Friday, June 1, 2012

Catching Up

Haiku My Heart
June 1, 2012

Lyrics of a song I wrote many year ago said that I was "....makin' a livin' I guess it's the way that I choose" (B Model Blues, 1977, Joe Spado, Dump and Shortcake Band).
My latest whirlwind escapades have me pretty busy and it made me think that I woudn't have it any other way. I guess it's the way that I choose.

But I'm getting backed up. I have stacks of stories, started articles and essays, photos and basic things I want to write about and I am not finding any time. I guess that's a good thing in some respects as I am sleeping later into the morning and not awake and at the computer at 3:00 AM every day, wondering what to write about.

I haven't participated in Rebecca's Haiku My Heart weekly meme. It's on her recuerda mi corazon blog. Happens every Friday. Click on the link and take a look. You'll be pleased. I have missed being a part of that, so I'll write a Haiku today just to tell you that I am alive and kicking' and still "Willin", to be movin'.

The subject of today's Haiku came in the mail

Precious friendship grows

Sealed by gifts, grins art and food

Solid memories

This Haiku has so much meaning for me and comes from my heart. I'll explain it and even show why I wrote these magical words about a blogger pal of mine when I do finally get time to catch up. In the meantime, just think your own meaning. Sometimes, these haiku have direct connotations about what might be happening in your own life.

Headed to South Dakota and points West tomorrow at the crack of dawn and will be absent again for a short spell. When I get back, I'll spend some time getting something interesting to show and tell you about. In the meantime, scroll down one post and read about what I've been up to on my latest motorcycle trip.

Peace to all


  1. Glad to see you jump in (and out again) the haiku circle Joe. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is missing you, so thanks for this 'sign of life'... and what a life it is! Yep, it's the way we choose... enjoy your choices. Enjoy your trip. Enjoy life! See you back soon.

  2. Hey, great to 'see you' ~ glad you are enjoying life and haiku is endearing and wonderful ~~ thanks, namaste, ^_^

  3. I love getting packages in the mail. And one that is from a friend is the very best! Enjoy the memories:)

  4. welcome back joe. we have missed you so much at haiku my heart. at the same time we could not be happier knowing you have made a true return to health and back on the road!
    maybe some of us will be fortunate enough to hear some of your songs in the warm evenings of fall. imagine the memory of that!

    love your haiku and all it represents.

    here's to taking the time to strengthen and acknowledge the friendships in our lives.

  5. Summer is the best time of year - glad you are making the most of it. Most people are posting and reading less I think, so you are not alone.

  6. yippeee!
    to friendships
    here & there
    i must say this--->

    i read your comment
    on rebecca's posting...
    LOVED it!

    i was on my knees
    hammering away
    and so
    your observation
    ""and have to get up""
    made me smile Large...

    i Know my age
    but Love it, too...

  7. Hey Joe- Didn't know you were a song writer! Cool :) I love that you composed a haiku about the package.

  8. Glad you've brought your considerable talent to this 'blog hop'....your haiku had me thinking about my own friendships, and the gifts and laughs are such wonderful memories...

  9. Isn't it grand to have a circle to jump in and out of! I am so glad to have a glimpse at that magical memory box and for the friendships that make you smile. I look forward to hearing more about your travels!

  10. Good to see you nice and beautiful it be here..and that reminds me.. had been meeting some friends from my past after gap of years..could relate somewhat.. Wow thanks!!


  11. Hey Spadoman, good to see you. I was looking for your name in the Linky, to hear from you and am glad you're doing good. Friendship is always worth having, and the memories will keep it fresh! Thanks, and take care..!

  12. I'm happy to have you back. Glad to hear you've been busy and having fun. Can't wait to see what's in the box.

  13. Ohhh how lovely. These friendships are true gifts. You have put it in words so wonderful. Have a great weekend!

  14. Dear Joe, my heart skipped a beat at your comment, knowing as I do how in tune we are! I am so pleased that you are living the life you choose, it does sound so full. Take with you on your next adventure all the love of your haiku family, return safe and sound with your stories! Ms Foxy x

  15. looks like maybe you received a beautiful handmade book (?) a rock solid haiku for a solid friendship!! safe travels to you

  16. Fantastic haiku. Love it!!! It says it all. Glad you are back with us Spadoman.

  17. Friendship is the greatest gift of all.

  18. Oh, I do want to see what's in the package. Have a lovely trip.

  19. Motorcycle trip! What fun. Have a great time and collect lots of temporary friends as you go.

  20. Awwwwwwww........a prezzie! Those are always great fun.
    And I'm gladder than GLAD that 3am isn't still happening for you, that you're out and about and LIVING this deal called life.

    If you drop in and drop a note--excellent! If you just send a little text that says 'I'm here, living it up'.....that's EXCELLENT too.
    Means you're not just a spectator and you're getting to participate.
    And for that--the whole LOT of us are grateful.

    Safe journey, sir.
    Have the grandest of times out there on the open road.

    <-- celebrating that you GET to!

  21. I'm glad to hear that you are traveling and having a good time. That must mean you are feeling well. I enlarged the photo and it looks like a handmade journal. You can use it on your trip.

  22. Enjoy your trip ~ I think those notes and stuff in boxes and journals, can write a lot of poems ~

  23. I love your heart -- and safe journey, safe home.

  24. Thanks for your kind comments at my blog, I really enjoyed the warmness and community feeling of this haiku! Have a great trip!
