Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Short Notes From the Road

Just a few words about the trip to let folks know I made it out to the West coast. We left last Saturday morning and drove 650 miles to Hot Springs, SD. Spent the night there and the plan was to continue to Grand Junction, CO to stay with friends. Never made it as a tire blew out before we even got in to Colorado. Lucky I have Triple A. A complete saga of the tire fiasco will be one of the stories I tell you in a more thorough report.

Losing a day of travel to mess around with tire issues set us back, but we did manage to make it to Craig, CO for the second night. Then, the third day, we got to Delta, Utah with my wallet a lot lighter for a set of Goodyears. But I did manage a lunch with my friends in Grand Junction while Sears was mounting the new tires.

Day four was a long haul. Delta, UT to Willits, CA. Almost 800 miles. We are less than 150 miles from our destination and will wrap up the traveling today, Wednesday, May 2. One of the friends we will be staying with has a birthday today and we'll be celebrating this evening in Fortuna, CA, but not before I unload my motorcycle off the trailer and take a short ride into Eureka to have a cup of coffee with two special friends that I met on The Longest Walk in 2008.

I've taken a few camera shots, but haven't really concentrated on travelogue photography so far. I will get the camera out in earnest now that I'm here and will mount the GoPro on the Triumph when we get the bikes out on the Kings Range along the coast and in the redwoods.

Great weather, for the most part. No heavy rain or snow. Some strong winds here and there that cut into the gas mileage. So far, we haven't paid more then $3.99 per gallon and saw it as low as $3.45 in Southern Wyoming.

Haven't got too many food stories to tell as we have been eating home made food, sandwiches and tasty snacks from home to keep ourselves healthy and thrifty. One meal out per day is the norm. We did have a good breakfast at a truck stop in Lusk, WY and a great lunch at my friend's restaurant, Diorio's, in Grand Junction, CO.

We'll be out here for a week or so before we load up and head back to Wisconsin. For now, I'll be enjoying being back on the coast with friends. I know I'll feel really good after I pay a visit to Mother Ocean.

Peace to all.


  1. You are so much a better traveler than I am. But I can smell the sense of freedom and the satisfaction of coming to the end of the road.

    I could almost consider riding a bike too.

  2. Sounds very eventful! I think you handled the tire situation with aplomb - as long as no one is hurt, it's just a small thing, eh? And we don't sweat the small stuff. :D

    It sounds like you have a lot of great visits to get to - I know your friends will be happy to see you. I can't wait to see the GoPro [that's the video, right?] when you return and of course all the still shots.

    Have fun at the party tonight. Happiest of Birthdays to your friend. Have a piece of cake for us!

  3. Cake? There's CAKE?! :-)

    Yeah.....LOL...I'm all about the cake. And your last post left me drooling--so I'll blame you! ;-)

    And it's a WE--which means the Mrs. went along?! Ohhh....that'd be a very cool thing! At the very least, if it's the Mrs. or not, you've got company along the way. (which, given your health 'stuff'....I think makes me feel better--yes, I know.....worry is a waste of time if you're prayin'! *sigh*)

    Oh, and you know me--all things happen for a reason. I'm glad there's a new set of goodyear on the vehicle, you'll travel lighter with that being taken care of and SOME of us (who might worry on occasion) will worry less! JUST sayin'.......

    I'll look forward to the peek of the surroundings, drool at the thought of cake and celebrate that you GET to go there and do these things.
    They fill you up with life and living......and loving--all very good things, sir. VERY good things!

  4. Good journey, and good visit.

  5. Enjoy!
    Heading up to Eureka in June. Beautiful area. We got our last burl up in Fortuna.
    Safe travels.... :)
