Sunday, November 6, 2011

Field of Dreams

Shadow Shot Sunday
November 6, 2011

Every Sunday, folks from all a round the globe het together and post their Shadowy images. To see more and find out how you can participate, visit Hey Harriet's Photography.

I made this Dream Catcher for a friend. While photographing to archive this piece, the shadows appeared, seemingly made by the flash. I liked the effect.

Here's another shot of the same piece using ambient light and no flash. Some unique shadows created here too. 

Hope everyone has a fine weekend and enjoys the Shadows.



  1. Interesting photo. I like it. Have a great day.

  2. Will dream catchers catch shadows too? :)


    Shadow, will you always be
    Here where I can always see
    What you do and how you play?
    Or will you just slip away?

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Shadowy Mystery

  3. Now............I most definitely want one of your dreamcatchers....that's a beautiful piece of work!!!

    Off the Pier...shadows is my link, if you'd care to view.

    Have a great day.

  4. nice work - interesting shadows

    Be well.

  5. Oh geeze you make me tearful.......
    It's a good thing.
    I mean that.

    The shadows are brilliant. As is the man weaving the web that catches that dreams that will be sent to the spirits to handle.

    *laughing* Kinda sounds like that 'that lives in the house that Jack built' poem, huh? Maybe that's true.....'that lives in the house that love built'.
    How cool is that?

    Geeze.......seriously mushy for a Sunday that 'falls back'......
    (((((((((( Spadoman )))))))))))

  6. What a smart idea of make DIY catcher. You really have the talent.

    WIth the subtle shadow, I still adore it.

    Join the fun at Chubby & Chieque §;-)

    Happy SSS...

  7. What an interesting looking Dream Catcher! It's quite lovely and provided you with some very nice shadows.

  8. Thanks for the comments. I appreciate your visits here.
    One of the things that happens when people see the work I do is that most people have never seen Dream Catchers that aren't perefectly round. I feel that life is a journey, and the path isn't always perfect either, so neither should the circle of life be that way. I take natural forms and if they make an enclosure, it can be used. No two are ever alike just as no two lives are alike in every way.
    If anyone would like more information about the Dream Catchers and other Native American influenced Folk Art I do, have a look at THIS blog post from a while back.
    E-mail if you have any questions. My e-mail address is in my profile.

    Thanks again for stopping by Round Circle.


  9. An interesting contrast between the two shots .... I try to avoid using flash as it washes out the colour, but it worked well in your first photo.

  10. Funny, I was just thinking the other week to photograph the shadow cast by the one you made me-but haven't yet. It hangs in our bedroom so that it may catch the unwanted dreams and energy that might be floating around.

  11. Am enjoying the shadows and the lovely uneven dream catchers.
    Also hoping you're getting on well.

  12. I'm glad to see you're feeling well enough to post for Shadow Shot Day. Your dream catchers really are all quite amazing and you're right to note there are no straight paths through our lives any more than through our dreams. It's in the side paths where the magic lives.

    Much love to you and Peace.

  13. You captured it perfectly, very nice!

    I have a Creepy shadow, wanna see it? Please come when you get a chance.

  14. good to see that you're up and about even if it's just for a while. Thinking of you. Sue
    Limbering up for the A-Z challenge

  15. Very nice! We have one above the bed in our extra room that a dear friend made.
    Hope all is going well with you. You are in my thoughts.

  16. ** Sending more prayers and peace-filled thoughts **

    And asking to be joined in kind by those who care about you and love you.

    ((((((((( Spadoman ))))))))))

    I carry a small angel in my pocket while my better angels are attending to you and yours.

  17. After a break from my blog I come back to learn of your illness and I am deeply saddened.
    I send healing prayers and thoughts for you and your family. May you be surrounded by His healing love.

  18. Hi Spadoman,

    I am sending to you my strenght.
    Hoping that you will have all sorts of angels with you; for healing,comfort and hope.

  19. dear spadoman,

    i am thinking of you
    on this day to honoring, 11/11/11. there are so many important connections in our lives and i am grateful for each one. thank you for your courage to embrace life with an open heart and speak out for peace in your words, thoughts and actions.

    i hope today will be a day of peace for you. you are like a giant dream catcher....tall in the wisdom of ancient trees, strong in the voice of stone, star. willing to stand in the light and dark of each day and protect all you love.

    i am honored to know you.
    sending love and renewal.

  20. ((((((((( Spadoman ))))))))))))

    Thinking about you for a host of reasons--one which was spoken to so honorably by rebecca, and others that are about all that you are.

    I shall hope today went well, that you rest knowing how loved you are and that a host of 'better angels' are watching over you.

    *hugs and prayers, sir*

  21. I wish you all the best on this day for honoring veterans. You are loved.

  22. Checking in-- A couple days rest is a good thing.

    Here's hoping for the warm healing that being loved brings.

    ((((( Spadoman ))))

    Thinking of you and sending prayers and warm thought.

  23. Thinking of you 'Man. hope you are doing ok.

  24. ((((( Spadoman )))))

    Yup--still thinking of you and thanking my better angel for taking such good care of you.

    You just harass the nurses and get the rest your body needs to heal.

    We'll just keep praying and holding your in our thoughts. :-)

  25. Dear Joe - just a few comments from you on my haiku-posts made me feel I found a friend for life. Now that you are in need, my heart goes out to you and your loved ones. I ask the rain to wash away your pain, I ask the sunshine to comfort you with her warmth, I send healing thoughts on the wind your way. I'm thinking of you my friend!

  26. just me
    down here in florida
    sending you
    more and more
    prayers of healing


  27. Dear Joe,
    Hopefully, all the loving, healing thoughts and prayers we are sending you will help... You are in my heart and on my mind today. Take strength from us and I wish you a speedy recovery =) xoxoxo

  28. Yup....and just me, sending more healing, peace-filled thoughts.
    And more encouragement to harass nurses and grab fun at every corner you can even with the circumstances.

    Yup--definite 'heart changing' moment in time, but I trust it's all for the good. I've seen bits of that already, sir. HUGE bits.

    Be a little bold in between......but DO rest.


  29. Lovely shots Joe - that dreamcatcher is a beauty! Hope you are well on the road to recovery and feeling a bit better every day.
