Friday, March 23, 2012


Haiku My Heart
March 23, 2012

Haiku My Heart is a weekly exercise that started over at my friend Rebecca's recuerda mi corazon blog. Have a visit, read more Haiku. See fantastic photos and art work. Read magnificent stories. Share the love. Meet new friends. Do it by clicking on This recuerda mi corazon Link.

Some day I’ll soar like
An Eagle, and look down on
Man living in Peace
The Eagle has been figuring very prominent in my life lately. I was driving to Hudson, another town about 10 miles from where I live. It is close to the freeway, so it has many more shopping opportunities and more selection. I was taking a trip to Fleet Farm, a large local chain farm supply, household goods and hardware store. There are numerous ways to drive to Hudson from my house. A quickest way, all high speed highway, a combination of high speed highway and County Roads, or the option I use, the meandering scenic, slower-moving County Road system all the way.
While going around a curve that is situated near the top of a small knoll, an Eagle sat close to the road on my right, in the ditch. He was big. His head was very white. I immediately thought that since it had rained the day before, he was so white because he rinsed off the Winter grime in the rain. I also thought he might be feasting on a road kill, maybe a deer carcass, which has nothing whatsoever to do with the whiteness of his head feathers, but everything to do with why he was standing so close to the roadway.

I went into Hudson, did my business and was headed back. I used the same route and he was still there, in the same place. He looked up when I was within the distance he needed to hear me, but he didn’t take to flight or move. He stood there and looked at me, just as I might catch the eye of a passerby if I was standing there.
There was a tobacco pouch open and sitting on my dashboard. I grabbed a handful, and cast it to the wind through the drivers side window, as I muttered a guttural sound of acknowledgment meant for the Creator to hear, I said out loud and to myself, “It’s always a good day when you see an Eagle.”

This happened on a day I was to attend the Sweat Lodge and have the Wopila that I wrote about some time ago. At the Wopila, I gave a dance stick to Gene,  the spiritual leader and friend of mine. That stick had an Eagle feather on it. The feather I used was one that floated up to me one day when I was sitting outside along the Great Lake Superior. I remember watching this thing, and wondering what it was, in the waves, as it washed inland from out on the big lake. When it got close, I went down to see what it was and lo and behold, there was a nice black Eagle feather.

Also, on that very same day, I got an e-mail from an old blogger friend from Oregon. (She’s not old, our friendship is) It was a photo her husband had taken of two Eagles sitting in a tree. I can go on and on and tell stories of Eagle sightings, Eagle feathers and Eagle related coincidences that I’ve been privy to. This is how it usually happens. Something might be happening and I’m planning on attending, maybe some decision has been made, maybe a pathway chosen, then the Eagles start to appear.

There are more reasons why the Eagle is such an honored totem to have as well. It is the greatest honor to receive an Eagle feather as a gift for good deeds that you have performed, or to mark a special achievement, like becoming a Warrior of the people, someone that serves their community and family well.
I’ve included some photos from my files along with this post of Eagles. The one my friend sent me and of those I’ve seen when I’ve had my camera close at hand. Some are out of focus as I was driving or they were just too far away. 

I do make the trek to the VA Medical Center in Minneapolis quite often. The road I use runs along the great Mississippi River through St. Paul. It is no surprise that there are Eagles along the river bluffs. One might say that seeing an Eagle along this route is common and no big deal. Yet I feel that when a particular Eagle flies along your path at the exact time that you are there, or when you spot one camouflaged in a treetop overlooking the river as you’re driving the only car within a half mile of the spot, these sightings are meant for you and you alone at that particular moment and may hold great meaning.
Anyway, I wrote the haiku about the Eagle as in one of the creation stories, the Creator allows the Eagle, the bird that can fly higher than any other bird,  to be on watch and tell the Creator when he sees someone putting down tobacco and praying. The Creator had planned on ending this world because the people didn’t care any longer and were disrespecting the Sacred Earth Mother and each other.
That still goes on, but it is the Eagle that tells the Great Spirit that there are still people who pray for others and try to live in peace with all of mankind. The agreement between The Creator and the Eagle is that as long as there is one person left that still prays, he’ll allow the world to exist. This thought makes me hopeful that Peace will spread on the wings of the Eagle. I’ll continue to spread the tobacco when I see one. After all, it may even be The Creator showing himself to you in the form of the great Eagle. Then again, it could be a mouse.
Peace to all


Ramesh Sood said...

What a lovely write.. Eagle is my favourite too.. I am learning to grow newer stronger wings...having taken a forced sabbatical..existing wings had gone weaker..Thanks Spadoman.. I am sure you are keeping well and fine..


A Bit of the Blarney said...

Oh to have man living in peace!!!! Absolutely wonderful post!!!!! Peace to you!!! Cathy

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful post and I am so glad 'to see you' ~ and your awesome photos of eagles which I love also ~ and your excellent haiku ~ Let's get the whole world thinking peace ~ someday they will 'get it right' ~enjoy the weekend ~ namaste, CArol ^_^

Chèvrefeuille said...

Nicely done. I hope that wish for a World in Peace will come true. I hope so too ... maybe ... I think it will come.

Kathleen Barnes said...

My Native American friends would say the Eagle has chosen you. A good animal to have as a friend.I love that you tossed the tobacco in honor of the pact between worlds.I am sure it is an act that will be appreciated. I certainly do.I love your tales. I love that you are healing. Be well.

Jeannie said...

I don't think the Creator would use an eagle to tell ME something because I'm never sure if what I'm seeing is an eagle or some other big bird. But, I think, if eagles are special to you than they will be used to get your attention. Or perhaps this post is meant to get my attention. I could use some communication. hmmm

Kim Mailhot said...

Oh, how I love this post, Man.

I too will keep the prayers alive, helping the Eagle with his amazing task on this Earth.
I love that this totem is visiting you , shining a light on your own beautiful strength.

Peace and love to you and all of us, my Friend.

rebecca said...

thank you for your return after your spring travels. i have missed you, you never disappoint! here you in your most thoughtful generous self always encouraging peace. i love the agreement of Eagle and the Great Spirit, as long as there is one person left that still prays...
i love too the idea that these seemingly "chance" visitations are meant to be. i have believed this since i was a very young child. someday we will sit together an i will tell you why.
thank you for sharing your truth. for always speaking and living for peace.

Bruce Miller said...

Both your poetry and your tobacco are prayer offerings.

Karen said...

I enjoyed your story very much. One day may we all soar in the sky and find peace.

Libby said...

Great haiku and pics...but what I REALLY loved was your story! Really, really good story...

Anonymous said...

Such a wealth of knowledge you share here...I knew some but learned many new things. The Eagle lives in your soul.

I did see 3 Eagles sitting in a corn field last Nov, what an incredible sight that was.

Priti Lisa said...

The eagle seems like such a positive omen. Loved your haiku. And the story with the tobacco...I always learn something from you♥♥♥

Lenora said...

to be lifted upon eagles wings.. to watch them bald and diving for fish just down the road, majestic, soaring, may we all aim for peace..

Kimberly said...

My good friend drives down Fairy Falls Road every morning on her way to Stillwater, and she tells me of seeing those same eagles... Sometimes I see them, too, when I visit her. Thanks for this!

GYamato said...

This is really wonderful, "as long as there is one person left that still prays"; gives me a sense of peace and hope. I used to do trainings in Vancouver BC that a number of Native Canadian friends attended fairly regularly. One woman told me sje could tell when I hit town because she spoted a raven (their clan) and eagle(I guess symbolic of usa-me) together. :)

Fran aka Redondowriter said...

Your story was such an enticing one, Joe. I also liked being reminded about the totem animals that we have connections to. In SoulCollage there is a companion suite and it contains 7 different animals of our choice made into cards. They represent each of the seven chakras. For four years I often visited Minneapolis/St. Paul as I was going with a man whose family was there. That mighty Mississippi never ceased to leave me breathless. I got your e-mail this a.m. and I cut and pasted it into a comment. It's so funny how quirky our comment boxes can be sometimes.

Mel said...

Ah--I snuck in at an opportune time.....just in time to see my boys in your photos. They're such hope-filled, powerful creatures for me. I always know it's a good day when one crosses my path.
I've missed those creatures, so thank you for reminding me about the reminders that seem to be sent my way at the most needed times!
I guess this is equally one of them, eh?

Just a drop by--a moment of quiet in the madness of what IS right now. It was good to see the eagles, and to scroll down and glimpse Jack in transit (sure hope he's safe and sound in Wisconsin, ready for the riding!).
I'll have a time when playing catch up MIGHT be more feasible. But for today, just a breeze through to thank you for the prayers and powerful thoughts sent our way. And to let you know out of sight is NOT out of mind.

I do hope you're keeping yourself well.........

Grace said...

Very nice share...I like the sight of an eagle flying though I haven't seen one for the longest time.

Thanks for sharing your travels with us ~

Spadoman said...

I nee3d to say Thank YOu to each and every one of you. You are way too kind with your comments. It soothes my heart to see your names and go to your blogs to read and share. Too bad we are all so busy in life. Sitting here "talking" to all of you is such a grand way to spend time.
I can send wishes for Peace. It is a start to what the Eagle is telling me.

Much Peace to All

Grace said...

Sorry but I don't drink coffee ha..ha...Thanks for your visit in my blog and wishing you a happy weekend ~

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

However Creator comes--as eagle or mouse or something else--may we see with awe and wonder the Holy One.

Conjuring Spring Rain

Fran said...

Life is not all that random & we find these paths if we are pen to them & seeing them & contemplating the meaning.

Old! I resemble that remark!

May our spirits soar with the Eagles.

Cheryl said...

Lovely story. Cool photos. I took a Soul Collage class and received a revelation that the eagle rules one of my chakhras. I honestly don't remember which one because I didn't keep up with my studies and have since forgotten. For some reason I want to say it was my heart chakhra.

Marit said...

Joe, I always take the time to read your haiku, look at your photos and read your story. It's a special moment each weekend, and you never disappoint me. What a lovely blogpost your wrote dear friend! I picture you in the car with your tabacco pouch - stopping to take a pic of the eagle. They don't live here in the Netherlands. One day, I will drive along the sides of the Mississippi, thinking of you and hoping to spot an eagle!

Hazel said...

What a happy thought. Something to hope for and look forward to.

P.S. I didn't know uprights were the most difficult to move. I miss my upright. Thanks to divorce.

You moved a piano all by yourself, and up two flights of stairs?! I'm stunned. Superman!