Friday, June 3, 2011

Still On The Road, Headed East

Originally posted on Friday, June 3, 2011

No Haiku My Heart today. Mrs. Spadoman and I will be up along Lake Superior and into Wisconsin's lake country this weekend. I'll keep everyone in mind and hopefully bring back some cool pics and stories.

An update to this post.  (As of 06/05/2011 at 5:00 PM Central Daylight Savings Time)

I will be away until the end of the week, probably around Friday or Saturday, June 10th or 11th. I'll be on the road headed to Utica, New York to pick up a motorcycle with my van. More details as they develop.

The trip up North went great. We had a wonderful time visiting with friends and enjoyed great weather for outdoor activities.

In the meantime, please pay a visit to the below listed link and take a look at the beautiful artwork up for auction.

Check out Rebecca's recuerda mi corazon blog for some great haiku poetry. And take a look at the fabulous art auction she has to benefit the Oaxaca Street Children, a very worthy cause.

Peace to all


  1. safe journey! and have a lovely time with the missus



  2. Bon voyage, Joe.

    (This is French for 'Keep your eye on the speedometer and your hand on your halfpenny'.)

  3. Sorry I've been so behind and just getting over here now! I hope you enjoy your trip!! Can't wait to see photos.


  4. Ohhhhh......lucky youse two!!!

    Safe journey!!
    Enjoy the wonderful weather!

  5. Glad to hear you had a great trip with more adventures to come. Stay safe on the byways.

    Now I'll look at the link.

  6. Peace to you and Mrs. Man and sweet journeys.

  7. Hope your travels are good. See you when you get back - hopefully with more wonderful tales.

  8. dear spadoman,

    travel safe friend. my heart is with you both.
    thanks for your kindness here in spreading the word on the auction.
    looking forward to your tales...your photographs, your heart for peace.
