Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sending Some Paradise to You

Postcards from Paradise
September 4, 2011

I’ve never joined in on these Sunday postcards from paradise before. Thinking about how I feel like I’m in paradise now that I’ve completed my journey and have arrived safely at my destination of Truth Or Consequences, New Mexico, I thought it appropriate to wander over here and crow a little about how fortunate I am right now in my life.
I believe before I say anything further, I will tell you that Postcards From Paradise is another one of the heartwarming creations of Rebecca at recuerda mi corazon blog. (she’s really into hearts you know). The idea, in Rebecca’s words, is to simply “...throw a lifeline of beauty, leave a word of kindness on each others blogs and let the circle grow.”

So, I’m telling you now about my paradise, and I am sending the most positive energy I can muster and sending it to all of you, whether you’re participating in this event of not.

I left home last Wednesday and drove through the day and night and into the next day and arrived Thursday by dinnertime. I dozed off a couple of times in rest areas along the highway and grabbed short naps. I just didn’t want to stop, get a room, go into restaurants, eat meals. I wanted the road to come up and smack me between the eyes and get me to my destination.

First order of business was a soak at the Riverbend hot springs. I’ve been busy every day, but I’ll get another pass for the hot springs along the Rio Grande and soak as soon as I get some chores done.

I put my Triumph Scrambler on the back of my Ford Ranger and hauled it down with me. Like a friend following faithfully behind. Since I’ve been here, I haven’t even started the truck. It’s been the bike everywhere I go.

One thing about being on the road continuously is that you don’t sleep through the sunrise as is evident by this shot of  Ole Sol popping up in my side view mirror. You know you’re going West when the sun is behind you when it rises.

I started seeing the cacti in Western Kansas, but this one is closer to my destination in New Mexico.

So I’m here. Now what? Well, I have my beloved RV, Morph, For Sale. It has a listing on Craigslist in Las Cruces, NM. I have had a lot of calls, and even some people have come out to look at it. But no one has made a commitment to purchase as of yet. By the time this post goes to press, I have three scheduled appointments for people to see it, two on Sunday and another on Tuesday if it is still available.

I want to sell it because I made a different commitment for lodging here in Truth Or Consequences. I paid rent and security deposit down on a 1 bedroom apartment not more than one block from where the RV sits. It is a very clean cute place with a great private patio.
I just don’t want to be crawling around on my hands and knees hooking up electric, water and sewer and worrying about charging batteries, filling LP tanks and generally just fixing stuff that is bound to break down on a 26 year old recreational vehicle!
So, I will rent this space year around. The idea is to be here now for planned activities and return early in November. What makes this idea so paradisiacal, (I know, probably not even a word, but Hey! I used it, so maybe it is. I certainly would have said it if I were talking to you.), is that I walk buy this small compound every day that I am down here and have for over 20 years. 
It is called The Palms Apartments. I always looked at this place with its yellow adobe walls and bright blue trim and wanted to live here. Now I will do it. Fulfill a dream, do a bucket list event. I can’t say that I know how long this will last, but I did sign a six month lease.
Saturday, I rode my motorcycle to Hatch and attended the 40th Annual Chile Festival for a couple of hours. I believe I will go back down there today if the people who are coming to look at the RV get here and leave me some time for myself. I forgot my camera Saturday, so no photos from the Chile Fest. But the green chile was great, and so were the rellenos!
I stopped in at the Happy Belly Deli and reunited with people I have met on previous trips. That also happened at the Black Cat Books &Coffee. It was the highlight of the trip so far for the proprietor of the Black Cat to ask me, “Where have you been?” Like I belong here and she was wondering where I was. Cool. At least I thought so.
That’s it. Life’s simple pleasures. I miss the Grandkids terribly. But they can use a dose of time without Papa around, and so can I. It isn’t forever. I won’t be away long enough for them to forget me or stop loving me.
The same “missing you” with Mrs. Spadoman. She is totally on board for the apartment scenario and there is even talk of quitting her job within the next year. There is already a trip planned for later in September and we have also talked about a December journey down here to meet up. I think she signed up for Skype!
I offer my Paradise to anyone that needs it. I pray for Peace every day. Peace in the world, Peace in your lives and the lives of those you love, and Peace in your heart of hearts.
This doesn’t ever mean I ignore the problems in the world. I don’t tell you about my ‘happenings’ to brag or give you the raspberries for not having happiness if that is indeed the case. But in the spirit of a Postcard From Paradise, I am soaring and send that energy your way. Take what you need and leave the rest.
Peace to All



  1. So happy for you in the paradise of your own making, Man ! How wonderful that you will now be even more comfortable physically in a place that already comforts your Soul so well.
    Thank you for sharing that peaceful energy with us. The world needs us to go there right now, so very much !

  2. i have to say spadman...
    postcards from paradise was created for posts just like this! my hope was that we would share a glimpse into our soul, and by sharing, connect with the the sacred that is waiting for each of us in any ordinary moment. for is always about connection. a tap on the shoulder of life to exalt, we are here, living straight from our hearts, connected and wanting the highest and best good for all.
    thank you for joining in the spirit of throwing a life line and sharing the beauty of.....

    you have taken me to paradise..and i am grateful for your generous offering.

  3. Indeed your description of Paradise is wonder-full. I've often thought of moving to NM or AZ. There's just something about the wide open space...

    Glad to "see" you again.

  4. I have just one thing to say to you Joe, I wish me and my Joe, could join you and Mrs S on the bikes in paradise!

    Ms Foxy

  5. Joe,
    When I saw you relaxing in that natural hot springs and it reminded me of my visit to ojo caliente last year. You offer such beautiful sights and reminders of all that is holy and wonderful in creation. When you mentioned green chile I just about drooled because that is what I live for when I visit Santa Fe. I hope that you sell your rig and are able to set yourself up in a little apartment so that you can have lots of wonderful memories in Truth or Consequences.
    Love and Peace,

  6. Wow,
    I totally enjoyed reading about your most recent adventures in New Mexico. I love that place so much that after being there recently on a working trip, my husband and I are planning to go back early next month for a real vacation! I think it's great that you rented a little place that has spoken to you in the past. What fun sharing your paradise today!

  7. It is paradise! Thank you for sharing it with us with your photos and words. What a wonderful world we live in. Enjoy your piece of paradise. Greetings to you and Mrs S.

  8. What a wonderful post this is, Spadoman. And now you'll have an apt. for when you--and you, Mrs. Spadoman and the grandkids want to come. I love that photo with the sunrise in the side mirror.

  9. You forgot the camera?!

    That's it--now you'll have to do more sunrise photos. :-/

    The first photo--just heavenly. But that second photo....awesome. Very very awesome!

    Kinda chuckled when I read that Morph is on the list to go and an apartment is on the agenda. Talk about morphing. LOL Seems there was a little yellow and blue joint that was callin' ya......and I'm hopeful it works out. (at least until the next adventure in accommodations happens. LOL)

    Lookin' pretty comfy there, sir. But this is a very good thing. And I'm glad for you to have that, today. We all need a piece of paradise for a bit of reflection and restoration.
    <-- certainly does!

    Go enjoy the sunrises and sunsets... *ahem* (might be a reminder of the 'forgot the camera' thingy mentioned above) and everything in between!


    Wow........wouldn't it be awesome to have a retired Mrs. there on the punkin bike with ya?!

    Still thinkin' the bike oughta be called Jack. *laughinglaughing!!*

  10. sounds like a brilliant life! we have just purchased a Winnebago [living in Australia] - looking forward to travelling a little..
    thanks for sharing your life in Postcards - love reading!!

  11. I love your pictures. So beautiful. Absolutely lovely.

    I am wishing you all the best with your new apartment. I hope you find the perfect renters for your home. I think it would be so hard to crawl around and fix things. I don't think I could do it.

    I hope I get to see you again. I love your outlook on life. And I really love the words you made up : ) Just beautiful!

  12. oh to be on the road again...ahhh, my Gypsy Soul is being rocked....hey, we have a Happy Belly but ours is in an Airstream!!
