Monday, August 31, 2009

Early Sunday Morning, Posted on a Monday

Rocky Mountain National Park, in June.

Geez, It’s past 7:30 in the morning and I haven’t heard a sound from anyone. There are four other people and a dog here, they’re all sleeping in I guess. I’m surprised that even Zeke the dog hasn’t come up and licked my hand and tugged at me for a jaunt in the back yard.

Looks really nice outside. Yesterday morning, it was downright cold. We went around closing windows and shutting doors and donning sweatshirts. Of course by noon, I was in short sleeves. I’d also noticed that it was dark by 8:00 p.m. Summer is losing ground. Fall is in the air. Up north, on our last water run, we noticed some bronze, red, amber and golden colors on trees. The geese are flying low in small packs over our yard.

My pal Zeke.

Many people I know tell me they love the autumn. Up here, it usually means the mosquitoes are gone for the season. Fishing picks up after the water turns over. By the way, the turn over, or water stratification, is explained in a short definition in laymen’s terms, right HERE.

The crows have had their morning concert. A Sunday morning here at Spadoville. I guess I’ll wander up to the store, it’s only a couple of blocks away, and I’ll get a quart of buttermilk. I’ll make some pancakes from scratch. The kids like pancakes. They're easy to make. I happen to have some self-rising flour on hand. II had to get the self-rising stuff because the recipe for the southern fried chicken I made a week or so ago called for it.

I’ll put some flour in a bowl and add some vegetable oil, a couple of beaten eggs and some buttermilk. I’ll stir only until the whole mess is wet. I leave the lumps in there. I’ll heat up the cast iron fry pan and pour a 1/4 Cup or so into the middle and watch for them to bubble. Flip ‘em once and serve them hot, one at a time.

Usually, we’ll all be sitting at the table and there will be talking while we either eat or wait for a hot pancake to come out of the pan and onto our plate. Three of the Grandkids are here. They spent the night last night. These sleep overs are about to slack off pretty good because school starts Tuesday, September First. I don’t think sleepovers will take place during the weekdays, but I see plenty of weekend nights with kids here.

Buttermilk Cakes!

I took on the commitment and responsibility to make sure the kids get to the bus stop in good fashion this year. I’ll be home when they get off the bus, too. Their Mom will drop them off at 6:15 a.m. In the morning. The oldest will get on the bus at 6:50 a.m., the other two not until 8:00 a.m.

I guess this means I’m grounded. Traveling over for the year. No more motorcycle trips or traveling. This isn’t even easy for me to say as I have traveled, especially in the Fall and Winter, readily over the past 15-20 years.

I guess Mrs. Spadoman understands that I may still have the wanderlust from time to time. She has already made a plan so she can be here for the kids both before and after school while maintaining her job. That’s awfully nice of her. After all, it was my commitment, but she found a way.

Sure enough, the first trip opportunity has come up. My friend Hal, from California, interested in finishing the motorcycle trip we started last June, will be flying into Minneapolis this week, on Wednesday. After some housekeeping with visits and motorcycle maintenance, we’ll be on the road again, on the scooters, headed West. I’ll ride for a day or two or three with Hal, then turn around and return home.

Loaded and ready to go. Pic is from our 2006 road trip.

Riding in the Fall, my favorite time of the year, will be great. Not sure what route we’ll take, but we’ll figure that out. I’m excited about one more motorcycle trip this year.

Better go get that buttermilk. Folks are starting to stir around.



  1. I'm excited for you! I love to travel, too.

    It's great that you can help your grandkids with getting to school. I sure missed that when my own were growing up. My parents across the Atlantic and my ex's an hour away and busy all the time.

    Is Zeke missing a leg or is it the picture? I like him either way.

  2. Well, bless Mrs. Spadoman. *laughing*
    She knows you well, huh?

    And gosh--pancakes look really, really, REALLY good.

    OH! And the river scenic route is awesome during the fall--down through Galena, into Guttenberg..... Oh--and Breitbach's on the way south!!! It's a bit of a veer off--but worth it.

    Thinkin' himself best make it home before the trees go naked so we can make the jaunt ourselves......

  3. You have the gift of turning life's small stories into beautiful and timeless prose.

    The pancakes sound wonderful. I started a new Sunday tradition of pancakes and fruit around here. I think it's really my excuse to eat maple syrup.

    What a delight to have such a wonderful family and special wife. The picture of the bikes outside the cabin made me feel like putting on my traveling duds.

  4. Those buttermilk cakes are making me hungry.

  5. You sure do have some traveling shoes ; )

  6. Good to see you folks here at Round Circle. I appreciate you stopping by.

    Pagan.... It is such a blessing to be able to be here for the kids. The best part is that they seem to enjoy it. They are our very best friends.
    Yes, Zeke is missing a leg. Car accident. You wouldn't believe how fast he can still run.
    Thanks again for stopping by.

    Mel... Yes, Bless Mrs. Spadoman for sure. She makes it happen! I never did make the pancakes. We did scrambled eggs and toast and the kids were happy.
    I haven't been down through Galena in a long time, but I was in Guttenberg last June with the Crow Creek Ride down the river. I liove real close to the Mississippi, I ride along the river all the time. Thanks for coming here to read and visit.

    susan..... You are way too kind with your words. I appreciate you coming to my blogworld.
    Hope you get out on the road soon. Sounds like you like to travel.
    Pancakes are a treat. I never got around to making them, but I will this weekend for sure, with blueberries and raspberries.
    Thank you very much.

    AWB.... So honored to have you stop by. Thank you so very much. I need to do a piece on the types of pancakes, like flapjacks, griddlecakes, pancakes, hot cakes, flipjills and aebleskivers. Recipes, cooking methods. Might be fun.
    Thanks again for stopping.

    CM... Little Feat, "Travelin' Shoes" I like that. Thanks so much for stopping by.

    Peace to all.

  7. Enjoy your trip, and if you get to Hamtown, stop by for a visit....
