Friday, June 14, 2013

A Pair of Joes

Haiku My Heart
June 14, 2013

Each week, on Friday, a group of fine folks gather and share Haiku. poetry, photos, art and friendship through our blogs. Check out Rebecca's recuerda mi corazon to see more and find out how to participate.

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That's my 91 year old Uncle Joe Spado in the hat, and yours truly gesturing,  as we share a conversation on the patio at my cousin's home, celebrating his birthday last month

Two souls sharing talk

Combat Veterans of war

Real life Joe Spados

That’s right. Two of us with the same name. His name. My name. That’s my uncle Joe on the left, my dad’s younger brother. He just turned 91 on May 8th. I turned 64 on May 10th. We’re both combat Veterans that served in the US Army. He was in Africa and Europe in World War II, I served in the American war in Vietnam in 1969.
My Uncle Joe Spado as a young man at my Aunt's wedding

Others served in the armed forces as well. Uncle Phil and Uncle Joe from my mother’s side of the family and Uncle Tom, my dad’s oldest brother. Even my dad served during World War II. My brother also served in the Marine Corps.

Funny fact is, only those named Joe were sent to combat while serving in the military.

This is Joe Caruso, one of my mother's brothers, in uniform circa 1944

I have no idea where my other Uncle Joe was stationed when he served. But the Uncle Joe that is still amongst us, the one I’m talking to in the photo above, told me he served in the 256th Tank Battalion.

One of the stories he told me was how he had gotten in trouble and thrown into the stockade while he was stationed in Italy. There was a need for someone that spoke Italian to keep track of some Italian prisoners of war. My uncle had his stockade sentence pardoned so he could do detail translating for these POW truck drivers.

When I asked him what he did to be put in the stockade, he told me that he had taken a case of fruit cocktail off a truck to share with his platoon.

I make no political point here about serving in the military or any war. It happened. It is part of the past and cannot be changed. I’m just fortunate to still have my Uncle Joe around. By the way, we call him Uncle Curly.

Me, myself and I, somewhere in the Republic of Vietnam, 1969



  1. I love the photo of the two of you talking... 'uncle curly' you say? I cannot see if his hair is curly underneat that hat (not even if he has any hair at all) or if there was another reason for calling him 'Curly'... You look good my friend! Stay healthy and keep rollin' the roads!

  2. Your post warms my hear for so very many reasons. And it is good to see you are out 'on the road again.' Fell the wind for us, Joe! Thanks for sharing this! Haiku My Heart Raining

  3. Hello Two Joes!
    Awesome photos and heart warming stories!
    Thank you for your service!
    (My son deploys for third mission next January)This will be his second Tour of Duty in Kuwait.First was Wartime Iraq.

  4. it is lovely to meet the Spadomen!
    handsome all, and living real life straight from your hearts.
    great picture of real life joes
    swapping stories and feeling the greatness of a shared moment.

    i want to thank you for your place in the haiku circle. next friday haiku my heart will celebrate three years of togetherness! you have a permanent place in all our hearts.

  5. to share a family,
    a name, an experience...
    kindred souls are everywhere,
    but it is especially nice
    to know one so well.

  6. I always thought it an honour to share a relative's first name. How wonderful that your uncle is still around to share thoughts with.

  7. It is important to ask the old ones questions while you still can. After they are gone I found myself wishing I had asked this or that. Great photos and post.

  8. How very special to share your shared moments here. What a treasure for you to have this time with your uncle. I was in DC for the first time last week and visited the Vietnam Memorial. It was the most emotional and powerful experience.

  9. young Joe far from home
    eyes fierce with uncertainty
    what fresh new hell waits

  10. A guy named joe!!!!
    I loved "hearing your stories"
    Happy birthday!!!!!!!!
    : )

  11. Wait a minute, 2 more things
    Happy Fathers day
    thank you for your service!

  12. Happy birthday to Uncle Curly and to you. That's a nice patio photo of both of you. I think Joe Caruso is handsome.


  13. Amazing....what a gift to get that time with Uncle Curly. And how cool the two of you got to kibbitz and spend the time together. Fruit cocktail--boy, I sure hope it was GOOD fruit cocktail.
    Very cool photo, sir.

  14. Thanks for the story Joe. Not many WW2, or Korean vets left. If I notice one with a hat on, I make sure and thank them for their service. I think about our time in Vietnam often.

    All the best Brother !!

