Sunday, October 23, 2011

Here is your personal invitation:

Los Dias de los Muertos

This years “Days of the Dead” Celebration will take place:
Tuesday   November 1, 2011
523 E. Johnson Street
River Falls, WI 54022
Come anytime around 6 p.m. or so
Bring a dish to pass if you would like
Traditionally, “Los Dias” are a time when the Spirits of those departed from our lives are thought to pass through the realms and visit us
We await them with comforts from when they were still among us
Feel free to bring something and a picture of someone you’d like to have pay us a visit, we’ll put it on the Ofrenda
We’ll eat and drink and talk into the night with old and new friends, and invite these souls here to join us for the evening, 
in Spirit
Hope to see you there


  1. Joe .. I wish I could come and join in on the party .. I know it will be wonderful .. peacefully happy : )

  2. Very generous! Alas, not an invitation I can accept, thanks.

  3. Well, looks like the Canucks aren't gonna make it. Too bad, I'll miss seeing you both. :-)


  4. My main way of visiting it the internet as the funding is not available to travel. I admire your commitment and spirit. If only everyone was more peaceful...

  5. thank you so much for the invitation dear 'Man. I'd love to come and just in case something quite extraordinary happens and makes it possible I won't refuse - just because a thing looks impossible at one moment it doesn't mean it'll never happen : )
    But in case it remains impossible, I'll be with you in spirit and will visit here in celebration.

  6. Oh--it promises to be a grand time! Gotta love the open invitation to anyone of us vagabonds. ;-)
    Okay, I oughta speak for myself, huh? I meant that with the utmost love and affection!

    It's a good thing and I hope for a celebration to beat all celebrations. Hopefully there'll be no left over trick or treats cuz the little boggers have robbed you of all of 'em!
    220 bags.....I'm feeling like we've underestimated.
    MORE candy!!!
    :-) I now have an excuse to get in the car and detour along the way.

  7. How invite the community IN!

    I love your invite and will be thinking of your gathering when I sit to read all the Dia de Bloglandia posts.

    so happy that you are such a force in spreading the tradition.

  8. HI,i recently visit your blog,i lke your post,hope you visit and join mine blog too.

  9. How I wish I could attend....sounds wonderful!!

  10. your invitation is wonderful! I wish I could be there but "in spirit" will have to do. have fun celebrating your loved ones!

  11. As I celebrate Dia de los muertos I will remember you and yours as well.

  12. I would love to accept the invite but I am to far away. I will be thinking of you and your celebration on Dia De Los Muertos.

  13. Oh wouldn't it be nice. I will be there in spirit Spadoman and on the internet to view El Dia posts. What a great thought though, and wonderful looking invitation. Thank you. Happy day to you.

  14. I love your invitation and I wish I could come join in. I know a good and heartwarming time will be had by all! :) Pam

  15. oh to be walking through the open door of your dia de los muertos celebration!
    i am honored to receive your invitation, and will be there in spirit as we all share dia de bloglania!
    love to you and barb

  16. thankyou for the invitation, I'm honoured. I doubt I'll be there, but it would be an amazing experience. I might just have to look on from afar. Perhaps I'll make a chocolate ripple cake to share virtually! I could post a photo of it ... Sue

  17. Thank you for this invitation. Since I cannot be there in person, you will be in my thoughts.

  18. haaaay Spadoman, I got lost in the fog of your shadow shot - it's ethereal, moody and introspective. I love it. I would love to attend your celebration, it sounds like something I would totally enjoy. the talking into the night part. and everything. did you know that "a dish to pass" is a Wisconsin thing? or Midwest? yeah. I've asked other bloggers, from all over the country, if they've ever heard that phrase and the response is always "ummmm, no". you gotta love it. I haven't been to River Falls since I graduated college there in '80. I bet things have changed quite a bit. I hope it's a grand event, and that everyone has the time of their life. happy week to you Spadoman.

  19. Thanks for the invitation. Sounds lovely. I have been enjoying your tales and photos of past celebrations. Sorry I'll miss this one but perhaps in the future.

  20. Thank you for the invite, Spadoman. If I were a rich woman with discretionary time, I'd be there in a heartbeat. Which hotels/motels would you recommend just in case I change my mind. I have loved reading your posts all month--and your invitation is spectacular.

  21. I will be with you in spirit! And, from here in NM, I will lift my glass to you as your party commences and to all those that we have loved and lost.

  22. Oh, would that I could come, Spadoman! But, as you know, I'm far, far away. Enjoy the celebration! I'm sure it will be wondrous and magical!

  23. I love the concept of being invited. But......must confess that I'll keep my prom dress on this year.

    Maybe I'll be able to celebrate with you by posting about the Day of the Dead on my blog in celebration with all you and your friends.

  24. your misty shadow shot below this post.

    Thanks for popping by yesterday for my Shadow Shot. Today's post is:

    Macro Halloween Candle Holder...Eerie!!


  25. You know I'll be there in spirit along with a friend :-)
