Friday, November 5, 2010

New Mexico Roadside Attraction

Haiku My Heart Friday
November 5, 2010

Haiku My Heart Friday is a creation of my friend Rebecca. She has been traveling and not posted haiku this week, but her last post was full of wonderful poetry and photographs. Take a look at her blog, reduerda mi corazon

Another friend posted haiku and a beautiful photograph today. The name of her blog is The Angels wear Fins. Her photo is in a place called Bosque del Apache, a wildlife refuge along the Rio Grande River in New Mexico. I have been to this place often on my wanderings through to Truth Or Consequences. Most recently, this past September.

While I was there, I took the  slow two-lane road, New Mexico Highway 1, which follows the old Journey of Death trail near the Rio Grande. As I rode my motorcycle in the early morning sunlight, I spotted these clumps of beautiful white flowers. They look to me like Morning Glories. I'm no botanist, so I can't tell you the details of what these are called. Many folks post photos from their gardens of flowers they have grown. I didn't grow these, as they seem to be wild at the side of the road. I stopped and took a few photographs.

Glorious morning

Stopping by to savor these

Beautiful flowers

Here are a couple of other shots I took that day in September. I had just left Socorro and the Manazeres Street Coffee House and was riding South. I couldn't help but feel the pull from Nature to stop and smell the proverbial flowers, which turned out to be not proverbial at all.

I wondered how fragile the petals of the flower, yet so hardy as to withstand the force of man and machine whizzing by at high speeds. "Who are these here for?", I thought. I realized they were there for me, at least at this particular time on this particular day.

Thank you Noelle for inspiring me this morning. You can't imagine the feeling I get when I see someone post about a familiar haunt.

All who pass here, enjoy your day and have Peace.


  1. It's nightshade, my dear Spadoman, nighshade. Because why? Because it blooms at night and withers away during the day. Lovely stuff...but deadly to livestock.

  2. Thank you, MMT, for the information. I admit to being so ignorant of genus, species and families of plants and animals. Should have paid more attention in Otto Boldt's biology class in 1965.
    Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Love that the Universe sent those blooms to you. So beautiful in spite of their deadly side. Who knew ?
    Happy Friday, Man !

  4. I thought that they were called Big Beautiful White Flowers, but I bow to MagicalMT’s greater knowledge.
    I enjoyed this post a lot. Thanks for sharing.

    All the best, Boonie

  5. Beautiful flowers Spadoman!!! I LOVE New Mexico and haven't been there since 1985!!! Rebecca has posted today soOOOOo link today soOOOo no-one will miss this SWEET haiku!!!

  6. Got to rethinking my visit in NM and I think it was 83 instead! I know I want to go back some day!!!

  7. Joe,
    This is a beautiful post and a lovely memory. I think that is what we are here for, to share our journeys in the world and make them part of a larger tale that fills the world with wonder and magic. They are beautiful blooms, and I am glad that the memory of New Mexico was there for you.

  8. Certainly beautiful flowers and they do look like the morning glories that I have seen others post. Mother Earth provides beauty for us to see and enjoy.

  9. Those are so gorgeous! I was interested in MMT's comment because the deadly nightshade I know is quite different from these.
    But I do know the Nightshade family is huge and includes tomatoes, tobacco, chiles and potatoes to name a very few.
    Anyway I love the idea that they bloom at night and I particularly like the photo of them looking huge and fragile. What a lovely and dangerous roadside discovery.

  10. Thanks, Joe, for sharing this post...and that moment when you realized that the beauty was there for you. I love NM, and it is such a strong feeling of affinity to read of your enthusiasm for these places I've only just begun to visit. Later this month, I'll return. Can't wait. Peace.

  11. Beautiful heart
    Able to spot beauty, and then
    Express too..

    Lovely, Spadoman..

  12. I have lots in common with you, first my love's name is Joe and he too has a love of motorcyling, we often talk of how we'd love to motorcycle in the USA!

    Your journey looks amazing, and to notice those little flowers on the highway calling to you to be appreciated and captured is something else we share!

    Thank you for posting

    Sue x

  13. Oh, I'm not the only one who snapped photos of this lovely while in the area...nightshade, it's gorgeous to look at, eh?

    I guess we should be glad we're not cattle.

    I love the photos and the haiku. They're fitting, indeed.

    I hope you're having a glorious weekend, sir. (respectfully said, of course....LOL)

  14. new mexico a spiritual place of many lights.... ahhh, the deadly nightshade one wonders how a flower can be so beautiful but ohhh so deadly... haiku my heart.believe

  15. Lovely Haiku and the images of the flowers are beautiful.

