Friday, October 15, 2010

Last Glimpse of Summer

Haiku My Heart Friday
October 15, 2010
Haiku My Heart Friday was started by my friend Rebecca. See more photos and read Haiku from all over at her blog, recuerda mi corazon. 

This Fall season has brought so many beautiful photos of the Autumn colors and words to match that speak of harvest and the end of one season as it transforms into another. I thought I'd bring back a memory of last Summer before the temperature dips down below zero and we are knee deep in snow.

Moments after a quick moving Summer thunderstorm, the view from our deck, searching for that Pot O' Gold

See the pot of gold
At the end of the rainbow
In my own back yard

I was out riding my motorcycle yesterday, and I probably will again tomorow and through the weekend. This activity, done comfortably weatherwise at this time of year where I live, is sometimes sheer fantasy. After all, hockey season has started, the leaves are all but stripped off the trees and as I type this, a mouse or some such creature, is making so much noise scurrying across the floor hiding dog food nuggets in the kitchen above my head that one might think it is a herd of elephants trampling through the jungle! Maybe I should alert the cats from their slumber and see if they can earn their next meal.

While taking a coffee break from our late season motorcycle adventure, sitting in the bright sunshine and basking in the glow, I did see a landscape company assembling the snow plows to their trucks in anticipation of what's to come. I consulted the Farmer's Almanac and found their prediction for a very cold but dry Winter forecast to start next month. That prognostication is for the Great Lakes region. Looks like snowshoe sales will plummet this year.

In the meantime, I'll let this photo remind us of the two months of steady heat and humidity we had this past Summer and the thunderstorms that moved through the neighborhoods of the upper midwest. Now if there only was a real pot of gold, it would be there for the taking, and I wouldn't even mention Winter.



  1. Enjoyable post. Thanks.

    All the best, Boonie

  2. Season of mists
    And mellow fruitfulness -
    Golden fall of life?

    (Normally we would say 'autumn' instead of 'fall', but that would make one syllable too many. In matters of syllabic economy clearly the US leads the world.)


  3. What a view, and I love the haiku! Thanks for bringing back a bit of summer and the promise of the rainbow on this dark and wet South Florida Friday.

    It's going to be a wonderful weekend!! Enjoy it!

  4. What a magnificent rainbow. Well done! Cathy

  5. Stripped of leaves already? *sigh* We're still enjoying the oaks in their deep reds and golds. Ah well....that's what makes autumn--autumn!

    I've sufficiently trained myself to think "G-d keeps His promises" every time I see a rainbow. I'd like to think I'm living the pot of gold life already. (somedays that's more evident to me than others....I own it!)

    Lovely photo..and I do remember this years storms and flooding. We went up Galena way and the colours fell into second place with the Mississippi so high from it's usual banks.
    But it'll be a lovely journey for you to Anamosa's motorcyle museum. The winding roads down US38 are gorgeous this time of year.

    JUST sayin'.

    Safe journey to you, sir!
    Enjoy the ride.

    And thank you for this summer capture....and the prognosis for a harsh (albeit dry) winter.
    Less shoveling is good! ;-)

  6. the haiku and photo are both lovely! i truly enjoyed your post.

    thanks for visiting my blog and leaving that nice comment.:)

  7. The pot of gold is in your back yard!
    You are the pot of gold you are such a treasure, no wonder Mrs Spadoman has loved you all these years!

    Your haiku and pic are both lovely as are your words of encouragement:)x

    BTW Your link took me to number 6000 in profile views! That's special hey?!

  8. Loved the rainbow and the pot of gold..lovely..

    Thank you for your inspiration and your comment about photo. somehow I want people to see what they want to without putting bias in their minds.. I am happy that my Haiku's show..

  9. Spadoman, dig deep—
    riches in your own backyard,
    waiting to be found!

  10. I am adjusting to the Fall but very willing to wait for the jump to Winter !
    Thanks for the lovely summer reminder!

  11. You have captured a beautiful rainbow in your back yard.

    We do not have a season called Fall here but Summer ends or blends into the Monsoon Season which has come to an end now.
    This is when I hope to see the Rainbow.

    But you have an excellent capture there.

    Good wishes!! Have a great weekend!!

  12. Hello Spadoman,
    Life and its changing seasons, the many vicissitudes of life is a phrase of which I am quite fond, and another word you use, "transformation" is also a favorite. I think that the Promise of a rainbow after a storm and the myth of the pot of gold at the end of the great colorful arc are all reminders of the ever-present hope that humanity nurtures despite disappointment and loss. Right now, as the seasons transform, you are nurturing summer in your heart and once Winter is here, you will recall the reds and golds of Fall. Each season has its glory.

    I love the fact that you take the time to observe and appreciate that the world has to offer each of us. We need only look closely to recognize the unique beauty of a day. I say these things because it helps me to remember as well.
    Peace and Light Always,

  13. Ah a pot of gold in your own backyard - how wonderful. I hope your weekend is going well.

  14. you're a little pot of gold at the end of one of my rainbows, you know that?!


    hope you have some great rides this weekend


  15. Beautiful double rainbow - I've seen so many photos of double rainbows from all over this past summer. Makes one wonder about that pot o'gold...

    Thanks for the brief respite back into summer. :)


  16. Having spent the past 17 winters in a climate that became familiar I'm a bit nervous about what we'll experience this year. The good news is that I like snow and extra good is that we have a grocery store just 2 blocks away.

    Lovely haiku, Spado.

  17. And what did you find at the end of the rainbow?

  18. I like this, Spadoman! The rainbow's end in one's own backyard.. Lovely haiku! :)

    Mine is here:

  19. i like that a pot of gold in my own backyard

  20. Thank you all for stopping by here at Round Circle. I appreciate your comments.

