Sunday, May 20, 2012

A Short Intermission

My friends, this post will be short, sweet and to the point. I am home for a few days. After two weeks on the road driving to and from California, I returned only to pack up and leave again last Tuesday to attend a solemn Native ceremony along the shores of the Great Lake Superior. I had my close friend from California with me and we shared some wonderful time with some of my local friends at one of the most beautiful places on earth.

We are at home now, at least for a short time, here at Spadoville. We will spend the next few days working on home improvement projects, playing with the Grandkids, playing music and packing the motorcycles for another journey, this time to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. We will be leaving Wednesday morning.

Please forgive my absence from visiting your pages. Also, know that I have sent the most powerful positive energy I can muster in your direction in hopes that you are getting through whatever troubles or triumphs you may encounter as best you can.

Peace to all


  1. Intermissions can be as important as the main event... and I feel like your powerful positive energy has indeed been received!

  2. There you are! And how nice to see you. Sounds like a jam pack trip with many warm memories made. Bless you.

    Try, try, TRY to relax on your short stop home. Don't wear yourself out young man. I will pull the "Mom" card on you, you know. heehee

    Can't wait to hear all about both trips - the teaser in your previous post has me excited to hear all about them both. :)

    Take care and thank you Spadoman. Thank you so much. :D

  3. Hey.....I'm CELEBRATING your absence!! in doing happy dances and applauding and thanking the Big Guy that you GET to have all these adventures!

    I think we should have a PARTY that you get to be going hither and yon, doin' STUFF!

    I'll bring the bubbles and balloons. We're partying!!!


    Of course, you do realize that we be expecting a photo or two once your feet get planted for a chunk of time.......and that the cake'll probably all be gone by the time you've landed.....


  4. party? did someone say party?

    Have fun on your adventure Spadoman.

  5. Your life is so full! Hope your meeting goes well. I'll take any energy that comes my way - I have a lot of home improvement to do in the next short while.

  6. & you thought your traveling days might be over!

  7. It's enough to know you are well and enjoying the summer. Happy Trails and thanks for the good thoughts.

    Same to you in Peace and Love.
