Thursday, May 30, 2013

Medicine Wheel

Haiku My Heart
May 31, 2013

Rocks align with stars

Spirit guides through open sky

Unbroken circle

The weekly meme, Haiku My Heart, is the creation of my friend, Rebecca. More can be seen and shared at recuerda mi corazon.

Today's Haiku comes from my heart and speaks of the power of the Sacred Circle of life. I wrote this story about The Medicine Wheel many years ago and re-posted it in 2007. I reference it again as this story bears repeating. It has come full circle for me over the past week.

Epilogue, May 27, 2013

Completed 4 days of ceremony. Fulfilled the vision. Danced in the Sacred circle guided by the Buffalo. Blessed with life, peace, love and friendship. 


  1. We will be in Wyoming in late Spring next year. We hope to visit here. Also, just by the by - you are in Wisconsin, right. We will also be stopping in Rhinelander as we come down through the north. Perhaps we can arrange a meet-up after leaving Rhinelander??

  2. Wonderful to see you again, my friend.

  3. I've read in both places the power of the Spirits that touch your life and your heart. Your story, your journey to be all that you ARE, touches mine.
    I'm grateful that you danced.
    May there be another four days...and another...

  4. What a beautiful journey. The words are simple but full of energy. I think I know how you feel about the "Circle of Life." I feel the healing power of the Creator every time I visit Rocky Mountain National Park...or just standing in awe of the majesty of any of his creations. There are times, even on the muddy Ohio, that there is healing in the realization that He is in control and I must submit to it. I think I would like to visit the Medicine Wheel the next time we go to visit Mom in MT. Have a grand weekend!

  5. I love the feeling of spaciousness you evoke in your poem!

  6. this is a deeply personal and profound haiku,
    i am honored that you have shared it with us at haiku my heart.
    i have missed you as have so many others.
    unbroken circle.

  7. It was truly a blessing to watch the transition over those four days and nights, the most beautiful part of it was when Grandfather Buffalo allowed you to feel whole again without much physical sacrifice. Your every bit the person you were brother, I think that's what the grandfathers wanted you to know, just needed to trust in you.
