Sunday, January 13, 2013

Canyon de Chelly

Shadow Shot Sunday II
January 13, 2013

Every Sunday, we post Shadow Shots and share them. To see more and find out how to participate, please visit HERE. Be careful, hunting shadows can become an addiction!

Tall walls of red stone
Carved by the hands of nature
Canyon de Chelly

Cliff dwelling partially hidden by natures eyelid

Odd shaped shadow, concave and convex in one
Natural butt crack
Hard lines of light and shadows

Canyon de Chelly is located within the Navajo Indian Reservation in Northeastern Arizona. It is well worth the visit if you're down that way. I've traveled a lot, over the years, and many times in the Southwestern USA states of Arizona and New Mexico. I've never made it to Canyon de Chelly until this past year. The question keeps haunting me, "Why haven't I come here sooner?"



  1. Oy looked great and big mountains, great pictures.
    ,, Finnes,, is present.
    Good Sunday Marit.

  2. I just love that first shot, so crisp and clean!

    Shadow of Kindness
    Have a blessed Sunday.

  3. I've been there and it's remarkable. Love the sunny day that gave you such great shadows, and your poetic eye in seeing the "eyelid." Have a great day.

  4. Wonderful shadows in these beautiful canyons! It must have been a breathtaking experience to wander here!

  5. It's on my places I want to go to list and I know I don't live that far from it. It's just that so many things get in the way (and I'd rather not make that trek alone). Beautiful shots!

  6. Oh wow...... There's a place I'll add to the list for the next adventure west. I say that, not knowing when that will be of course--but it's obviously a nice place for a wander about and a breathing in of peace.
    Wow... How gorgeous. And how awesome that the dwellings are so well hidden and preserved.
    I love the shadows--especially the top of the formation on the valley below. Excellent!

  7. what gorgeous landscape you have captured. breathtaking views!!!

  8. Hello Mr. SpadoHeArtMan... I truly have not fallen off the face of the earth, or even the walls of this amazing canyon, of which I have spent quite a bit of time and love so dearly... your shadows and haiku take me right back to this place that takes my breath away.

  9. Thinking of you--sure hope all is well and it's the warmer (albeit brief) weather that's made for the quietness here!
