Friday, June 24, 2011


Haiku My Heart
June 24, 2011

Be sure to stop in and experience more Haiku from the heart, as well as find out how to participate yourself, at Rebecca’s recuerda mi corazon blog, where every Friday folks from all over the world partake in the fun. And this week is the One Year Anniversary of this weekly meme. I have enjoyed thoroughly being a part of this project since the beginning and thank Rebecca for the inspiration, kindness and respect she shows to all.

Shiny silky hair
Children grin for Grandparents
Peaceful heartfelt love
Taken a few years ago, this photo is digital, but enhanced in Black and White. Although not as warm and toasty in my opinion, as B&W film, it still has nice warm overtones. I love the way her eyes shine as well as her hair. Anna will be thirteen soon, within two weeks. She is my first Grandchild.

Last night, at the dinner table, I told Anna that I had found this photo and how I was going to use it on my blog this morning for Haiku My Heart. She has seen it and remembers the small stuffed lion. She related to me that. "The head fell off all the time." We have yet to establish how old she was in this picture, but here at Spadoville we are all guessing it was taken in 2003.
The haiku speaks on so many levels to the love, joy and peace that the children bring into our lives. Sometimes, we get caught up in our own struggles and the children suffer. All it takes is one moment to remember how innocent and forgiving they are and that we should be like that ourselves.
I keep a record of all I post in an external hard drive. I keep the logo for Haiku My Heart there and pull it out every weekwhen I post my haiku. I came across my first notes from the first time I ever tried haiku. It was for the Haiku My Heart Friday on June 25, 2010. Here is what I wrote:

First Post June 25, 2010
Crispy Leaves in Fall
Souls Close to My Heart of Hearts
Sitting On a Log
Haiku My Heart Fridays Info

To go with this haiku, I used a photograph of my three daughters, sitting on a log in front of our 1980's home on the Snake River near Pine City, MN. Here's the photo:

Thank you Rebecca for the inspiration


  1. A very beautiful haiku this is! Thank you and what fitting lines about dear Rebecca. Here is a link for you about the gulmohar that is setting all the cities in India aflame this part of the year :

  2. Isn't it wonderful to be able to look back on our lives like this. Very telling of your love of family that you chose to haiku of your grandchildren for the first and the one year anniversary!

  3. I love your Dad/Granddad Love, Man.
    That you celebrate the shine of your grand-little one's hair makes my heart fill up.
    I am grateful to the Haiku My Heart family and to Beautiful Rebecca for many things, and connecting with you and your words is one of them.
    Happy Anniversary and Happy Friday !

  4. i so love both your photo and your haiku, and i know exactly what you mean about digital photos not being as "warm and toasty" as film, but it's still a lovely photo of your granddaughter. how lucky they are to have such loving grandparents in their lives...

  5. So sweet.
    I'm not often given to poetry but I enjoy Haiku. It puts beauty in a small package.

    I haven't done haiku in a long time. Mine tend to be cheeky anyway.

  6. fortunate You
    Peaceful heartfelt love!


    {{ such wonderful Gifts,
    aren't they? }}

  7. Beautiful Haiku and beautiful grand-child. Perfect circle to celebrate!

  8. what a beautiful memory~peaceful heartfelt~

  9. I've enjoyed a year of Joe Haiku. Peace!

  10. Just dropping in, brushing off the the comely women that hang out here from my shoulders like zephyr-blown apple blossom, to say how would you fancy a beer while we compare granddaughters?

  11. *sigh* They grow so fast......

    A teenager already...

    Happy soon to be Birthday to Anna. It's so wonderful that she remembers things between you and she, and that the head fell off the lion.....I think that's a pretty parallel thing. Seems to me the head's fallen off and things are a lot softer, less roaring in our lives. Maybe that's what grandbabies do for folks like you and I? We lose a bit of that 'rawrrrr'--come to appreciate the little things and find a bit less ego in being right and a lot more peace in just being happy.

    Yeah, yeah....too dang philosophical for a Friday afternoon, huh? LOL

    Lovely photos. Both them.
    You are soooooooo graced.....

  12. My Dear Spadoman,
    I think that this is one of the more moving posts of yours that I have read. It is interesting, considering what I posted today with Lorraine's picture. There is something so palpable about black and white photography, and when the subject is someone so dear to your heart, even more so. Your granddaughter's face, her smile, her eyes and the deep and lasting love that you have for her are present in this post. Looking back on your first post, one can see that family is central to your life and heart. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful part of yourself. But then again, all of you is beautiful.
    Peace and Love,

  13. Beautiful photos both of them, and beautiful haiku. Children are a real gift, they brings so many blessings.
    My first grandchild is nearly 4 months old and already she had given me so much.

  14. And thank you, Spadoman, for being willing to haiku!

  15. What a beautiful haiku and adorable pictures.
    Thank you for the comments on my post, it means a lot that you found such meaning in my haiku today.
    Peace to you also! :-)

  16. I love how you related back to your first haiku and how they were both about beloved children - beautiful!

  17. Your post really moves me and touches my heart. Besides the lovely haikus, I find it wonderful to read the 'background story' that make the photos come to live even more! The ones of your kids... I guess they are my age (maybe a little younger) 'cause they show the same kind of clothes/haircuts as I had (in the early seventies?) Thanks for being part of this 'Haiku my heart family'. I look forward visiting you all through the next year!!

  18. Spadoman... you are so very inspiring.. beautiful haikus always.. and your comments flow from your generous heart.. taking me to another very beautiful world where everything is at you know some more people like you around.. oh, Yes, one year is being celebrated.. with more Haikus.. indeed..

  19. Grandchildren do haiku our hearts. Thank you for sharing these.

  20. Ciao!
    It is so nice to meet and follow you!
    It took me a long time to come to appreciate my Italian name, definitely unique! Thanks so much for your comment, so sorry about your mother's passing...

    Feel free to visit anytime.


  21. Very special haiku to such special grandchildren. And I loved seeing the photos of your girls, as well. I have six grandkids myself, 24 down to 3, and it is wonderful being a grandparent.

  22. dear peaceman,

    you are a faithful sun always rising in the hearts of everyone! i am finally able to visit all the haiku offerings. how lovely that we have danced around the sun to haiku through every season!

    thank you for your place in my heart spadoman.
    your haiku is so sensitive and filled with love....and then to slay my heart with your very first haiku which i remember so well.

    i have been away...and then home with the company of stephanie of mango studio and her husband greg.
    the laughter and sharing that have filled our hearts still has me reeling, and very far behind in my visits.

    i love you joe. i cannot imagine haiku my heart with out you.
