Friday, October 1, 2010

Haiku My Heart Fridays, October 1, 2010

Haiku My Heart Fridays started as a creative thought from my friend Rebecca. Find out more about how you can participate, or see other examples of haiku with photos at her blog, recuerda mi corazon

Interrupting lunch
Does she know what I’m doing
In awe of beauty

This photo of a deer I stumbled upon was taken some time ago. I used this image to lead into another story I wrote earlier this week about a cabin we lived in along the beautiful shores of the Great Lake Superior. Scroll down and check it out if you'd like, there are many photos of life along the lake there.

In the meantime, I wanted to join in on the Haiku My Heart Fridays meme today, so I had some thoughts about this deer and my recollections the day I was out wandering in the woods. As you can see, there is some snow. It is an experience like this one that allows me to enjoy all four distinct seasons for what they are and what they bring us.

Peace to all


  1. Beautiful picture. Lovely haiku too.

    All the best, Boonie

  2. A talking picture....Love the expression on the deer's face and it seems to say exactly what you have written.

  3. Oh, what a lovely deer! I love the haiku you wrote for her. I am in awe of her beauty, too.

  4. Yes, she knew exactly..and therefore..what a smile on face..and got clicked too..she's so happy and so we are too..with such a lovely haiku..hey, what about you..

  5. priceless,
    the discovery of each other.

    you bring peace and beauty,and important reflection to all seasons.

    thank you....

  6. Precious moment of awareness, captured perfectly. Does she feel your reverence? I hope so.

    Peace to you~

  7. Oh dear. I'm afraid
    Rolling stones have gathered all the moss.
    Farewell, lunch.

    Pax vobiscum

  8. She seems to be studying you intently. Not necessary fearful, but watchful. Judging the situation and its risk. Probably relieved to be shot only with a camera.

  9. your blog is awesome!
    deer, paper, the cabinette
    gold dust from the man


  10. Beautiful deer and haiku-am off to look at your pictures below. Thanks for your visit!

  11. Very beautiful photo and lovely haiku to match. Our world is wonderful!

  12. One fragile, silent moment in which you and this lovely creature observe one another. I often think that animals can sense the soul in a person--perhaps that is what she ponders here..

  13. What an amazing shot and the haiku goes perfect with the image. I love it!

  14. we have a lot of deer here in the inland northwest of idaho... i never stop and gaze at their beauty... a beautiful foto... i also appreciate the distinct four seasons... a kiss

  15. Beautiful... I experienced winter in a northern state for the first time last February. I had never been in snow... and I loved it. My brother-in-law and I went hiking in the hills. I was amazed by the beauty and the silence. Thanks for sharing.

  16. Awesome photo! Your haiku asks an interesting question. does she know?

  17. What a beautiful picture.

    white tail forest child
    heart fluttering, eyes wild
    I mean you no harm.

  18. Awwwww....pretty as a picture. a picture and it is a pretty deer.

    I'm sure she didn't mind the interuption. :-)

  19. what a fantastic photo.
    deer never fail to astound me .

  20. Hmmmmm......

    No shadow photo?
    yeah, yeah.....I's fall and lots of stuff is happening.
    I'm good with that--as long as you're good.

    You're good--right? :-/

  21. Awesome haiku! She is a picture of pure innocence. Yet, I do believe she knows how taken you are with her and the beauty of the season.
