank you dear friend.
