Friday, July 20, 2012

Miracles, Alive and Well

Haiku My Heart
July 20, 2012

Haiku My Heart happens every Friday at recuerda mi corazon. Come,  join and share with us the poetry of life's precious journey. Try your hand, there is no right or wrong if it comes from our hearts. You will be amazed.

Capturing my heart
Their precious glow captivates
From fruit of my loin
These are my two youngest Grandchildren. My daughter’s children. We call them G, on the left, and Yoody. G is five, Yoody is eight in human years. I can’t begin to describe the love I have for them as well as their older brother and sister who are not pictured here today. This love as strong as the love that created our daughters, the bearing of loving fruit. Sustenance for our souls.
This summer, these two have been hanging around a lot. We talk, listen to music, sing and dance, play games, eat and go places. Their Grandmother does all of that and more with them.
My daughter, their mother, posted this photo and it grabbed a hold of me. It is a perfect image of them. It is how I see them when I glance in their direction, making faces randomly in any given moment. Their love and happiness shining through.
When I pray for the health and happiness of the children, this is what I see as the answer to these prayers. I am so blessed to have this family and family life, the prosperity to not be hungry and have a safe and stable roof over our heads. To be able to cool ourselves in the searing summer heat, sheltered from the thunder rain, and the ability to stay warm and comfortable in the cold of the upper Midwest winter.
These and all children are the image of Spirit. Life’s lessons can be learned by watching and listening to them. As we guide them, they teach us. 

Their embrace akin
To owning piles of gold,
Their sleep brings us Peace

Author's Note:
Earlier this week, three children, very close in age to my own Grandchildren, were murdered in River Falls, WI, our home town. This tragedy will last a lifetime for all River Falls residents as well as in my heart. I will count my extreme blessings and pray for any kind of peace that can come to the Mother, family members and friends left behind. This post is an attempt to lift us up as there is no way to fathom this kind of loss. I pray hard for Peace for everyone concerned.

Peace to All


  1. You are blessed indeed. I love that photo! You can almost hear them laughing and joking.

    How awful for that family. I assume it was a crazed family member (the father?) or you would be fearing for your own. So tragic. To end the livesof children or abuse them in any way in an attempt to calm your own soul sounds so ridiculous and yet ithappens millions of times a day.

  2. Uplifing and positive in the face of tragedy. Thanks!

  3. Children, making faces and laughing, are a blessing indeed. Life is magical and precious - I love your thoughtfull post and I too am thinking off, and send peace to, the family that has to suffer a loss bigger then I can imagine...

  4. Delightful girls...grandchildren are such a joy and allow me to experience again the joy they so eagerly exude!!! My condolences to you and all who have suffered from this tragedy! Wishing you well! Cathy

  5. Wow ! Treasures of delight and sad about the children killed ~ world can be so crazy sometimes ~ Both haiku are crafted very well ~~ thanks, ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Oh, how they must adore you, Grandfather Man !!!!
    Yes, when the hopeless, incomprehensible, utterly wrong and disgusting things happen around us, holding our loved ones close and LOVING on them really big is the most powerful thing we can do.
    Peace, love and light on you and all you hold dear, my Friend.

  7. there is innocence and love permeating your words and beaming from the faces of your dear grandgirls.

    we need this focus of love this gathering of all we hold dear. thank you for speaking out so deeply of your gratitude for family and the gift of life and sharing.

    more than ever we need to commit to
    peace, to caring for each other in real and compelling ways.

    thank you for yours.

  8. oh
    this makes me Smile so
    to see your good fortune!

    {{ my best friend--->
    my sister is 4 years younger
    i do know
    what a blessing they
    will B
    to each other }}

  9. You think you know love, then you are blessed with grandchildren, it's bliss! Pure radiance and joy in those sweet little faces!

  10. My mom always said that maternal love can never be understood unless one becomes a mother.....I never have, unfortunately....

  11. This photo captures the life and vitality in their spirits. Both haiku are powerful. I'm sorry to hear about the sad news. I appreciate you telling us about it as inspiration for your post.

  12. The love that radiates from your words and these precious grandchildren of yours... they are a light here and everywhere, today especially. I am so glad that you have them and that you share this joy and love with all of us... I can just imagine the mischief they get into with their beloved grandfather!

    I join you in your prayers for this family, your home town, and for peace. Peace. Please Peace.

  13. What wonderful blessings are in all of our lives everyday...and then how quickly they that can all change sometimes. I don't know how the human spirit survives, yet it seems time. They will be in my prayer sad.

  14. They make my heart sing. I'm sure that's true for you as well.

    My condolences to everyone in your community. I know it really hits home when it's in your own back yard.

    Peace, indeed.

