Sunday, September 18, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Shadow Shot Sunday
September 18, 2011

To see more Shadow Shots and to find out how you can participate, please visit Hey Harriet's Photography.

These first couple of days and nights in our new casita here in New Mexico have been fun. Shopping the second hand and thrift stores and finally succumbing to a trip to Wally World has anxiety, drama and fun built in to the process. Once finally home, relaxing and sitting around on the patio, listening to the radio and enjoying the late summer breeze, we realized that we have achieved something in our lives.

The view from our patio, overlooking the courtyard.

I love the way the sun creates the individual shadows at each doorway, and the beautiful shape of the tree surrounding us. (I'll need to identify what kind of tree this is). The achievement of being old enough and having configured our finances to afford what is a luxury to us and our lifestyle, like this little casita 1400 miles away from our home in Wisconsin, isn't what I'm talking about. It's the 40 years Mrs. Spadoman and i have been married. We celebrate in three weeks.

Enjoy your shadowy weekend.



  1. 40 years of marriage is an event - rare and wonderful! Enjoy that you have arrived at such a place in your life - and wave as you zoom past it to the next phase.

  2. What could be more wonderful than celebrating 40 years of love, faith and loyalty in such a lovely place.
    So happy for you both.

  3. I'm eagerly looking forward to a HUGE 40th anniversary celebration here on your blog, Spadoman!


    My shadow and I are very best friends;
    We walk hand in hand, though the sidewalk ends.

    No matter the time of day or of night,
    My shadow and I will always stick tight.

    We don’t even think of drifting apart,
    For shadow and I are one soul and one heart.

    To have such a friend is heaven, you see,
    For I love my shadow, and shadow loves me.

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Shady Lady Aster

  4. Congratulations! Beautiful words.
    Keep enjoying!

    Very good and nice shadow shot.

  6. Very many congratulations on your anniversary - we have a way to go to catch up, we have just celebrated our 25th!

  7. 40 years is an achievement to be pretty darned proud of! And, what a great little casita you guys have. Coll shadows-I wonder if that's a fruitless mulberry tree (can't see enough of it to figure it out.

  8. We celebrated eight.

    Now--I know that's not 40.
    FAR from 40! (like 32 far from 40..LOL) But I think I 'get it'.

    I know a few folks who've stuck it through for their 30 years. Listening to them talk about their spousal unit--I wonder why....*sigh*

    But I GET the 40 years with Mrs. And I'm on 8. Glorious, wondrous, 'so THIS is love!!' EIGHT.

    You're graced.
    Seriously......amazingly graced.

    I consider myself graced to have had THIS for eight!

    G-d's taken very, very, VERY good care of you.

  9. 40 years. That's 14610 dawns. No, I'm wrong: it's 14609 - when your wedding day dawned you weren't actually married. You'll let us know when the actual occasion is, won't you? Congratulations for fidelity are all too rare.

  10. It is a lovely place and a well deserved reward for both of you. Peace, blessings and Happy 40th Anniversary.
