Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sunday Morning Musing

Looks like I haven't been here in a while. I don't lack motivation, I just don't have enough hours in the day. That goes for visits to your blogs as well. I need a time planner. Seems like there is always so much to get done. Even my VA medical appointments get in the way of every day living.

Mrs. Spadoman has been doing a lot of work as well. We're painting the downstairs living area of our house. Because of circumstances beyond our control, our daughter and the Grandkids are moving back in with us. This scenario has created a lot of little projects that I want to get done to make this experience better for everyone concerned. That meant building walls, moving fixtures, paint and other business as one thing needed to be finished or moved before another could start. A never ending cycle with what seems like no end in sight.

Today, I'll take a break, like I did yesterday, and do some cooking for the family. Youngest daughter will join us for an early Sunday afternoon dinner. Kind of a celebration after the testing of my pacemaker last Wednesday. The drugs were good. I don't remember a thing, and the pacemaker works! In fact, it has been "pacing" my heartbeat for the past 15 months.

In other news, the big snowstorm hit out East last week. A storm is due to hit the Midwest today and tomorrow. It is not predicted to dump 2-3 feet of snow, but rather an underlayment of ice from freezing rain and anywhere from a few inches to a foot of snow. We'll see what Mother Nature brings us. It is Winter. It snows on a regular basis during the Winter in this part of the world. I'm just glad I don't have to shovel it or go off to work driving on the slick roads with others, trying to get to work to make a living.

I had thought about taking one of my road trips to New Mexico and Arizona, but will forego such extravagance in an attempt to hold onto what little money I have in the Spadoville coffers right now. Besides, I think there is a trip to Florida in the not too distant future for Mrs. Spadoman and myself to visit friends along the Gulf coast. This will most likely happen in late March/early April.

One mid Winter activity that I like to do is look at motorcycles, and this year, since I wrecked my motorcycle last September, has me drooling over a replacement. I know, I know, I mentioned that I would consider giving up riding. I just can't. Not yet. It defines me and I enjoy it so much. I'm just about ready to pull the trigger on a deal for another Triumph Bonneville. We'll see what the next few days has to say about it and what I decide to do.

In the meantime, I'll go about my business. Hope I get around to visit soon enough. It is the scourge of having so many wonderful Blogger friends, the fact that there is just not enough time to visit all  of you.



  1. It's Sunday?!
    I opened up the page and discovered that--time flies when you're having so much fun. LOL

    Ah, but it's good to know the test went well--figured all was well when the post surfaced, but it's nice to know that in black and white.

    Kids, eh?! Love 'em beyond beyond, but in shared space?! Oh, you're a brave man...and a busy one, no doubt. What a nice thing to make it doable for them all. I'm thinking we'd do likewise JUST for my sanity. LOL Well, and for the privacy. But more for the sanity! :-)

    You just keep on doing what you're doing in the warmth of the house--and dabble a bit in the dreams of a motorcycle (yes, I know it's more than a dabble...I'm sure photos will accompany the purchase! LOL). You're right--wouldn't be YOU if wheels weren't somehow attached.
    Ummm....But can we skip wrecking this one, please?

  2. Wow, that is a lot of change happening around the homestead. Your daughter is blessed to have you and her mom to support her through this time.
    I can so see why you want to keep the wings your bike gives you in place ! Hopefully the warmer seasons will see you able to use them again !
    In the mean time, wishing you peace and good living in the home nest, Man !

  3. I just hope being a safety net for our kids works both seems you are preparing to be more than a temporary roost. I quite enjoy having kids come back home - I'm not ready for an entirely empty nest.

    So glad your tests went well. Guess you can relax a little with that knowledge.

    Get yourself a great deal on the bike. Make the salesman feel sorry for you.
