Friday, August 19, 2011

Floating on a Cloud

Haiku My Heart
August 19, 2011

Haiku My Heart comes to you every Friday from Rebecca's recuerda mi corazon blog. Check it out to see more Haiku from the hearts of fantastic people and find out how to participate yourself.

Soft airy stillness
Gazing with visions of peace
A good way to be
I love to remember to have the good sense to allow my eyes to wander upward and find a sky full of clouds. Any kind will do. The large billowy puffy ones, the dark ones carrying rain, and these, the light ones, spreading out across heaven, bringing me a peaceful feeling.

I stand and stare at them, watch them move, or try to see if they are moving at all. I compare which way the wind where I am is blowing and whether it is the same direction, no direction or all directions.
Today, as I sat outside on this beautiful day, in front of the local Dish and the Spoon Coffee Cafe, I looked at the line of Locust trees in the median that divides Main Street in half. I heard some crows making a racket. As I looked to catch a glimpse of them, I saw clouds like these in the photos. I remembered that I had taken pictures out in South Dakota of clouds like these just a couple of weeks before.

The weather, hot and humid with many days of rain to go along with the heat, held on for a long spell, but changed. And now sunlit days with clouds like these, along with light breezes, have been in the majority. 
I tell you, I can sit for hours and just watch them move, ever so slowly, and change configurations. They look like waves or the small chop on the water from a light breeze.
Mostly, they bring me peace as I am mindful that I am living right here right now. Any strife is over, I don’t know what time will bring. It is now, and I am at peace.

I'm leaving today. I'll be traveling by motorcycle to Eagle River, Wisconsin to attend the Adventure Riders Annual Nationwide Rally. Mrs. Spadoman will be in attendance as well. We will camp out for a couple of nights, eat good food, meet old and new friends and generally have a great time being around motorcycles.
I wish Peace to you, too.


  1. Safe trip Mr & Mrs Spadoman and I hope (in fact I'm sure!), you'll have a wonderful time, amongst friends and 'bikes!
    Beautiful words and I totally agree with the peace that cloud-gazing brings...
    Have a great weekend. =)

  2. Wonderful haiku! Clouds, wonderful pillows to dream on! Have a grand weekend! Cathy

  3. What a great beginning to my Friday. I hope the same was true for you and yours.

    <-- cloud watcher

    For some reason, they still my mind.
    I wonder why that is.

    Dunno that it matters, really.
    But it's a probably a very good reminder for me to look UP today.

    Safe journey, sir.

    Let 'em drool over that cute little punkin on wheels. ;-)

  4. Have a wonderful time and trip! I could watch the clouds all day (if I had clouds in my sky)! Wonderful, wonderful!

  5. You haiku and cloud meandering have put me in the mood for our bike ride today, we don't go on the bike much now, every year I think I'm too old for this! Going to son's 3 - 4 hour ride. Tomorrow going fishing with the Chinese community so plenty of time for cloud gazing. I always imagine a kingcom reaching into the sky where wonderful things happen in those big billowy ones where dreams come true, which I'm sure they do!

    Thanks for making my day a dreamy one and blessings to you two.

    Ms Foxy x

  6. Sounds like the perfect week-end. May you have plenty of time for cloud gazing, a sport I too indulge in whenever possible.

  7. clouds are great messengers and when they speak to us of the here and now...they always carry a message of peace. as do you dear friend. so much so that you are closer to the wisdom of clouds than the follies of man and for this i am eternally grateful.

  8. and Mrs Spadoman can do some cloud gazing while she rides...

    safe travels.

  9. Hope you and Barb have a real nice weekend, good company, good ride and sweet puffy clouds to stare at, love you guys - pamela

  10. Cloud gazing means no possibility of star gazing I suppose!! Have a wonderful time and enjoy!! Take care, be safe!!
    Always much peace!!

  11. I envy you all your little trips. Of course, they would drive me crazy if I had to go. I wish I weren't that way. Motion sickness I guess. And I'm anti-social.

    Clouds are never boring are they? I love that first shot - it's like you are being sucked in.

    Have a good one - see you on the flip side!

  12. Beautiful cloud photos Joe. I always thing that the sky reflects what the ocean is doing in some way. Clouds are peaceful, ephemeral and wistful. I hope that you have a wonderful trip with Mrs. Spadoman to Wisconsin. See you soon!
    Peace and Hugs,

  13. The British call these ripply clouds "the mackerel sky" because the markings are like those on the back of a mackerel... And the blues of sky and water... No wonder you feel such peace. Beautiful haiku and photos--so you.
    I wish you a wonderful bike trip and outing!
