Thursday, April 26, 2012

Road Trip Announcement

This Saturday, April 28th, I'll be loading up the car and putting the motorcycle on the trailer and heading off to Northern California. I'll be hiding behind the Redwood Curtain for a couple of weeks before I return, playing music, visiting great friends and riding bikes in the King's Range along the Lost Coast.

I will have a lap top with me, but not sure how frequent I'll be getting on to check things out and post photos and stories. Might have to save all that for a time when I'm home.

The plan is to post for Haiku My Heart tomorrow morning before I leave. It will be a post about the restaurants we visited on our recent trip to Chicago. I call them "very personal food reviews", So, stay tuned.



  1. Neat trip Spadoman! Have a safe trip and bring back lots of stories and pics'. You know we want to see and hear all about it.

    Can't wait for the restaurant reviews. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. heehee

    Take care and we'll see you on the flipside my friend.

  2. Have lots of fun and don't get into trouble. We'll miss you.

  3. YeeeeeeeeHAAAWWWW!!!!!!

    You GO, Spadoman!!

    Holy cow---G-d is good!!!!
    I took a second to glance back and then I see this posted TODAY?!

    G-d is VERY GOOD.

    (((((((((( Spadoman ))))))))))))

    Amazing......and totally awesome!

  4. redwood curtain.

    which redwood curtain?
