Friday, September 28, 2012

Ode to the Seasons

Haiku My Heart
September 28, 2012

Haiklu My Heart happens on Fridays here at Round Circle and at other blogs. Pay a visit to Rebecca's recuerda mi corazon to find a list of other bloggers in our small beautiful community of sharing and find out how to participate.

Cloudy sunny day

Mix and match, change of seasons

Unbroken circle

It’s that time of the year. I know of no other place where the seasonal change in weather shows itself more than the upper Midwest of the United States. We can gauge our wardrobe and utility bills pretty much by the equinox and solstices, and those events keeping lock step with the calendar.

Many folks say that Fall is their favorite time of the year. I must agree, at least for this week, as we have temperatures in the 70’s with bright sun every day this week and the forecast beyond. But I like the frosty mornings as well as the cold rainy changes. Trees going from bright green fullness to stark gray branches. It does my heart good to see these miracles unfold before our eyes.

A small comforting fire in the fireplace has been utilized each morning before old Sol does his job and warms us. Funny to see the little children in shorts, shivering at the bus stop, then coming home, forgetting their sweatshirts at school.

Yellow and gold leaves are falling, littering the lawn, and although far less noticeable, the white pine sheds its needles and they are strewn all over the front yard and will make a gutter cleaning inevitable before the snows come.

Fall, another season. Another time of change. And we’ll be waiting to see what vengeance Winter brings. Predictions are for another mild time with less than the usual accumulation of snow. My friends in Albuquerque might have to make plans for a trip North this year to escape the long Winter cold.

Peace to all


  1. That edge between the dark and the light... the doorway between opposites where the seasons change, in summer longing for coolness, in winter longing for the sun... when all seems broken and rent apart this cycle of life holds us all. Beautiful Joe.

  2. something about change, and how it stirs our hearts. the longing that filled me when i read your telling words of children in shorts shivering at bus stops, then coming home forgetting their sweatshirts....
    there. just that. stirring years and years of vibrant memories of mornings with my son preparing for school. just a hand full of words and my heart is completely flooded.

  3. I love this fall pondering, Man. It is my favorite time too. So many bursts of beauty. I think too, maybe the coolness makes me more alert to them. Plus, I am an October baby...who knows why, but I do love it.
    Sending you huge, yet gentle hugs, my friend ! Enjoy the Fall weekend !

  4. I enjoyed this post - very wistful - I think fall is probably the most beautiful season with the colours changing but it is not my favourite as it has an air of sadness about it as winter is around the corner and I'm definitely not a fan. I suppose I am in the autumn season of my life - the colours have changed here too after all.

    There's nothing quite like a wood fire in the fall - I rarely experience them now - we have a gas fire though - and I've had that burning a couple times to take the chill off. I do love crawling under the blankets again at night and being toasty warm while the air is slightly chilly.

  5. Fall is so beautiful...and such a mix and match season of changes. Nice capture.

  6. I enjoyed your haiku and post. Fall is definitely a colourful time of year. I love the rain, personally. I hope you are mending well and comfortably.

  7. Yes, fall is my favorite, i see beauty everywhere! And My son did just forget his sweatshirt! Ha!

  8. I like your cloudy sunny photo and change of seasons haiku, Happy Autumn!

  9. Life described so well in one photo and one haiku ~ truly a gift ~ (A Creative Harbor)

  10. Funny how your words describe the day here!!! Well done!!! Cathy

  11. Perfect. And I adore the photo with the sunburst in the clouds. Awesome!

    I'm a midwest gal--and fall has arrived. I'm chomping at the bits to get out on the dirt roads and take in the colour and the chomp-n-pukes doing their harvesting deal. It's gorgeous.....I could watch harvest for hours with dust flying and corn/beans flowing and the spray of leaves and husks in the air. It's just my kinda drama. LOL

    You enjoy that fireplace--let the grands chase down their sweatshirts and remember when we did the same darn thing. (also known as "Mel left her jacket at work today"....LOL)

    Rest. Heal. Let fall fill your senses and enjoy!

  12. Making a dream catchers whilst the seasons mingle from summer to autumn, brings me warm pictures of you Joe! I do hope you are more comfortable with your injury this weekend,peace to you friend.
    Ms Foxy x

  13. wonderful haiku...the weather is much the same here in northern New England... I was shivering on an early (just before sunset) walk with my husband and two tweens walked by in short shorts and t-shirts...I guess they forgot their jackets somewhere when the temps warmed up earlier in the day too!

  14. Mmmm...for me, Autumn is that magical time that I begin to retreat within a little bit, in preparation for winter. I love it, too! We spent the entire day planting 5 fruit trees, and the weather was perfect! I hope that we have enough time left for them to get firmly rooted...maybe that's a metaphor for us, as well!
    P.S. I hope you're healing swiftly!

  15. Posts like this make me very nostalgic for seasonal life. Hope you are steadily improving since your accident, Stephen.

  16. For you, it seems, this is the season of brokenness. But the season of healing is fast approaching. May you somehow appreciate both.

    I’m late making the rounds from Haiku My Heart Friday. Apologies!

    Words to the Wise

  17. Sorry for being so late on this 'haiku round'... but now I have time to stop and take the time to read your blogpost. And what a wonderful words! Yes, I do love Autumn - as I reached the years that they call 'autumn of life' too. I wish you mild and sunny days this week my friend!
