Friday, April 20, 2012

Dancing in the Streets

Haiku My Heart
April 20, 2012

Haiku My Heart happens every Friday. You can see more haiku at Rebecca's place where she posts recuerda mi corazon.

Dancing in the streets

Colorful figures are free

Timeless expression

This is a photo of the beautiful Kimo theater in Downtown Albuquerque. It is located on Central Avenue, old Route 66. I like to walk around that upscale neighborhood and look at the Southwestern style artwork. These dancing figures seem to be having a good time, and, they are all dressed up for the occasion.

This weekend, I'll be in Chicago and I'll dress up a little myself as Mrs. Spadoman and I hit the town for theater, sports, good food, good times and each other's company. Certainly a report, complete with photos, will be forthcoming.

In the meantime:

I wish you much Peace


  1. Cool mural!

    Have a wonderful weekend Joe.

  2. Excellent haiku and love the painting ~ I loved New Mexico ~ actually have some land in Belen ~ probably never do anything with it ~ Have a fantastic weekend! thanks for sharing, namaste, ^_^

  3. Excellent haiku and love the painting ~ I loved New Mexico ~ actually have some land in Belen ~ probably never do anything with it ~ Have a fantastic weekend! thanks for sharing, namaste, ^_^

  4. Excellent haiku and love the painting ~ I loved New Mexico ~ actually have some land in Belen ~ probably never do anything with it ~ Have a fantastic weekend! thanks for sharing, namaste, ^_^

  5. your haiku has conjured up so many memories from around the world. the language all humanity shares...JOY!
    may your travels be filled with such out pourings of happiness, Viva la Vida!

  6. Dancing equals freedom to me! Terrific haiku!

  7. Great photo and haiku...remember the old Martha and the Vandels(?) song, Dancing in the Street?

    Can't wait to see what you bring us from Chicago!

  8. I sure DANCED today - your haiku fits with my feeling! I picture you all dressed up going on a cultural and fun trip with your mrs... enjoy my friend, enjoy!

  9. Ohhhh......good times for the weekend, for sure! (gonna hope the weather holds out for the game, even if they are struggling at the moment..LOL)

    I adore the dancing in the streets photo--heck the title alone got me to singing and wigglin' in the chair! The artwork and words, just made me happier than I was already--so see, it's all good!

    Excellent job, sir.
    *laughing* And I'll be humming the song all night and blaming you, of course. ;-)
    Have a FUN filled weekend with the Mrs!

  10. Enjoy your trip to chicago!
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  11. Hello Joe,
    I love this image. I am reminded of Santa Fe where I lived for over a year. I don't think that I ever went past this theater when I was in Albuquerque, but I must see it next time that I am there. I hope that you have a wonderful time in Chicago! You and Barb deserve the best!
    Peace and Love,

  12. iPad sure slow. Great haiku. Have a grEat time in chicago and send a haiku about it next week.

  13. colorful kachina jesters all in a row.. lovely!

  14. Good for you letting someone else drive while you two enjoy the scenery from that elevated space. I hope you're both enjoying a wonderful time.

  15. Okay.....I'm pretty sure that game on Saturday was ALL about you and her and showing off. LOLOL

    Now THAT had to be a fun one that I'm sure everyone enjoyed from where they were sitting, no matter how far up.

    I won't even bother to ask if you and the wife had a good time.....

