Friday, October 21, 2011

Stone Beings

Haiku My Heart
October 21, 2011

Every Friday, people from all over the world join in and post their haiku. Stop by at Rebecca’s recuerda mi corazon to see more and find out how to participate.
Strong pillar aloft
Carved by water, etched by wind
Silent stone being

Arches National Park, Utah. One of the many natural wonders of the world. There are more than seven you know. I was looking through some photos from a trip out West we took in 2009. I came across these shots.
I remember wandering through the park and stopping to walk amongst all the giant monoliths and arches of rock. It fascinated me then, and it does now to gaze upon them again in pictures.

My wanderlust overtakes me at times. And now, as I am just a couple of weeks away from going back to New Mexico, I am thinking of trips I must take and places I must visit while I am down there.
I am planning a vacation from where I take vacation.


  1. Very beautiful.. Have a good time.. All the best..Happy Vacation..

  2. Arches is such an awe-filled place.

    Lucky you to get another trip south so soon. (I'm sure it's not feeling like 'soon'.)

    First things first though.
    Feel better. Get your feet firmly under you.

    Yeahyeah.....I'm kinda bossy like that. LOL

  3. WOW!!! This is fantastic, both words and images!!!! Have a wonderful weekend! Cathy

  4. It must have taken a couple of centuries for the vagaries of weather to etch and carve these monoliths and arches!! They are so amazing and just looking at them takes you back to a long ago era!! Sometimes you get to see such structures in wilderness and not pictured, if it is not an often used route!!
    Have a happy time vacationing Spadoman and do come with many unusual pictures!!
    Much Peace!!

  5. You sure are a traveling man! I love the big, sand/erra cotta/red coloured rocks and its strange shapes. One must feel tiny walking in a landscape like that!

  6. Such things always leave me in awe. Why has the rock around these eroded but left these shapes behind?

  7. Hello my friend,
    I am in awe of these Stone Beings as well. I have been to Zion, Bryce,the Grand Canyon and Capitol Reef. I have never had the joy of going to Arches, but I did live in NM for a year. I can recall being in Zion when the winds were so high that I was literally blown back into my car in summertime or into the ladies room at midnight laughing , seeing someone else and saying, "I just can't imagine what causes all of the erosion around here!". The stone monoliths add to the world's beauty like nothing else. They have been here before us and will be long after us. Have a great vacation my friend.
    Peace, Love and hugs,

  8. I've always wanted to go there! Thank you for taking me, vicariously through your words.

  9. Nature can be so beautiful. Great words.

  10. i love that you and noelle are singing the praises of stones.
    the wonder of it all! a story, even in a single grain of sand.

    i hope our southwestern paths cross this winter!

  11. I love Arches and Moab...what magical landscapes. I hope you have a chance to vacation in Arches on this vacation.

  12. How are you feeling, Man ? Still healing up well, I hope.

    Places that bring you to awe are such incredible gifts. I am so glad to know your wanderlust will soon be bringing you to some new ones.

    Peace, light and love, My Friend.

  13. You don't realize how big the arches are until you visit them for yourself. Wonderful!

  14. I dream about and plan for vacations to New Mexico, as well. I was lucky enough to get over there twice in the past 3 months...but I have a feeling there could be a long stretch now.
    I LOVE your shots of the giant rock arches and your aptly witten haiku! I've always thought that they have spirits, too!

  15. wonderful haiku...the majesty of what nature can create...enjoy your travels

  16. It looks like Nature's a sculptor, doesn't it?

  17. I can tell that you listen to the stones...

    Haiku Your Heart Here

  18. I love how it is fashioned by the elements into a real being.

  19. What an amazing place. Like great limbs - the feet of the world!
    Thank you for the wonderful photos. I'm not likely to ever go there but at least I know that these beings exist and can imagine them.

  20. Ahhhh, brilliant words and images as always. I so get the urge to take off and see these magnificent structures when you share them. My gipsy soul wanders with you...
    Peace to you too =)
