Saturday, February 26, 2011

Moving Shadows

Shadow Shot Sunday
February 27, 2011

I finally tried something I have been thinking of doing for a long time. I saw some long cast shadows while driving on the highway the other morning and used the motion picture function on my camera to make a YouTube video.

This is my Shadow Shot Sunday submission this week. The video was taken while driving West on Interstate Highway 10 between Benson and Tucson Arizona, USA. It was early in the morning, but not crack of dawn. Still, the shadows were long, and I love the way they seem to dance across the road while rounding a gradual left hand curve.

I'm not sure how this view of the highway might seem to those blog readers and followers that hail from places that drive on the left side of the road. But this is how we do it here in the States. It's short, only 53 seconds, so download shouldn't take forever. Hope you like it.

For more Shadow Shots and to find out the guidelines to participate, please see Tracy's Hey Harriet blog.

I also might mention that my post previous to this one, for another Meme entitled Haiku My Heart Friday on Rebecca's recuerda mi corazon blog,  is also a Shadow Shot, and includes people who also participate regularly on Shadow Shot Sunday. Have a look and see if you can guess who they might be. My hint will be that I am one of them and we met for the first time in Arizona. You can see that Haiku post HERE.



  1. That's such fun, a whole production! I like how the shadow moves across the road. cool.

  2. Wow, that was fun ...and I thoroughly enjoyed travelling on the 'other' side of the road with you. It was very interesting to see the countryside you were travelling through.
    I am most impressed with the intro and end credits; most professionally done!

  3. Very impressive film! It did feel strange to be driving down the opposite side of the road :)

    Have yourself a great week ahead!

  4. :-) I liked watching him line up straight in front.
    But......ummmmm.....just zackly who was doing the filming? The Mrs., correct? I mean, certainly you wouldn't....LOL might.

    <-- might, too! ;-)

  5. Very clever, Spadoman! I felt as though I were riding in the car right beside you. Thanks for the delightful tour!


    Many shadow-seekers say,
    “Oh, the one that got away!”
    Why are you so uptight, folks?
    Can’t you take light’s little jokes?

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Shimmering Women

  6. How fun was are too much!!! But you make one long for a road trip just to escape Winter's grip...I might have to spare a week just to a getaway, only if the gas prices will allow...if only Florida were a few states closer, like eliminate Georgia and Illinois, that'd be a day trip that I could afford...ha!

    Have a great time on the road friend, you know how to travel right!


  7. Brilliant - I loved it - even if you were driving on the wrong side of the road!!

  8. Now that's how to capture a moving shadow! Super idea and really great video from your camera...the intro and closing make it a true production.

    Thanks for visiting CollectInTexas Gal Photo Blog. I really appreciate your comment! I'll be seeing you again!

  9. I LOVE it! Now you gone and raised the bar on us SSSer's! What a beautiful stretch of road that is. Good job in the iMovie editing and production!

  10. motion picture peace man,
    that is just too GREAT!
    taking us along on your ride to anywhere world peace.

    that is you.

    i am sure of it. thanks for the beauty of it all.

  11. Cool, Spadoman! The shadow does seem to dance!

  12. Oh and voice too! How wonderful after reading your 'voice' for so long to hear you :)
    And so professionally presented!
    Altogether a pleasure 'Man and thank you very much.

  13. I've never seen a shadow shot video before! Very clever! Thanks for sharing it with us.

  14. Hey Spadoman,
    That is fabulous. Great job! Even more wonderful to hear your voice narrating this impressive production. Felt like I was traveling with you! Loved it!
