Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Our Lady of Guadalupe

A Virgin a Day
Guadalupe made her presence in South Dakota at the Fatima Family Shrine in Alexandria

This seried started on December 1st. People from all over the world have submitted posts for twelve days in honor of the twelfth day of the month of December, which is the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe. You can see more images and read more stories at recuerda mi corazon

Small statue for home use

We have been traveling since November 30th. We did sit still in Tucson for a week, but we're back on the road as of last Monday and headed for a stop in Chicago before the last miles toward home. Hear tell they had over a foot of snow in River Falls. Sorry we missed it. There will be more throughout the Winter, so it's not like we'll miss all of the storms that bring the white stuff.

Tattood for life with Our Lady of Guadalupe (I wanted so bad to reach over and put the tag in its proper place, but didn't risk the intrusion on the space of this individual)
In the meantime, I have been keeping track of these 12 days of the Virgin Mary. I'm just going to share some photos I've taken over the past week or so that depict Our Lady of Guadalupe. 

A coloring book of images of many depictions of the Blessed Virgin that we bought while in Tucson, AZ
First page of the above mentioned coloring book (Might blow this up and post it as a coloring contest, what do you think?)

Guadalupe cut-out
An iron rendition of Guadalupe in a small church courtyard
Close-up of the above metalwork

Painted tiles depicting Our Lady of Guadalupe

On the wall at the entrance to the church at St. Xavier del Bac near Tucson

So you see, we notice her image. It follows us as we travel. I seek her out as it has become second nature to spot her image on most everything, especially in the American Southwest and Mexico. I'm still looking for that gear shift knob I mentioned last year.

I will celebrate this day by asking her spirit to travel with us for a safe journey.



  1. Oh, I love that iron rendition of Her! It's really fabulous.

    Safe trip home!

  2. Thank you for sharing your travels with Mary with us! God bless you.xx

  3. You have had a most wonderful journey with Our Lady these past 12 days ~ Wonderful photography ~ blessings to you and Happy Holidays ~

    (A Creative Harbor) ^_^ aka artmusedog and Carol ^_^

  4. what a wonderful post, taking pictures of Our Lady on your travels. I love that tattoo - as soon as I can muster enough courage I am getting one. blessings on your travels

  5. Well, I'm still not catching on to why these Ladies are revered. But they are colourful and often beautiful.

  6. and peace to you.. the tatoo is so special as are your sharings.. i have so enjoyed this pilgrimage

  7. dear spadoman,

    thank you for sharing your mary love on the days you could be with us. i see she has graced your days of travel. always such happiness when she appears. it has been pure joy, all this gathering of love and light. she is the mother of peace, and you are her blessed child!

  8. Dear Joe:
    I love the cutout -- I wish I'd found one to buy when I was in San Miguel with Rebecca. Travel safely on your remaining journey!

  9. How I love traveling with you dear Mr. SHM... thank you for these sightings, for the honoring of the divine feminine, the beauty you see and share... blessings on your travels home! Peace and love to you both!

  10. She is with us wherever we go, isn't she? We just need to keep our eyes and hearts open.
    I love the coloring contest idea. I'm game!

  11. I will cherish the memory of this trip with you and the others led by Rebecca. I especially like the close-up of the iron Mary. So striking! Vaya con Dios on your trip.

  12. Hi Joe,
    I have that coloring book,
    a gift from a friend, it's really cool. What a good idea to enlarge the pictures.

    I had fun looking at this collection of Lupes...the iron statue is so unique, just gorgeous.

    Stay safe,
    Love to you and Mrs. Spado♥

  13. Wonderful collection of images! Thank you for sharing them all with us.

  14. Try this link, Joe:

    Glad your travels are going well and that you have many Mary sightings. Thanks for participating when you could. See you soon.

  15. OH my gosh! There there are!! That first one is just gorgeous! *laughing* What the heck--get two!

    Gorgeous statues and paintings. It amazes me they keep the dress similar--so many times they alter bits and suddenly the whole essence is changed...

    Way awesome.
    And you're still on the journey, enjoying the views--so life, truly, is good!

  16. I so enjoyed my visit and seeing your awesome and inspiring images!!!!

  17. wonderful closing images for this final day, Spadoman. So glad to have shared this time with you.

  18. I love how you've popped in and out of this journey, knowing that whenever you appear, you are welcome. It is always a pleasure to journey with you, my friend. May your days continue to be full and rich and beautiful. Amen.

  19. A lovely post. I love the iron version. It has been so good to be part of this. See you next year!xx
