Saturday, October 23, 2010

Peaceful Southwestern Mission

Shadow Shot Sunday
October 24, 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday is a fun meme that emanates from Australia. To see more fabulous Shadow Shots and find out how you can participate, see Hey Harriet.

In September, I took a motorcycle trip to New Mexico. I rode in the mountains as I usually get down that way in Winter and never get to cruise the likes of Taos, Angel Fire, Espanola or the Carson National Forest because of the snow and cold.
The shadow shot above was taken in the morning. The sun was shining brightly and the steeple of this little mission caught my attention as I was slowly riding by on a two lane rural road. The photos below are of the front of the church and a side shot again showing the shadow of the cross. I love this type of architecture, especially the coloring.



  1. Oh, I love that type of architecture, too, and it was one of the things I really enjoyed about traveling in New Mexico. Your shadow shots are lovely! Thanks for sharing the beauty! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


  2. The shadow in the first and last photo creates a very moving effect! Delightful lighting enhancing the church architecture!

  3. I love the look of that little church. And what a perfectly formed shadow of the cross! Wow! New Mexico has a brilliant blue sky! Have a great week :)

  4. Beautiful, indeed.....

    Gotta love it.
    Makes me hungry for a roadtrip for a piece of that peace......

  5. You must tell me exactly where this church is, Spadoman. I must visit! Excellent shot!

  6. Great shadows! Looks like you took that trip at a perfect time of year.

  7. I too love adobe, it's just soooo Southwestern, it gives me pause to dream of the old West, as we know I'm prone to dreaming(a lot)...I had my cable TV taken out the other day and I'm really feeling a sense of freedom, though I will miss my nature programming, I can always catch it online or rent the video, that is if I can stay awake long enough once I become one with the easy chair...know what I mean.

    Been busy making lots of soap orders and fall repairs to the shack, but I think as soon as it dries out I need to do some caulking around an upstairs window, I think I may have a leak developing on my kitchen ceiling, an add-on, certainly prone to problems!

    My work is never done...right!!!

    Have a wonderful Sunday...enjoy the life!



  8. Now that's a great shadow shot. Perfect! And such a deep blue sky. No wonder you can find such good shadows!

    Have a great week, Sara

  9. Lovely shadows you got here, perfectly formed. What a lovely church. Have a great week.

  10. That is a beautiful crisp capture of the steeple Joe ! .. I love the soft curves of that architecture .. I have a thing for the Southwestern look and decor and those amazing curving fireplaces .. just beautiful : )

  11. Really pretty. I love the simplicity of the architecture. perfect SSs!

  12. Gorgeous shadow shots! Thanks stopping by my blog & giving me some support! Sarah :)

  13. Thank you, Spadoman. Very nicely observed.

  14. Such lovely shapes in the church and it's so satisfying to look at the way the steeple is repeated by the shadow in the full length one.
