Friday, September 3, 2010

Friday Haiku, September 3, 2010

Haiku My Heart Friday is a blessing from my friend Rebecca at recuerdo mi corazon. You can find more photos and Haiku there and find out how to participate.

First day of school year
No assignments behind yet
My God seventh grade! 

The Summer break is over. Grandkids are back in school. Anna is the oldest. School started this week, on the first. The time, as usual, has flown by and Anna is in seventh grade already. I thought writing Haiku about a life event is a good way to acknowledge it. Not just for Anna, but for the rest of the family, myself included. After all, "Time and motion wait for no man." (A quote by Reggie Perrin).

The clock never stops ticking, ever, no matter what I do or anyone else does. But I do savor the memories and they can last a lifetime. They can be remembered and smiled about. I hope I'm around when Anna and I look at this post and photos and laugh about her memories of seventh grade. In the event I'm not, I have made note of it here, on these pages, and on a hard drive. Someone will have it forever.

Anna is older than her brother and sisters and starts an hour earlier.

Anna and I both wish you Peace.


  1. your peace fills me,
    as does anna's smile. i love this memory honoring haiku of yours. i love these beautiful souls growing up beside you.
    you have a way of taking me straight to the heart of all that is important and i thank you.

  2. With strength so to smile
    Through seasons fair and foul
    Worlds will not long resist

  3. And the teacher wishes magical learning to Anna and her grandpa throughout the school year!

  4. Anna's smile is a sweet, bright light.

  5. What a great way to start the school year! What a great way to honor your granddaughter. She is a beauty.

  6. Love the haiku.
    This is a really sweet post. Thanks for sharing it.

    All the best, Boonie

  7. This is third post I've read this week, sharing about their children going to school; some for the first time. And even though I don't have children of my own, I can somehow "feel" that feeling of time flying by, as they grow.

    Anna is beautiful. Great eyes and smile.

    Thank you for sharing this moment, Spadoman.

    Wishing you and your famly a wonderful holiday weekend!


  8. Great first day of school! Good luck!

  9. Happy days, Anna! You're entering an exciting and challenging time of life. It's good to have grandparents who love you unconditionally.

  10. 7th grade - soon she'll be graduating from HS! Time passages...

    Great haiku!

  11. This is a beautiful way to shore memories - using haiku as an album of great moments in our life.

  12. They grow up fast, don't they? Hope her school year goes well...

  13. Greetings my friend! Peace to you and safe, but wondrous wishes to Anna for 7th grade.

  14. thirteen years ago my eldest had his first day at school, and now he's about to start his last year

    we talked about that the other night. . .

    . . .they grow up so quickly! I'm so glad that Anna's sharing her growing up with you

    but just how do they grow up so fast?


    I didn't get where
    I am today by wond'ring
    what life's all about


  15. Oh my....she's precious. And she's a middle schooler! Gosh how fast that creeps up on a person.

    Welcome to the first week of 7th grade, Anna.
    And welcome to the g'dad who got to witness her joy....and who shared it here with us.

  16. A poignant image and memory... Your haiku perfectly captures this transient moment. All of the best to Anna, embarking on this new adventure.


  17. The English teacher in me LOVES your topic and the poet in me loves you haiku. Anna is a lucky young lady!

  18. Thank you all so very much for stopping by here at Round Circle.
    I appreciate your visit here and your kind words.

    Peace to all.

  19. oh Joe, I love this precious real life haiku. And oh my memories rush back in back to my 7th grade year..oh my...

  20. Isn't it amazing how fast kids grow up? Remember when you worried that you would never be a grownup? Hmmm.
