Friday, December 2, 2011

Some Art Fabric

A Virgin a Day & Haiku My Heart
December 2, 2011

Today is Day 2 of the 12 days of A Virgin a Day. Many of us will post a Virgin Mary themed post every day, starting on December 1st and culminating with the Feast Day celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas, on December 12th. The common disclaimer is that this is not meant to be religious, but rather to create community with visuals and words. More posts can be seen and you can find out how to participate at Rebecca’s recuerda mi corazon blog.

It is also Friday, and that means haiku My Heart, also at Rebecca's recuerda mi corazon. I will add a Hiaku to this post and try to say what these fabrics are telling me.

Guadalupe art

Whimsical Mary visions

Decorate my heart

I’ve always enjoyed the colorful artwork of the paintings, statues and paraphernalia of the Virgin Mary. Especially Our Lady of Guadalupe. She is colorful with her oranges, blues, purples and reds. When we bought a used dinette set at the Goodwill store in Las Cruces, NM last September, we looked at the tattered seat covers and immediately thought we’d recover them.

Since this small table and chairs would be used in our Winter abode in New Mexico, we thought we’d use a common theme of the Southwest, Our Lady of Guadalupe. It was quite simple. I Googled Our Lady of Guadalupe fabric and came up with THIS SITE.

I have posted some photos of the fabric that is sold by Some Art Fabric,  which is actually a Blog! We chose one and got a couple of yards. Now that our plans have changed and there will be no Winter abode or even any Winter travel this year, I am thinking I’d like to get a shirt made from one of these Guadalupe fabrics. After all, Mrs. Spadoman has a
Guadalupe dress, as I posted last year during this Virgin Business.

Mrs. Spadoman modeling her Guadalupe dress

We’ll see. Mrs. S got a new sewing machine recently. Maybe she’ll have her first big project. We’ll both need something to keep us busy spending the Winter in the Northland. In the meantime, I’ll stay busy gathering up more “Mary Stuff” for the rest of the days leading up to the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe on December 12th.



  1. Ah yes.....I remember the story of the dress very well. You're such a good fella. Never forget that.

    Our Lady of Guadalupe--She is beautiful in her bright colours. Can't help but look to see what's going on in the fabric when it's so brightly coloured.
    I think the shirt is an excellent idea! The dress...a shirt-- two of you will be lookin' all that and a bag of chips! LOL


  2. We just don't have a lot of the Virgin Mary influence around here. There is a large Portuguese community in the city where we used to live years ago - we lived just on the edge of it and they'd have their festivals and carry the statue through the streets and such. Always boggled my mind. The majority of Catholics up here must be more sedate.

  3. oh the dress, the dress!!! you had every women who reads your blog swooning with your manly thoughtfulness! won the hearts of us all with your ability to decipher a perfect present for your wife. there is a job out there for you as presents-for-wife-consultant!

    i love your post today. it is charming and bright and reflects so perfectly the light of your colourful and delectable heart!

  4. I'm happy to see such a happy (and, oh, 'artsy') post here Joe! LOVE the bright coloured ladies! (both!) Enjoy the colours today my friend!

  5. Wonderful fabric and wonderful dress creation! ~ very creative with the dinette ~thanks, namaste, Carol (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Beautiful fabric. I in fact have a purse made with Guadalupe on it!!

  7. I can see you both dressed in your Mary fabric, you'll make a dandy pair, maybe set a new trend!

    Happy searching and weekend.

    Ms Foxy x

  8. I bought some fabric similar but in Frida. Now I want the lady of Guadalupe too! Thanks for the link.
    That dress is fantastic, it would look great walking beside a shirt :)

  9. Love the colors and the joyous celebration of the Virgin, Man.
    May those colors keep you warm throughout the winter!
    Light and love !

  10. What beautiful fabrics, which I am in love with. Nice look at the Mrs. dress. Yes a shirt would be great. Love you Marys.

  11. I'm so glad you stopped by my Blog and enjoyed my Bohemian Valhalla. You really should get a Man Bowl *Smiles* as The Man here found it to be invaluable at keeping his stuff organized and in one locale rather than scattered on any flat surface available... and it also put me in his good graces. *winks*

    I'm ADORING these colorful fabrics and now will have to go to that Link and check it out! I Create Fabric Art and particularly enjoy the colorful and rich cultural fabrics from around the World. This Halloween I found two fab Dia de los Muertos print fabrics, but these Virgin of Guadalupe fabrics have me swooning!

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  12. I'm particularly fond of the fabric with the orange background. It would make a fetching Spadoshirt, but I could imagine it as chair covers, too.

  13. Oh! I am new to "the dress", WOW!
    Yes you need a shirt !
    Thanks for the link for the fabric,
    I can't wait to go explore there.

  14. Wonderful fabrics! I believe you should have a shirt to go with that amazing dress. :)

  15. Geez....that site is pretty awesome. Geez because I will need to resist buying things that I might not ever get around to completing! BUT, I do hope we to see you sporting a Lady of G shirt made from one of those fabrics. That would be a fun picture of you and the Mrs. in our Lady of G wear!

  16. i LOVE the Mrs. S dress!! thanks for the links too!

  17. I remember that wonder dress from last year. A theme matching shirt is an ideal Plan B. The fabric site is a real find. My Latina sister-in-law will love this fabric.

  18. Dazzling fabrics, my friend. Dazzling!

    haiku on Friday
    a handful of syllables
    scattered heart to heart

    My Friday Haiku

    Mirthful Virgin Haiku

  19. That fabric is so cool! Thanks for sharing. So many great projects could stem from here.

  20. I am sure that if you are wearing clothing covered with Our Lady of Guadalupe you are sure to be blessed. I love the bright and whimsical pieces you chose to show. I remember that dress from last year as well. It was one we were all eyeing . I think that you need to purchase one for all of us, Joe :)
    Peace Love and Hugs,
    Noelle (by the way, I said hugs in latin yesterday :))

  21. I love all the fabrics. I did not know fabrics were made for themes like this.

  22. every
    is juicy
    love Mrs. S. dress
    oh oh oh
    what she said:
    delectable indeed!

    xox - eb.

  23. I just love the link you gave us for Virgin Mary fabrics and hope Mrs. Spadoman does make you a shirt. I've seen quilt blocks available online in a few places, too. Thanks for lots of great ideas.

  24. great haiku and gorgeous photographs...

  25. Thank you all for the wonderful comments. I hope that anyone that actually buys some fabric and makes something will post about it. It would be great to see the creativity.
    See you on day 3.

