Saturday, July 30, 2011

Bottle of Wine, Fruit of the Vine

Shadow Shot Sunday
July 31, 2011

Shadow Shot Sunday is a fabulous meme. You can see great photos from all over the world. Find out how you can participate or just browse the great photography at Hey Harriet's Photography.

We were out to eat last week at a place that we used to frequent regularly when we lived in St. Paul. Since we moved in 2005, we get there only so often. The name of the place is Cafe Latte' and I have never ever had a bad meal there.

Our celebration was a birthday. In attendance were Mrs. Spadoman and my two daughters, Alyssa and Jayne. We all had dinner, and we all had dessert. I didn't take pictures of the delicacies we had after dinner, but I should have. For the sake of a story, I'll mention them, and if you're so inclined, look them up on their menu which can be found by clicking on the highlighted link above.

Mrs. Spadoman had the Lemon Tort, Alyssa had Vanilla Cheesecake, Jayne tried the Tre Leches, (Three Milks), and I had Raspberry Tort.

At one point, the "girls" went to the rest room and check out a store window or two. I sat and saw shadows and took pictures. I chose the best of the shots for today's Shadow Shot feature.

We didn't order wine, and I'm not sure I would order Hob Nob if we did. But I did look it up after I posted this photo as my shadow shot. They have a very lively web site. 
Take a LOOK.

By the way, I used the camera feature on my cell phone. The light was low overall, but the wall display cast the long shadow of the bottle and the lines of the shelf it was mounted on.



  1. Okay--that's a very cool shot of the shadow.

    And I'm all about the cheesecake!
    Just sayin'.....

  2. for some reason i am hungry for cheesecake. love the shot!!!

  3. that is really a lovely shadow. I keep going back to look at it, because you know, it's more than it initially appears to be. I love that. happy SSS to you Spadoman. have a fun weekend.

  4. You are observant, dear sir. Imagine if you hadn't been left to your own devices for a few minutes. You never would have noticed the shadow!


    Shadows above me,
    Shadows below;
    Some shadows swift and
    Some shadows slow;
    All of these shadows,
    It’s plain to see,
    Are my compadres—
    Sweet company!

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Scissor Those Shadows!

  5. Sweet shadow..or maybe dry shadow, looks yummy regardless!

    When popping over here I went to your profile and cracked up at your band names...guess I might be one of the Berthas' are a hoot man!

    Been hotter than Hades here in Ioway, don't wanna go anywhere out there, feel like the summer is wasting away in a puddle of sweat and Japanese beetles, but I really don't want winter, so I guess I'll just fix another margarita and watch my chickens grazing outside my window...but I've been up since 5:00, so a good break is in order, right! Tomorrow I bail the grass and maybe play in some JUNQUE...ooh la la !!!

    From one crazy to another...

  6. Terrific shadow shot for the day, Spadoman! And, yes, now I'm longing for some cheesecake!! Really interest wine bottle and it's shadow! I love it! Hope your weekend is going well!


  7. Nice picture and an excellent dessert. I would have had the raspberries too.

  8. Hey! Congratulations on your cell phone capture!!
    You know...I too have trouble with photographing dessert. I think it's because for a split second, I am in the moment and can only think about getting that first bite, second, third, etc. And then when it is nearly gone, I realize that I FORGOT to take a picture!

  9. I like that the shadow bottle is significantly larger than the real one! Enough to share round very generously, yum. Phones with cameras are a great invention aren't they. Sue

  10. I have to admit that I am influenced by the labels on wine bottles - after all, if you can't taste the wine, how do you decide which bottle to buy? So, I just choose an appealing label! Excellent shadow shot - and now I want dessert!!

  11. This shadow makes it look like one HUGE bottle of wine! :)

  12. Great ShadowShot. Isn't it interesting that we seem to see the perfect SS in any setting?! Have a great SSS.

  13. Joe that was a great picture and it would have me ordering that wine .. cute name ! I was also very taken by the metal support underneath the glass shelf .. struck me as antler shaped .. ahhhhh ! cheesecake ;-)

  14. Elegant shadows. Lovely shot.
