Friday, September 14, 2012

Capitalization Standards

Haiku My Heart
September 14, 2012

Each Friday we meet on the blog pages and share ourselves with each other. To see more haiku and to find out how to become a part of this pleasant and peaceful community, please visit recuerda mi corazon.

The recent trip I took to Taos, NM was a great success. Please return in a few days to read all about it and see some photos. I'll do a Monday Mystery Tour story on, yep, you guessed it, Monday.
In the meantime, I had this thought about some of my habits in writing, so I entered them here as haiku. After all, these things are very dear to me heart.

Sneak preview

I Capitalize

Pirate, Veteran, Soldier, 

Warrior, Mom, Dad 

Brother, Sister, Aunt, 

Uncle, Cousin, Child, Kid

Grand Father, Mother

God, The Creator

Great Spirit, Great Mystery 

Higher Power, Peace

Love, Sun, Moon, Stars, Earth

North, South, East, West, Sacred Fire

Sweat Lodge, Sundance, Sage

Tobacco, Sweetgrass

Cedar, Cancer Heart Disease

Health and Happiness

Spring, Fall, The Solstice

Winter, Summer, Wind, Water

Mankind and Women

I’m sure there are more. These come to mind today as events in the lives of my family and in my own life bring these thoughts to mind. I emphasize these words when I use them in any of my writings. I can connect the words to the thoughts and feelings that run amok through my mind and heart.

Do you have words you capitalize on purpose?

Sometimes it is how I feel about the particular subject I happen to be writing about. I’ll tend to capitalize a word over and over, every time it appears in a post. There is no purpose to tell you these things, yet I felt compelled to do so. As usual, take what you need and leave the rest.



  1. Now this makes me think. I capitalize words that are sacred to me...many of them are the same as yours. Heart and God and all words that come from these places...which are the same place...a Holy Space.
    Have a great weekend Joe. ♥♥♥

  2. you have struck a sweet cord in me joe. as i remember being quite young when i choose to stop capitalizing words. i've never thought to share this inner choice or explain it. even as a young girl it was evident that many of the wrongs from the actions of mankind were perhaps enabled by a feeling of superiority, separation. as if we could reign over the earth, different cultures, the animal kingdom. i wanted to remember that everyone and everything has import and significance to be honored and respected. so i dropped the capitals of "proper names" to stand on even ground with stones, stars, forever and always.
    i was so young and already willing to walk open armed into the house of belonging.

    to be humble and unassuming.

    it's my your capitals are bright reminders for you. i love knowing what is dear to you, as you are dear to me!

  3. Your haikus transported me, among other places, into family thoughts. This has been a tragic week in my family, with two old and more expected, one shockingly young, the saddest thing in the entire world.
    I know your words will conjour up many different scenarios, thoughts, and memories for everyone who visits today..very powerful indeed.

  4. I don't.

    I don't have a lot of words that are sacred to me. Perhaps that explains a lot. I think the sacred has let me down some. I'm pretty sure I've let it down too. I'm trying really hard to feel it again. But I'm not there yet.

    I'm so glad you are putting it out there though.

  5. Very lovely thoughts ~ I don't have that many words but when I count my blessings, all of them, matter to me ~ Happy weekend ~

  6. I like to capitalize phrases for humorous effect: that's when he saw the Large Black Pig

  7. so very much to take away here...all your words so beautifully unite to form your vocabulary.

    Happy that your trip was a wonderful adventure and you were followed by deep blue skies.

    happy weekend!
    I capitalize almost all the words in my post titles...not even sure how that began :)

  8. Lovely post ~ so glad you commented on my haiku as I could not get to your blog with the link on Haiku My Heart ~ Wish I could round the camp fire on the Autumnal Equinox ~ Peace to you and yours ^_^

    (A Creative Harbor)

  9. I could not wait to get here today... and now here I am, and I feel like I am walking between standing stones as I move through your haiku... Each word a stone that resonates and has meaning, each word a different tone, like ringing a bell, as I walk through these words a chorus begins, a song of songs. I am very moved by this "sneak preview..."

    So glad to hear that your trip was a success. I look forward to your sharing more as time allows and Monday rolls around!

    Peace to you Joe.

    P.s. I too wish you could attend Calabash in person. Next year, maybe you can at least enter one of your rattles? People send in their pieces from near and afar!

  10. So Good to Connect today Joe, I always feel this way when coming here, your Spirit does my soul Good, Thank You! I think it is a sense of freedom you emit, your travels and all, to say you have your own share of probs and more, there is always a sense of making the most here, you are my Role Model! Bless You!

    Ms Foxy :~)xxx

  11. I was well-drilled by my teachers... I write the exact correct way with dots and capitals only at the beginning of a sentence (oh, and the word Lord and God have to be capatalized, that was told to us, kids, every day.. yep, a Christian school - see - Christian needs a capital) Ha, I could go on and on... your post made me think about my 'tic'... you guessed it? Yep..... dots! I somehow need those to feel more free.

  12. LOL Marit and I seem to have been drilled by the same teachers..and have that same 'tic'....dots!

    Although I have given myself the freedom to wander outside that box on occasion, I'm much more free with my dots than I am my capital letters.

    Of course, the internet brought me to the understanding that ALL capital letters means shouting/emphasis on the word. New box for the 'old schooled' I guess.

    Reverence--that's what capital letters mean, whether I agree with that 'person/place/thing' being something revered or not. I'm going to have to think about that......
    But I adore this reverence of yours.
    And I'm especially glad you're back and present here!

  13. I think i am more in the habit, as Rebecca of not capitalizing.... I have to force myself usually to go back and capitalize things, and sometimes i just don't want to... I have never really thought about why... My ipad automatically capitalizes for me even when i don't plan to! I like to use exclamation points though!!! Glad you had a good trip!!!

  14. This reminds me a little of Madeleine L'engle talking about the importance of naming and being named how we are known as numbers and how dehumanizing that is, Great write, naming what is important to you.

  15. Joe, welcome back to Wis/Min. This is a beautiful post. Ive always noticed and loved your use of CAPITALS: sparing, chosen, communicating non-cerebral, taht something is special, sacred, nurtured, fragile... It's a special part of your gift as a storyteller. Thanks, beautiful writing about the meeting with your Doctor, too. Thanks for writing. Pamela

  16. dear spadoman,

    this morning i announced on postcards from paradise that once again i am dedicating each sunday in october to The Art of Remembering.
    i cannot begin to tell you how deeply moved i am with this outpouring of love, and i hope you will return to woo us once more with your precious memories!
    please invite your blog family, the more stories shared, all the more love igniting our hearts!

  17. I have stopped capitalizing cancer. It has too much power on its own anyway. Heart disease can go the same way, as far as I'm concerned.

    I hope the home road is smooth and full of sweet visions for you, Man.

    Love, light and peace.

  18. Food for thought, Joe. Thank you. I just happen to be hungry.
