Saturday, July 16, 2011


Shadow Shot Sunday
July 17, 2011

Shadow Shot Sunday is a meme created by Tracy who hails from Queensland, Australia. You can see more fabulous Shadow Shots and find out how to participate by visiting her blog, Hey Harriet's Photography.

I will tell you, these photos are from last year on a trip I took to the Southwest of the United States. This year, there doesn't seem to be as many butterflies as I have usually seen. Maybe I just haven't been in the right place at the right time. There does seem to be more Fireflies than I've seen in many years though. I couldn't tell you if there is any connection between my observations.

I do love the way their wings are catching the shadows. The grasses, although short, are casting shadows as well.

Enjoy the weekend. Take care and be well.

Peace to all


  1. Beautiful collection of resting butterfly wings! Calm wonder!

  2. What nice shadows, I love Monarch butterflies. So peaceful and calm.

  3. You may have a point about there being fewer butterflies. I think they may be boycotting Monsanto.

  4. You and I need to take a trip to central Mexico one of these years to see the nesting places of the monarch butterflies. You ARE adventuresome, aren't you?


    Imagine a shadow could talk
    In whisper or rumble or squawk;
    Just what would it say
    To make you go, “Hey!
    You’re just a chip off the old block!”?

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Shadows abound here and here

  5. Oh my many in one shot. How lucky you are. You must be living right. I love this.

    My shadow this week is of a horn cleat [what you use to tie up a boat at the dock]


    Hope your weekend has treated you well.

  6. Joe you "caught" them beautifully: )
    I haven't seen very many colourful butterflies either .. a lot of smaller white ones flutter through my garden .. but perhaps it is that same thing about not being in the right place at the right time too ?
    I would love to see those fireflies!
    And hear frogs sing at the same time? Now that would be pure heaven for me .. throw in a beautiful harvest moon on a cool Autumn night .. I would never want it to end: )
    Yes .. I am a pink kind of a gal .. wink wink !
    Joy : )
    PS .. it is so humid and hot even at 8 in the morning here .. thunder showers are supposed to happen in the evening but some how I doubt it will do a good job watering my garden .. drats !!

  7. Wow! That is a lot of butterflies. Beautiful shot!..Christine

  8. Lovely shots of the butterflies!!

  9. Very good photos of these beautiful butterflies.


  10. They look like they are dancing!You have captured movement in a moment.

  11. Beautiful shadowy photos! I agree, there aren't as many butterflies this year compared to last year.

    My shadows, hope you can visit and see. Have a great week ahead!

  12. Oh how wonderful!!!!

    What a magical moment....

  13. Wow, that's a lot of butterflies. I wonder what they were talking about! Thanks for your comments over at my blog. I can't wait to move, first place to call my own. Have a great week. ;-) Jo

  14. Hey Spadoman, is it really really hot up there? it sure is down here. usually it is cooler by the lake, but not today. I love the butterfly shots. their color is beautiful, and you've done a great job of capturing them. I haven't noticed them in short supply as of yet, but the true test of their numbers will be when the monarchs start coming through in August. Fireflies are plentiful so far. I hope you have a fun week Spadoman. stay cool.

  15. What a beautiful capture! I never see so many butterflies together in the one spot like that! Enjoy your week :)
