Saturday, October 15, 2011


I screwed up with Mr. Linky this week. HERE is this weeks Shadow Shot.


Shadow Shot Sunday
October 16, 2011

Every weekend, on Sunday, people from around the world gather and show us their shadow shots. To find out what this is all about and to see more fantastic photos, visit Hey Harriet's Photography blog.

Sandhill cranes are relatively rare around here. I have seen them way up in Northern Minnesota in Summer before. This pair was wandering around along the shore of the Great Lake Michigan near Green Bay, WI.
They stand around 41/2 to 5 feet tall. For a large bird, they soar and float in the air quite nicely. I’m not feeling too good this weekend, been in bed most of the time, so I’ll leave you with these photos and sparse narration.



  1. Lovely photos of the cranes in beautiful soft light.
    I'm hoping for your swift recovery 'Man.

  2. They are such graceful birds .. even as large as they are .. we have seen very few of them but when you do you have to stop and watch as long as you can because they are so special .. the lighting is also perfect for the shots : )

  3. Rest and get well soon! Tis the flu season I suppose.

    We saw some cranes at the flats once in the summer - flying.

  4. we have a couple, as they are couples, of sandhill cranes near our home for the summer. each time i hear them flying through i stop what i am doing to try and catch a glimpse of them. for some reason...they make my heart smile. thanks for this post...and i hope you are feeling better soon!!

  5. Makes me think of the phrase, "crane your neck"

    nice shot.

  6. You are walking in beauty, my friend, to see these magnificent creatures! Amen!

    (With apologies to William Blake)

    Shadow, shadow lurking dark
    In a corner of the park,
    What immortal eye can see
    Your transcendent symmetry?

    © 2010 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Shadowy Masks

  7. Nice, peaceful shots! I always think of Sadako Sasaki when I see a crane. We get some sort of cranes up here in our wildlife refuge. Not sure what kind though. Hoping you're feeling better soon!

  8. We do not see things like this around here. Very good capture of these cranes.

  9. Oh, aren't they gorgeous! What a lucky find and a great moment in time for you to capture.

    Well done.

    Now--go rest. Feel better.

    *sending more peace-filled, healing thoughts*

  10. Wonderful captures, I hope you get better soon, rest up!

  11. Hmmmm.....those cranes could easily be the same cranes that hang out at the Bosque Del Apache! Don't you just love them? I look forward to their annual trek.

  12. What exquisite birds. You have captured something essential about them. I love that they are two.

  13. I have never seen these birds before! Such slender elegance! I imagine they would look amazingly graceful in flight inspite of their size! Do hope you are feeling better soon!

  14. I love sandhills...such cool birds! It seems like we've been seeing them more and more around here in mid-michigan. Growing up I had associated them with "up north" and "rare". But no more...we had some cross the road right in front of our car this summer...odd. Hopefully its a good thing and they have a healthy, growing population. Nice shots!

  15. Such gorgeous, graceful birds and lovely captures! I do hope you're feeling better soon, I'm holding good thoughts for you!! Hope you get some rest, have a lovely evening and a great tomorrow!


  16. What beautiful birds - so tall and graceful. I have been lucky recently to see several herons on the two rivers which flow through (and meet up in) Hawick.
    Best wishes for a speedy recovery - do take care of yourself, regards, Anne
