Saturday, October 8, 2011

Happy Anniversary

This Sunday marks an important date in Spadoville history. Mrs. Spadoman and I were married on October 9, 1971. Forty years.

We are going out to a professional hockey game, the Minnesota Wild season opener versus the Columbus Blue Jackets. This was a joint decision on what we should or could do to celebrate the occasion.
There was talk some time ago to travel back to where we spent our honeymoon, Niagara Falls, but we opted to spend our money on the little casita we rented in Truth Or Consequences, New Mexico and the travel expenses that we’ll incur this Winter enjoying the same.
The bottom line to all of this is that neither of us are here because we are married. We are together because we want to be here with each other. We both pretty much agree that this is the natural response to loving someone so deeply that not having each other in our respective lives would be insane.
That said, she has reminded me that if she had shot me the first time she thought about it, she’d be getting out of jail about now.
I have kept her waiting as I never had any life insurance until my latest foray with the VA which, after 18 years,  just finished up last month, but that’s another post for another time.
So, we won’t be going anywhere. No gifts, no cards. The greatest gift is knowing that it is her snoring next to me, and me next to her, every night, even on these nights I do not sleep. It is knowing she is on the sofa and I am in the easy chair as we watch the baseball playoffs leading up to the world series. It is knowing each other’s heart aches as we constantly mourn the loss of our first born child.
There is so much I could say in thanks to her, literally, for me being alive and having a will to live. This is all known to us, and suffice it to say to you, we are one. We’ll celebrate with a great dinner and a hockey game and hope the home team wins!
On these blog pages, I read and am visited by many people from all walks of life. Some with grave illnesses of yourselves or a loved ones. Some divorced, separated or widowed. Even some that have lost a spouse, a close relative or even a child. Some of you have formed your own opinion about what love is because of these matters.
I know that how people perceive love and relationships is a personal response to that question. I respect whatever keeps you going in your life and send the most positive vibes your way in hopes that your heart resides in Peace.


  1. Happy Anniversary! It's true that a couple grows into each other after many years. I think it gets easier once all the youthful energy gets spent - and then it is comfortable. Of course, old age has its own things to deal with. I think celebrating by doing something you both enjoy is the best way. Fancy dinners and parties and gifts aren't necessary.

  2. 40 YEARS! Holy moly.....congratulations to the both of you.

    Hockey sounds like a good deal to me.
    But I'm a 'cheap date'.

    This from the woman who went to WalMart on the way to her honeymoon.

    Yeah........WalMart. :-/

    Congratulations, sir.
    And Ma'am!

  3. Congrats & Happy Anniversary to you both. I liked the Mrs. comment on how if she'd have shot you she'd just be getting out of jail now. Very funny. My sweetheart and I approach our 23rd wedding anniversary on Nov.2. Seems like yesterday,yet seems like forever ago!
