Saturday, June 29, 2013

Time to Travel

It's about time! I'll finally be on the road for a spell and it's been a while, so I'm thrilled, excited, anxious and almost ready to go. Mrs. Spadoman and I just spent the last three days with the Grandkids and did some travel, but only up to Duluth/Superior via the cabin at Cumberland. We put on about 350 miles or so in small 1-2 hour segments. We had a really good time. Just when we thought we would probably never take another trip all-together in one vehicle as the lifestyles of the Grandchildren are getting quite diverse as they get older, we loaded up the Edge and had a blast!

Now, it's our turn. We are leaving on Sunday, June 30th, and headed out West via a Northern route through Glacier National Park and Canada. We'll end up in Vancouver and use a couple of ferry boat rides to get us back into the USA at Port Angeles, WA and another ferry to get us into Seattle from the Olympic Peninsula.

In Seattle, we'll visit a fellow that I spent time with in 1969, when I was in Vietnam. We have been communicating for the past year and haven't seen each other in 44 years!

From Seattle, we'll travel South into Northern California and spend time with our good friends before heading back in a couple of weeks or so. Nothing on our itinerary except sightseeing, eating, seeing friends and finding good coffee and food. We will be taking a few roads that neither of us have ever been on, especially those in the Canadian Rockies.

Since I'm an old man, I'll report through the blog with old fashioned photos and written descriptions of the sights, sounds and stories of what we encounter. It's not that I don't know how to Tweet, Instagram or post from my iPad, it's just that I like to look up and see what I'm going to show and tell you about instead of looking at it and experiencing it through an electronic device. So, you'll just have to be patient and wait for the trip to be completed for the final cut. Of course I will tease you folks a little if I find a great plate of diner food worthy of mention.

It has been a while since I've been on the road like this. As many of you know, driving across the Continent is my life, to be on the two-lane highways and byways and seeing the world in a different way. And it isn't often that Mrs. Spadoman comes along for the entire trip, so that is the real bonus. It's like real live retirement! We even have the aches and pains and medical maladies to talk about while listening to recorded music from the 60's, or at least groups that performed and made themselves popular way back then.

Some folks do yoga for meditation. I do the Windshield.

Be kind to each other. My wish to all of you is simply...



  1. YEAH!!!!! Seriously--the jumping up and down, handclapping, joyful kinda YEAH!!!
    I'm glad for you both. That you managed to get the grands rounded up for a trip--amazing. And now it's off with the Mrs.!!
    Y E A H ! ! ! ! !

    I'll enjoy any teaser you make the time to show off. LOL But mostly I'll enjoy the thought of the both of you bonding with the windshield, bopping to the tunes. :-)

    Enjoy it hugely.....every minute!

  2. Hwy. 93 to Hwy5 to Hwy. 1, stop in Salmon Arm on the way to Hope, hint, hint. Have fun you guys, and enjoy immensely! I'm holding you to next year. :D

    Peace, my friend.

  3. Oops, that should read Hwy. 93 to Hwy. 95 not 5. :D

  4. Happy, peaceful and beautiful trails to you, Man, and to Mrs. Spadoman. Enjoy !

  5. Many good wishes to you and Mrs. Spadoman for a safe and sound trip.

    Keep on truckin' ! :-}
