Friday, July 13, 2012

Marigolds on the Front Porch

Haiku My Heart
July 13, 2012

See more Haiku at recuerda mi corazón, where we meet weekly to share stories, photos, art, haiku and wonderful conversation.

Flowering front porch
Sweet marigolds on parade
Spadoville beauties
Bought colorful Mexican pottery planters on the March trip down to Santa Fe.
Bought flowery plants and set them in the planters, watered them and watched them bear flower gifts.

Bought more planters at the local hardware store.
Got a bunch of nutrient rich composted soil.

Bought a half dozen small pots of marigolds, cultivated by a neighbor, at our local Farmer’s Market.

Played in the dirt, planting the golden flowers.
Took photos of the Spadoville front porch.

Wrote Haiku poetry to acknowledge Mother Natures efforts.

I remember that my first name, Joseph, means "Sower of seeds". I used to garden extensively. Making soil from compost, planting, cultivating, canning vegetables, hanging flowers to dry them. Totally working the soil between multiple jobs along with raising cattle, chickens and children.

I lost the desire some time ago, well, not the desire, I lost the will as getting down on my hands and knees and handling a large tiller became impossible. It was with great enthusiasm that I bought this flat of marigolds, and planters to put them in, and planted them.

Every day this Summer, I see the beautiful flowers and marvel at the colors. Makes me feel good that I planted something. 

Feel Peace


  1. Marigolds again in J.Spadoville are a golden miracle. Great haiku and essay interwoven with the impressive flower display.

  2. ...sweet marigolds on parade ~ lovely visual line ~ great photos ~ Wonderful ~ ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)

    PS You were right Farmer's Market was too hot and sun effected me as well as the dog ~ heat stroke almost ~ hence glad to be home ^_^

  3. this is lovely joe!
    all these happy blossoms keeping you and mrs.spadoman company on your lovely deck. i enjoyed every word here and the return to your name sake.
    is there any action more confirming of the miracle of life then sowing seeds?

    travel safe dear friend and thank you for being here at haiku my heart arms full of bright flowers!

  4. golden blooms
    reach toward the sky
    make me smile

  5. Marigolds are such happy flowers. Their name is apt.

    I love them in other people's gardens as the petunia colours are more to my palette.

  6. Looks lovely - the reward for your labors.....I love marigolds, too, as they are virtually no care thru the summer, and the vivid colors are wonderful....

  7. Such an easy way to enjoy flower! in these pots and planters.


    Can never get enough marigolds! Just wait til you see the HUGE marigold bunches in San Miguel...I buy bundles and carry them around with me.

  8. I love marigolds! They are so cheerful and sunny even on rainy days. Happy Friday!

  9. Your garden looks so festive. I love color in the garden, marigolds, and zinnia's! I used to garden more and now I do art with garden themes!
    Nothing is better than putting my hands in the soil and mixing it up for the new plant!!!

  10. Marigolds - little blooms of summer happiness!

  11. Hi Joe, yes I can fully understand this post having two acres of land, we would like to move to more of a handkerchief garden when the financial climate allows, here's to potted marigolds adorning beautiful decks!

    Love Ms Foxy x

  12. cute are those?! And what a nice Haiku to go along with 'em.

    I feel your pain on the gardening experience. I like my plants potted and my vegetables stolen from the neighbors patch. *laughing*
    No weeding! ;-)

  13. Marigolds on the front porch = summer! Great job with the total package - the plants, the photos and the haiku.

  14. It's nice to see that marigolds thrive somewhere! They are a most beautiful labor of love.

  15. I randomly chose some snap dragons & magenta dianthus flowers that have just kept on blooming for a few months now. Wow! The dianthus (Sweet williams), turns out are perennials, so if I bring them in the winter, they should keep bringing the blooms again & again.

    Keeping in touch w the earth (ie playing in the dirt).... is good medicine. It is opposite all that is wrong with life.
    It is a loving nurturing beautiful colorful thing to do.
    A little pot of joy & a splash of color.

  16. I was enjoying the same feeling this morning. I played in the dirt standing up and posted the event as you did. No hands and knees for me anymore. Your marigolds are so cheerful. Are you staying in New Mexico these days?
