Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sitting Pigeon

Shadow Shot Sunday
August, 14, 2011

Shadow Shots can be seen every weekend at Hey Harriet Photography, a weekly Meme that features contributors from all over the world. To find out how to participate, check out the Hey Harriet Photography Blog.

I'm on the road this weekend, in Milwaukee with Mrs. Spadoman, but I took the laptop. The only problem is my camera either ran out of battery power or it's broken because it isn't working at all! Bummer.

In the meantime, I did find this photo from last Winter while I was down in Truth Or Consequences, New Mexico. It was taken for the sole purpose of being featured here on Hey Harriet's pages as a Shadow Shot submission. I never got around to posting it until today.

The shot was from an early sunlit morning on the patio of the Black Cat Coffeehouse and Books. I had to look twice when I saw this as I wondered if the pigeon was real and roosting there or what. Turned out to be stuffed, but it stumped me for a few minutes as I drank my morning cup o' java. Click once or twice for a close-up view.

I'll be headed back to New Mexico early in September for a few weeks, then return for a longer visit right after Los Dias de Los Muertos, (The Days of the Dead) on November 1st. I have been traveling down there for well over twenty years, but this is the first full year that I have established a residence down there, even if it is just an old RV camper,  and plan on breaking up the cold Northern Wisconsin Winter by spending my time with my motorcycle in the Southwestern USA.

Peace to all


  1. Artistic, defined shadow shapes! Like a fascinating abstract art work! Great photo!

  2. Wonderful capture, I'm glad you found it again!

  3. Terrific capture! Hope you get your camera replaced soon and that you have a great time in New Mexico -- good place to get away from the cold come winter!! Thanks as always for your visit, comment! Enjoy!


  4. you're in Milwaukee? so close and yet so far! very nice shadow shot Spadoman. glad you had in stored away in your archives. too bad about your camera. that is a bummer, but hey, maybe it's something simple that can easily be fixed. lucky you for being able to spend some winter time in N.M. that's my favorite state away from home. I stay in the north central part - Abiquiu territory. it's a fantastic state with so much beauty. when I'm there I feel like I'm home. I hope you have the time of your life. take good care.

  5. Super shadow shot. I hope it is just the battery - I would be very upset if my camera developed problems!

  6. I have heard such beautiful things about New Mexico. One of these days! :) Enjoy!

  7. Hope you find out the problem with your camera....

    And have a safe return trip.

    Hidden Shadows Come on over if you have time today!!

  8. Joe the shadow shot is perfect .. I can almost feel the prickly thorns of the cactus. I think it is wonderful you can travel and stay at different places .. and to celebrate "Day of the Dead" there is fantastic .. I am beginning to feel a Halloween twitch in my bones .. it won't be long until it takes over entirely ;-)

  9. Zucchini cake, what else, it's summer...right!!! Her friends had a get together with her last night...wayyyy to crazy for me these days!!!

    Boy the summer has really flown by, a warm one today, but we know our days are numbered. I long to stay in Florida for the winters, but won't be ready for that for another 3 years...sigh! I'll have to get me a chicken sitter...or maybe I'll just find some space in the freezer. Mr. Big is on my last nerve, there's only room on this ranch for one somebody's gotta go...hmmm fried or fricassee...

    Hope you had a great weekend...send rain!!!


  10. Nice strong shadow shot, notwithstanding....

  11. Time to get a new camera, Spadoman! In the meantime, dig through those photo archives (as you did this week) so that you can continue to be part of this shadowy community!


    If shadows could jump,
    How high would they go?
    As high as the moon?
    Does anyone know?

    If shadows could weep,
    How long would they cry?
    As long as it takes
    To climb to the sky?

    If shadows could laugh
    And tell funny jokes
    Would you take them home
    And say, “Get this, folks!”?

    If shadows could wed,
    Would they prefer you
    Or somebody else
    To promise, “I do”?

    © 2011 Magical Mystical Teacher

    Shadows and Sunflowers

  12. Neat shot...I like the colors as well as the shadows!

  13. After much thought I've come to the conclusion that you move so fast and so frequently that you've become incapable of creating a shadow yourself.

    Peace, dear friend.

  14. love your winter southwest plans. hopeful our paths will cross.
    travel safe ...

  15. Excellent shadows, so sharp and detailed and full of interesting angles and juxtapositions. So glad to learn that the camera is fixed.

  16. Oh!! Birdie butt alert!! LOL

    I'm envious of the return plans.
    I'd settled for some of those myself, but alas and alack......ain't happening.

    No worries--I can just live vicariously through your adventures!!

    And now that you have the camera sorted out..... Woooohoooooo!!!!
