Friday, September 4, 2009

Only the Good Friday 09/04/2009

I tell you folks, I have been very busy. I just want to put this out there and mention what's going on in my life these days. First of all, since I got back from visiting with the Larrys in Hot Springs, I've been working almost everyday at my daughter's place. I am doing some projects over there and it has filled in most of my time.

Then, Wednesday morning, my friend from California, Hal, showed up. I just rode with him about 50 miles down the Mississippi River. He's on his way down to the Chicago area to visit a very good friend and see some of his family. When he gets ready to leave and head back to california, maybe around next Wednesday, I'll be meeting him in Iowa and travel West with him at least to Colorado and maybe farther, depending on my money situation. So, I'll be away again from the blogs and the computer for at least a week or so.

On top of all that, my sister is paying us a visit. She arrived yesterday afternoon. We'll be busy with family gatherings while she's here. She will stay until Sunday. So you see, I have ben running around like crazy, and it's all Good. Time moving by and the cooler weather of Fall quickly approaching. I love the cooler weather. That's not to say we won't have any more warm spells, but I'm sure the 90 degree muggy humid days are behind us. I especially like riding the motorcycle in the cooler weather. The mountains of Colorado will be fantastic this time of year.

In any event, I appreciate all of you who have visited my site. Forgive me if I haven't been around much, but I'll be back and catch up soon enough. It might be a long Winter. Who knows? It's Good though, to have friends, to have a plan and be doing something you like to do.

Take care and be well, all of you. And I pray and send the wish for peace to all.


  1. Happy trails and stay safe. Blogtopia will be here a while yet :-)

  2. Wow. Never a dull moment for you, eh?

    Ah well.....winter will come and cabin fever will be welcomed--at least for a bit....maybe?

    Yeah, right.....LOL

  3. Thank you all very much. I'm obviously still hanging out at home, but I'll be leaving soon, right after this Labor thing.

    susan... Thanks for holding blogtopia down while I ride.

    Mel.. You're just the kindest soul.

    Crow... You'll be with me in spirit.

    Peace to all
