Saturday, June 23, 2012

Early on a Saturday Morning

It’s Saturday morning. Early on a Saturday morning. The first Saturday morning of Summer. Things have been so chaotic around here since March and haven’t slowed down one bit. Of course much of that is my own making. Maybe I’m trying to make up for the time I wasted in the hospital last November and December. Whatever it is, I’m living it, one day at a time.
Traveling is over for a while. At least taking specific trips to go places, like some people travel over vacation. I just drove a 200 mile round trip the other day just to exchange a tire I ordered in the wrong size from a motorcycle accessories place in Rush City, MN. I was home by 10:30 AM. To some, a 200 mile trip is a big deal. It's a morning drive for me. Remember, "The Windshield is my yoga" j spado
It’s not traveling now. It’s VA appointments, home remodeling projects, horse trading with motorcycles, friends visiting and relatives coming for the weekend. Throw in to all of that the Grandkids and spending time with them as they use the Slip N Slide in the back yard, fixing bicycles and riding my motorcycle between the raindrops, and it keeps me hoppin’.
I want to mention a blog friend from Arizona, Gemma is her name. She pens the blog Gemma’s House. She is an artist and a fine compassionate woman. She finds herself having some health problems and I want to make sure the word is out that another of us needs support by way of positive energy, prayer and good thoughts sent her way for a speedy recovery.

There are other friends and bloggers still dealing with family members and their own struggles with health issues as well. You have not been forgotten either. As busy as we seem to be, there is always time for a thought to be sent. Just look up at the Grandmother Moon, Grandfather Sun or the Star Nation and your gaze will see mine and the others. These are the focal points where we meet when technology isn’t enough.

It's hard to put in to words the feelings I felt when people, virtual strangers as bloggers can be, prayed for my recovery and the well-being of my family in my hospital stay absence. I believe it does help. If for no other reason, you know that someone somewhere is thinking about you and hoping that you'll be okay and get through the malady. I send this same healing energy out to all that need it.
In the meantime,  I’m hunting for a new motorcycle later this morning. This afternoon, I’m finishing up some small details of a project we have going on at Spadoville. We’re building an old fashioned pantry and when I catch up on the last details of the framing, we’ll be ready to insulate and sheetrock the ceiling and walls tomorrow when my daughter and her boyfriend come over to give us a hand.
Another friend might be passing through town and spending a few days while he is traveling West into South Dakota for the Sundance. He works in construction and might help me build the ramp that would complete the deck project. And my sister from the Chicago area and her son, my nephew Michael, will arrive Sunday to visit for a few days.
Next week finds me loading up the motorcycle and delivering it to the new owner in Madison, Wisconsin. One might wonder why I’m selling one and getting another. That’s just how I roll when it pertains to motorcycles. If I had the room and the money, I’d have a stable full of ‘em and one would even be another Harley Davidson.
A week from tomorrow is July. We’ve had some heat and humidity here in the midwest, and some helacious storms too. A lot of rain. Have you heard about the floods and destruction in Duluth, MN? Google that and see roads washed out, cars in sinkholes and the Duluth Zoo needs help. Some animals lost their lives and many relocated after the eight inch rainfall. My heart goes out to the people of Duluth. I have some friends up there, but they are okay.
On the health front, it is good news to say that I haven’t gained any weight since I got out of the hospital last December and my blood numbers are vastly improved from a year ago. But I still struggle with diabetes, and what's really hard is getting used to having this machine in my chest and knowing that my fate lies in the hands of the people that manufactured it. It is under the skin, so I can't examine it and see if it was made in China. So far, so good. My heart still beats in a slowed down steady rhythm. I just get tired and can’t do much past two in the afternoon any more.
So, now you’re filled in. I have some tales to tell and a few tidbits to write about and will get to them soon enough. A friend and I exchanged artwork and the item she made for me is the greatest thing I have ever received from anyone! I also won a blog contest a few months ago and never mentioned it, all the while wanting to show off the artwork I won and mention the artist and show you more of her exquisite work. Then, there are more photos, videos and stories from the miles on the road this Spring. If I'm not careful, I'll be back on the road before I get to tell you about it all.

In the meantime, please remember our friends that aren’t doing their best. Take time to live in any one moment, or many moments if you can and choose to, and to gaze up once in a while and see what keeps us steady. You might even see a shooting Star, and you'll certainly meet others that hold the spirits of the heavens in their hearts. 
Peace to all


  1. Good Morning my friend! I am up and at 'em this morning, hoping to visit all my friends to see how you're doing and you are first on my roll.

    Glad to hear you are doing well. I know those trips do you good, nothing like being on a motorcycle to blow your cares away, at least for the duration of the ride, eh? And I know you are having a blast with the grandkids visiting. I wonder if I will ever have grandkids. You would think with 5 kids we would have at least one by now. heehee I can wait, I can wait.

    Great news on your health. I know the VA is frustrating with the waiting and the go here/go there run around, but trust that even those of us with private insurance face the same [dare I say it?] b.s. Y'all should be treated better, that is for sure. Still, I know we are both thankful that we can get the help we need [and afford it] when so many others can't.

    Thinking of you always and sending great big smiles and hugs your way. :D

  2. Good living, Beautiful Man. That's what you are up to. Making the most of these precious moments with these dear Souls around you.
    I have added my love light to the rays heading Gemma's way and to other needing them. Being the giver fills me up almost as much as it does the receiver, I think.
    Sending you buckets of love too, my Friend.
    Peace, Man.

  3. Well this made me happy on a storm Sunday morning!
    I'm sure that it's an adjustment, but it's one you're making bit by bit--the pieces that you're ready to adjust to.

    I'm hopeful it's not Jack that's finding a new home, but if it is--'nother punkin one will do just fine.

    Bit of a noisy start to the morning, but the coffee's good. And I've another to add to the prayer list and time with the Big Guy to do (which is welcomed any time, btw...just sayin'..)

    Bit by bit, inches and seconds count--we all get to where we're purposed to be. It's an amazing journey, even if I don't always know where or why.....the journey is fantastic!

    ((((((((( Spadoman )))))))))

    Here's to sheetrock and dry walling. Ohhhhhh....and mudding! I like the mudding part! :-)
    yeah..well...some are sicker than others...LOL

  4. Spadoman, Thank you for these kind words. Your thoughtfulness touches me deeply. Feeling somewhat better now. Grandmother Moon, Grandfather Sun & Star Nation are where we all meet. Technology is sacred and has enabled us to meet there in person. Amazing isn't it? Our tribe will find each other one way or another. Love and blessings to you and yours.

  5. Thanks for yet another beautiful and peaceful post from the midst of your bounteous life. You are an inspiration.

    Now I'm going to turn off the lights and watch the moon rise. What we share in common with all is for the best of all.

    much love
