Wednesday, April 13, 2011

On the Road Again

It's early in the morning, Wednesday, April 13th. I'll be heading out soon. The main purpose of my trip is to get to Atlanta GA and attend a reunion of the 22nd Infantry Regiment Society. This is the unit I served with in Vietnam, pretty much the entire year of 1969.

I'll be driving and pass through Memphis and pick up a friend, one of my Veteran friends named Larry. This one is Larry N. (You may remember me mentioning Larry G. and Larry C. in previous posts throughout the years.). Larry N. and I served together over there and I have seen him a couple of times. This time, we'll travel together and meet up with others we served with.

So, it is a road trip, and I am in need of one as I usually feel like I am when its time to travel. Not sure about posting until I return next Wednesday. I'll certainly check in with folks as soon as I get home and get hugs from the Grandkids, my daughters and Mrs. Spadoman.

Thank you for the kind words, wise advice and friendliness on the post below. I appreciate your visits here and I really appreciate the encouragement and support.

May Peace prevail in your lives.


  1. you have a safe trip

    and, as the Irish say, may the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back; may the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields; and until we meet again, may G*d hold you in the hollow of his hand


  2. Have a wonderful time - or hope you had one if you aren't reading this until you get back.

    You seem to know a deluge of Larry's. I think I know one. Sort of. Maybe more of a know of him though I'm sure we've met. :)

    Road trips can be good. You have time to think or relate. It's like a side step out of your life.

  3. Oh lovely - what Inukshuk said, me too.

  4. Travel safely my friend; peace always.

  5. Safe journey, sir.

    You know how to get hold of me if you fancy that.

    I'm trying to simply celebrate that you're on the road again. A bit of envy finds me, but I can quickly dismiss it when I think of how joyous and spirit filling the journeys are for you.

    (((((((( Spadoman ))))))))))

    Ohhhh.....and I KNOW you lugged that camera!!

    I'll be REAL excited now!!! :-)
