Saturday, May 14, 2011

Shadow Shot Sunday, May 15, 2011

Shadow Shot Sunday is a fun addictive meme hailing from Brisbane, Australia. Check out the Hey Harriet Blog to see other Shadow Shots and find out how to participate.

Here's mine for this week:

I see many tall silouette shadows on Sundays. I know I've posted my share of them. I wanted to make use of this early morning New Mexico sunshine but not have it appear to be taken by the person in the portrait.

So, How'd I do? I was sitting on a protective barrier for a fire hydrant.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.



  1. Ah, you are so clever with that camera!! Terrific shadow and I had no idea it was you at first look! Hope your weekend is going well and you're still having sun to enjoy! We had sun for two wonderful days, but it's not pouring rain again! I think I'm molding!!


  2. You did really well, Spadoman! If you hadn't told us that you were in the photo, I would never have guessed. Very clever and artful shot!


    A shadow’s a wonderful thing;
    O listen! Can you hear it sing?
    It tells of a time
    Before there was crime—
    Trust that and you’ll trust anything!

    © 2010 Magical Mystical Teacher

    Tree Healer

  3. *laughing*

    I must have Halloween on the brain. I thought it was a pumpkin atop.....somethin'.

    JUST sayin'!!

    I know. I know.
    Which way to the naughty corner?


  4. I'm sure my neighbors think I'm crazy for crawling around my yard with the camera(and for many other reasons...ha)hey, a shadows a shadow, right!

    I had the furnace on last night as well...geesh, another day of rain here too this Sunday, but tomorrow SUN...OH GLORIOUS SUN!!!

    I have fellow antiquers from Kentucky coming tomorrow for 3 days, on their way back from a show in Brimfield, Mass...can you say shop till ya drop. They had a fabulous show, almost sold out, people are spending money everywhere but my lil' blue-collar burg. It's a struggle every day here, which is why I have sold out of Sisters Garden for 16 years, it's near Iowa City, progressive peeps up there, not afraid to spend the moolah.

    It's been very dry here, we needed the rain, but enough already...stay warm and enjoy the lush greens!!!

    Peace on Brother!

  5. I think you did well! Thanks for explaining how that "legless" tall silhouette came to be.


  6. great find what a wonderful shadow simply hiding in every day life. Come see what I shared on

  7. You done good! (Bad English intended.) I always like the touch of the human essence in a ShadowShot. Happy SSS to you!

  8. I like it a lot, and the I also like the small snippets of colour in the background. Have a great week!

  9. You did great...and you look like a great big man sitting in the warm early morning sun!

  10. Thanks for your visits here and the comments. I appreciate it very much.


  11. at first glance I thought "is that a fire hydrant?" and then looked again and thought no, it couldn't be. you're clever and creative with your shadows this week Spadoman. I would not have guessed you were in the shot. great shadow shot!

  12. haha! I was contemplating as to where were you in this shot..Good job! Here's my share . Thanks and see you around! (followed you too)

  13. Thanks so much everyone. This was a fun one.
    In the shadow shot I posted, I am sitting on the barricade. I am holding the camera around my navel and used one hand. I pressed the shutter with my thumb. My purpose was to have the shot look like I wasn't holding the camera.
    If you look on the right side lower portion of the shadow, you can see a small area of the top of the fire hydrant. My legs were together and look so wide and disproportioned to the top end of my body, which is at the top end of the shadow. An unusual image. I had no idea what it would look like.
    Glad folks liked it.
    Keep hunting the shadows, and thanks again, very much, for stopping here at Round Circle.

    Peace to all

  14. You did great! I'm glad you explained how you did it because I couldn't quite figure out what was going on! haha!

